So here a global update regarding the stuff that is going on.
Very pleased with the new reactor. It dissolves the co2 bubbles completely so no more 'fog' in the tank and ofcourse much more effective.
Im pretty sure the new waterfall is also the cause for degassing the co2 from my water lolz. The waterfall is aprox 65cm high so the co2 has a nice time to get out of the water as well lolz. But you know, you can't have it all.
The reactor makes sure my ph is at a steady 7 with a nice dark lime colour on the co2 indicator.
The coming week im going to tweak my co2 reactor a bit more because it making a little bit of bubbly noise. I can live with it but lets see if i can make it silent.
Fish and plants are doing great and the waterfall is an nice addition.
The new crypts are doing fine and also the spiralus 'tiger' is still poppin' out new red leaves with a solid pattern.

The green leaves there are from a cryptocoryne 'balansae' and 'caudigera' for the contrast.
Regarding the small tuffs of bba and the small amounts of gsa and gda i had 2 months ago since the new twinstar gline.... Well those problems disappeared when i increased my micro and po4 dosages a bit.
All in all things go well