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Tribute to a Tributary. Wet and wild... and now with...

Re: Tribute to a Tributary. update

What size is the marine mate ? Will you be using any kind of skimmer at all ? Hmmm... Wonder if a pair of nemos would like my 30L dennerle.... hehe
Re: Tribute to a Tributary. update

Ady34 said:
im jealous, a small marine with a pair of clownfish and an anemone is something id like to have....dont tell me its been easier than planted....
in fact the Mrs. just walked past and went awww, i like that why couldnt you do something like that!
Then one of my boys walked past and said are they nemo's? can we have some....

johnski said:
That sounds like a green flag to me. Have at it!

Tank 3 is a go matey! I await the journal... some really nice seaweeds and macro algaes out there.

Antipofish said:
What size is the marine mate ? Will you be using any kind of skimmer at all ? Hmmm... Wonder if a pair of nemos would like my 30L dennerle.... hehe

Its about 35ltr chris, no skimmer etc. Honestly id say its a little small for clowns, ok when the clowns are small but need an upgrade now so considering a diy 55x55x35 before the end of the year or rehome the clowns.
Re: Tribute to a Tributary. update

Yeah thats true they would get a little large eventually. Plenty of small fish suitable though... little gobies , some of the blennies, I do miss my marine tank. (Albeit it was 4x2x2 with Giesemann lights and a Deltec AP850 skimmer lol, so not really nano !).
Re: Tribute to a Tributary. update

just just get annoyed making salt water up, dont know why its not hard.
Not sure... sell it for a dutch high tech or upgrade it..??
I really enjoy fiddling and trying new plants out which is why i think a dutch will suit me but if i get another tank my housemates will defo kick me out 🙁 guess there is space in the bedroom :idea:
Re: Tribute to a Tributary. update

Can I ask y you put clingfim over the top of the tank to start off with? I have heard of this but am unsure as of why??

Jack 🙂
Re: Tribute to a Tributary.

so did you plant what you had with no water in the tank and leave them to grow feeding off the co2 in the air? then when grown slightly you filled the tank?
Re: Tribute to a Tributary.

hey, no water in this tank, unlike a dry start which you see from time to time which is when you fill it after growing the plants. I just fancied trying an emersed set up, wabi kusa 'esk'. Has been good and bad.. guess it needs updating really.
Re: Tribute to a Tributary.

Wow yeah would love an update, I'm living the want-kusa scene at the moment. I'm actually starting a project when half my tank is out of water as the other slowly drops to the bottom. I was wondering how to start mine and was thinking about growing it all with no water and filling it up at a later date.. Do u have any advice? You seem to know what your doing 🙂

Re: Tribute to a Tributary.

Long time since i updated this. It seems to be going ok... i suffered total melt of all the 12grow plants i put in, not too sure why but it ripped through the ammania, in the space of 2 days it was all mush. I need to fill in the back right as a little empty now. Spraying twice a day and no cover any longer, still getting melt on the right but not sure why? HC is being effected now?? Moss on wood seems to be no go, it just dries out, including the moss on the right which is terrestrial so need a new plan for that too.
Re: Tribute to a Tributary.

jackrythm said:
Do u have any advice? You seem to know what your doing 🙂

Look at the update, i wish i did know what i was doing! :lol:

jackrythm said:
I was wondering how to start mine and was thinking about growing it all with no water and filling it up at a later date.. Do u have any advice?

Dry start method is quite popular (especially in the US?), never tried it myself as it also seems from what ive seen to have a few draw backs. Once you do fill with water you will get a lot of melt as the plants adapt to immersed life, this can then cause algae if not managed very heavily from day one. I have been toying with the idea of filling this tank and popping a HOB filter on but i still like the emersed aspect at the moment, maybe one day.

Google search dry start method and you will find a lot of info.

Best of luck with the project jack.

Re: Tribute to a Tributary.

easerthegeezer said:
Long time since i updated this. It seems to be going ok... i suffered total melt of all the 12grow plants i put in, not too sure why but it ripped through the ammania, in the space of 2 days it was all mush.

I've considered this issue before and think its down to lack of air movement. When you've got the tank sealed there is no air movement at all, I reckon adding a small pc fan to get the air moving would help. Alot of people do this in vivariums and see increases in plant health and growth, similar to using a korillia in a tank really.

Flooded this about a month ago as i struggled to keep the humidity up emersed, slowly recovering now. I do 99% waterchange every few days, no filter no heater. No idea what will happen to this long term but is interesting at the moment. Quite liking the algae and it being a bit wild .
Can't believe I missed this one...this looks fantastic mate, really well done.

Are you gonna stock it with owt?
Ian Holdich said:
Can't believe I missed this one...this looks fantastic mate, really well done.
Are you gonna stock it with owt?

Cheers, its a bit of an ugly ducking Ian but it seems happy now its wet.
Got some snails having a whale of a time.

Antipofish said:
Hey can I ask why 99% water change every few days ?
Since it was struggling anyway and now converting to being flooded there is plenty of dead leaves, algae etc that and no filter meant it had a mean scum. Seems to be clearing slowly so at some point ill wind them back but its not an issue as its on the window sill behind the kitchen sink 🙂

Oddly the HC has continued to creep and carpet when i expected it to reach for the sky..?
Cool. It certainly looks like its on the right road 🙂
H all,

Unread postby easerthegeezer » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:06 pm
Flooded this about a month ago as i struggled to keep the humidity up emersed, slowly recovering now. I do 99% waterchange every few days, no filter no heater. No idea what will happen to this long term but is interesting at the moment. Quite liking the algae and it being a bit wild .
Looks really good.

cheers Darrel