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The Great Mechanical Filtration Experiment

Hi all,
One thing is for sure, and that is enrage @dw1305 by using my filter as a syphon!
Consider me enraged.
Inspection shows discoloration, but certainly not clogged or full of detritus.
That is really the important thing. As long as the filter media is:
  • Being bathed in dissolved oxygen rich water, and
  • the water flowing out of the filter is still oxygenated?
That is all that matters, it doesn't really matter what the journey was.

cheers Darrel
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I’m starting to believe what Darrel has been saying all along. The best solution is a sponge on the intake pipe.
I personally am not particularly impressed with the pre filter on my Biomaster. There’s bypass going on somewhere resulting in debris covering my bio media (Siporax). The water in my tank is clear and the bio media is doing its job, but the main body of the filter is getting dirtier than it should do in my opinion. In this respect my Eheim 350 with an intake sponge is doing a better job.
I’m starting to believe what Darrel has been saying all along. The best solution is a sponge on the intake pipe.
My view from experimentation is its a good idea to have some mechanical filtration (intake pipe, pre-filter) but if you have a low bio-demand to high bio-media ratio then it becomes even less important. But, overall, I support mechanical filtration and Darrel's view.

I personally am not particularly impressed with the pre filter on my Biomaster. There’s bypass going on somewhere resulting in debris covering my bio media (Siporax). The water in my tank is clear and the bio media is doing its job, but the main body of the filter is getting dirtier than it should do in my opinion. In this respect my Eheim 350 with an intake sponge is doing a better job.
I assume you have Siporax in both the EHEIM and Oase?
Hi all,
I’m starting to believe what Darrel has been saying all along.
What do you mean <"starting to believe ..........">.
The best solution is a sponge on the intake pipe.
Honestly it is the truth, and the <"bigger the better">. Starting using the 12" x 4" x 4" Koi sponges was one of the best things I ever did.

I only started because <"Rainbow Koi"> is 10 minutes down the road, you get <"a lot of sponge for your money"> and I got too lazy to <"sew up any more foam sheets">.

cheers Darrel
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Yes on the Siporax. The last time I looked it was still quite white in the Eheim and dirty brown in the Biomaster.
I would say the dirty brown wins! 😀

My HEL-X13 goes in white, and gets brown over time. I took some out before summer (consolidation from 2 x 250 to 1 x 350) left in my wfies greenhouse and it went white again.
I used to really like those overhead filters as favoured by early aqua_one ( aquariums) Quite surprised they haven't been marketed for all aquarium general sizes, but could be done with a little DIY. You could do your mantainence in 10 or 15 minutes