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The Root Among The Rocks

Quick update did a long maintenance session yesterday for 2.5 hours or so as ended up cleaning all the pipe work and trimming of the carpet (first carpet trim) as was getting very thick, also trimmed the rotala hra and ludwigia palustris at the rear right. the crypts that i have a load of different ones seem to be doing well and slowly but surely growing in front of the stems so will hopefully start showing a bit more, apart from that all ticking along nicely.

Changed the 5kg Fe yesterday as was right near bottom and seeing some slight bba so imagine could be caused due to fluctuating co2 so got that changed.

the small clithon corona snails seems to be ok, think i lost 2 of them but a couple i placed on one rock have never changed and just clean that rock :lol:, only trouble is when i placed on the rock on the left is they kept getting stuck in the cracks of the frodo stone.

Thanks Dean


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Hi everone been a while since last update life just going no where absolutely flying by , did trim yesterday on stems and cant belive how quick the monte carlo carpet has grown back healthier than it was. Apart from that some algae etc but doing less water changes lately only 1 every 8-10 days due to being busy, also one of the fish died and that must have added to ammonia and nitrite levels etc.

They where getting to stressed if stopped filter to feed and darting around so now i dont switch off filter.

All in all doing well, hope everyone is well and having a great year.

When i go on holiday i will not have co2 or lights on for a week so hopefully all ok.

Thanks dean


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Hi everyone hope your all well, not been around much lately just been so busy, been on family holiday then new job and house viewings as moving home so been very busy.

Today i managed to clean pipe work and give carpet a good trim as monte carlo grew crazy from last trim, took a good inch or so off the height so looks much better.

Nearly had a disaster as when filling the hose slipped and turned facing the floor and starterd poiring water infront of tank but luckily i was in living room when happend, i will try not to leave pipe above tank line so that cant happen again and hits inside of the glass.

Thanks Dean


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Nearly had a disaster as when filling the hose slipped and turned facing the floor and starterd poiring water infront of tank but luckily i was in living room when happend, i will try not to leave pipe above tank line so that cant happen again and hits inside of the glass.

Been there, crazy how much water spreads out on the ground.

Just wanted to say really enjoying the driftwood sticking out of the tank, something really satisfying about the composition 👍
Been there, crazy how much water spreads out on the ground.

Just wanted to say really enjoying the driftwood sticking out of the tank, something really satisfying about the composition 👍
Thanks appreciate the kind words, and yeah so lucky i was there as usually potter about upstairs etc when filling but no harm done 😅.

Hi everyone hope your all well, quick picture as Reds looking great, small amounts of bba on the left side but nothing tgat concerns me, also seem to loose a lot of leaves and have holes in a lot of leaves maybe a slight defficency ?

Going to give a trim this week and i will pick out all holed leaves from the buce.

Also it seems i cant keep amanos and ottos as always seem to only have a handful even though was dozen or so earlier i try to feed red peper and cucumber ver few days maybe i was lacking. Want my cherries to breed more so going to buy some of them sticks as when i put food in small glass jar the amanos swim off with it 🤣. Also foind 1 or 2 bright yellow shrimp, must have came with cherries so not sure what to do as dont want browns.

Love my little horned nerite snails eggs allover the rocks but aslong as not on glass i dont mind. All in all ticking along nicely feels like had this scape a while but been very busy with holidays and house hunting etc so been a blessing to only have one water change a week and nothing else to touch.

Thanks dean


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Quick visit to horizon today to get a few ottos and amanos and half a dozen rummy nose tetras that i have lost ,also got the version 2 aqua rio pipes and a new ADA thermometer 😫 i said to james i must have purchased about 4 since i got the tank 🤣🤣 shop is looking amazing and is great inspiration. Think want to start ramping my lights for more colour.

My montecarlo is growing crazy not long after a trim but would love more reds and more pop, my lights currently at 60 percent so going to up ot to 70 percent i think.

Also getting algae on my twinstar and my drop checker think must be staghorn and gsa going to spot dose some excel. I will add a recent pic after the trim.

Lastly i seen a small nano dark water and looked great i would love one of these 🙄


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