I can imagine you were more than a little frustrated!me too mate, trust me it wasnt the plan!! I was a pretty angry boy on sunday when it all went pear shaped. 😡
Australia to see my bros, 3 and half weeks, 2 of which diving
Nervous about my big tank being in the hands of housemates though. Dave will pop in to do water changes and ive dropped the light levels way down, growth is very slow now.
Sounds like a cool 'lads' holiday....you driving road trip or necessity....or both?
I'm sure the tank will be fine, low light will keep the plants ticking along and Dave water changing will be able to sort any issues....hopefully your housemates can feed them ok, I'm sure you've taught them well!
Appreciated mate 🙂Blue suits you mate 😉 .
Have a great holiday, look forward to your return and the rescape marathon you have planned 😉
Cheerio for now,