That's the one Steve 🙂Panacur 10% x 100ml Liquid for Cats & Dogs
That's the one Steve 🙂Panacur 10% x 100ml Liquid for Cats & Dogs
Is there any way you can create a net barrier creating 2 separate tank areas? this would likely be the best solution for all fish involved.
Note that as the previous pair has "broken", further pairing may be with different fish.
Still no reply from the manufacturerSo sorry to read this update 🙁
If it helps, most of us have gone through bad times like this, you do something where you're hoping to improve a tank situation & instead it's a downhillslide
It's especially difficult when the product manufacturer refuses to even acknowledge contact or accept product responsibility.
There are many anecdotes on the net where products such as Melafix & Pimafix cause dramatic & severe adverse reactions ... sadly the manufacturer still won't place a warning on the label ... maybe you can write up your experience in article form & have it posted as a sticky here & on Discus forums (or create a FB page etc).
Lindy,Oh how sadbut you did everything you could to help the fish recover and used this product in good faith so don't waste energy blaming yourself. I hope the other 2 continue to make a full recovery.
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I hope so Jim, but today they disappeared behind the plants and bogwood when I went to feed them and they haven't come out yet🙁Sorry to hear of your issues Steve, I'm sure the two males will gain confidence when you approach the tank at feeding time, just need time.