I agree with foxfish.Thank you @Andrew Butler and @ceg4048
Do you have a needle pump to recommend and advise on how to plug in my co2 outlet (if different to what @foxfish showed)?
As far as available pumps I'm a bit out of touch with the UK market.
Have a look at this website https://www.aquacave.com/water-pumps-powerheads/protein-skimmer-pumps.html which is an American site but it's just to show the vendors that make high quality pumps. Sicce and Reef Octopus are Italian brands so they should be available in Europe.
Definitely, whichever brand you choose, get the smallest. You don't want a strong pump because that is not the most effective.
The idea is to keep the CO2 bubles within the pinwheel for as long as possible. The more frequently the pins make contact with the bubbles, the finer the bubbles are chopped up.
If you use a strong pump with a high turnover rating the bubbles does not spend as much time in the chamber before being spat out, so they won't be as fine.
Also when looking at price, make sure that the pump assembly is sold with a "Volute" (or you may need to buy it separately).
The Volute is the cylinder that has a spud where you can attach the CO2 line.
The Volute attaches to the skimmer pump inlet and typically looks something like this:
Also, to address the question regarding noise, really there is little to no noise associated with the skimmer pump. The pump design is exactly the same as typical return pumps. It just has a different impeller. It's especially silent because of the low speed.
You can place both the solenoid and the skimmer on timers so that they shut off at about the same time.
Although I must agree with the practicality and effectiveness of foxfish's DIY design, the Skimmer is so much more cool and Star Trekkie...😛