... simply pop the bottom off the chemical filter canister and add whatever you want... either add more carbon or any other type of filtration. I have done this and added 200ml of purigen and have had good results. If you do add purigen bear in mind if you buy the big tubs youll also need a purigen bag to put it in as it is so fine itll wash out of the fluval chemical cartridge!! You can buy the smaller pre bagged purigen which works out a little more expensive in the long run, but initially less outlay. My water always suffered from a slight milkyness which has now gone since adding purigen. The flow rate has not been affected at all.
Ady, is there any reason why you cannot remove half of the carbon (and keep it for next time) and add purigen, thus having two different types of chem filtration in the cartridge ? I am assuming that if 100% carbon in there OR 100% purigen in there does not reduce flow, then 50% of each will not either.
As an aside, you don't have to splash out on a filter media bag, you can use 40denier (or above) tights, cut to size and sealed at both ends with a cable tie, although you have to remove the purigen from the tights to a tub to recharge. I bought two D&D fine filter media bags for a fiver as it will make it easier though.
Antipofish said:
Hi Ady, if my information is correct, fluval do two different grades of prefilter cartridge, the standard one supplied and a fine one. Would using the fine one help with the above problem ? I see George posted earlier that he had no issue with his CO2 even at up to 4bps.
Sorry for slightly hijacking the threat Gary, but in response to Antipofish, yeah they do two types of pre filter, and George may be using the fine type which in theory should reduce bypass of any type, helping to dissolve the c02 so you dont get a gas build up. Im using the supplied filter and decided to stick with it as it does a great job and there is very little 'dirt' bypass. I feel the fine type may be a little too fine and become clogged too quickly reducing flow and needing more frequent maintanence/replacement. Ive been alternating 2 pre filter cartridges weekly, and now after 6 months am finding they are clogging slightly faster than before and maybe need replacing.... im maybe being a little too fussy however as i like to maintain 100% flow as indicated via the in filter monitor. It would be interesting to find out from George himself though, as im unsure as to why i get a continual gas build up without even having an inline diffuser.
Either cartridge is a "no bypass" essentially, its just the microns that filter out more or less depending on the size of it. Im sure thats what you meant but it read as though the standard prefilter allowed bypass of the water. 🙂 It might be worth flicking George a PM to ask on this score though, as I think it could be that it is this which makes the difference. I like the idea of alternating. You are probably right about the finer prefilter requiring more frequent changes, but I don't see that as a problem. As you know, it takes a matter of seconds, and thats one of he HUGE appeals of this filter and why I have one arriving (either today or tomorrow I hope). I am very fussy about water quality and hate murky water of any kind. The clarity that some members on here, who do not need naming, are achieving in their water is inspiring and what I want to have in my own aquarium also
P.S. How's the new set up going Gary?