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'The Full Monty' Has Left The Building last photos

Is there any way you can create a net barrier creating 2 separate tank areas? this would likely be the best solution for all fish involved.

Note that as the previous pair has "broken", further pairing may be with different fish.

Hi Alto, All,

Sadly, the question of how to put a tank divider in the tank to separate the female from the two males is no longer an issue.

The female died at around 2.30 this afternoon. I found her barely breathing at the back of the tank so I took her out and placed her in a bucket of half tank water and some warm tap water with Tap Safe put a heater and air stone in to see if she would recover. Nothing doing I'm afraid.

I feel like a fish murderer:inpain:

I am convinced that the No Planaria caused the Hypoxia and the Hypoxia killed the discus fish. 😡
So the moral of the story I think is; Do not use the No Planaria Product in a tank with Discus Fish. Be extra careful if you are injecting Co2 and dosing EI, add extra aeriation to the tank to reduce the effects of Hypoxia.

That's it for now.
So sorry to read this update 🙁

If it helps, most of us have gone through bad times like this, you do something where you're hoping to improve a tank situation & instead it's a downhillslide

It's especially difficult when the product manufacturer refuses to even acknowledge contact or accept product responsibility.

There are many anecdotes on the net where products such as Melafix & Pimafix cause dramatic & severe adverse reactions ... sadly the manufacturer still won't place a warning on the label ... maybe you can write up your experience in article form & have it posted as a sticky here & on Discus forums (or create a FB page etc).
Oh how sad but you did everything you could to help the fish recover and used this product in good faith so don't waste energy blaming yourself. I hope the other 2 continue to make a full recovery.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
So sorry to read this update 🙁

If it helps, most of us have gone through bad times like this, you do something where you're hoping to improve a tank situation & instead it's a downhillslide

It's especially difficult when the product manufacturer refuses to even acknowledge contact or accept product responsibility.

There are many anecdotes on the net where products such as Melafix & Pimafix cause dramatic & severe adverse reactions ... sadly the manufacturer still won't place a warning on the label ... maybe you can write up your experience in article form & have it posted as a sticky here & on Discus forums (or create a FB page etc).
Still no reply from the manufacturer:twisted: If you look at the website and the chemicals they apparently produce I have my doubts that the stuff is actually a natural Betel Palm nut extract. I think it something else. Maybe we could get members of UKAPS to bombard their email with requests for an explanation.


Oh how sad but you did everything you could to help the fish recover and used this product in good faith so don't waste energy blaming yourself. I hope the other 2 continue to make a full recovery.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
The remaining two males are recovering but they have gone very skittish and don't come out and swim around as much. They don't come to the front when I go to feed them which is a bit sad🙁

Sorry to hear of your issues Steve, I'm sure the two males will gain confidence when you approach the tank at feeding time, just need time.
Sorry to hear of your issues Steve, I'm sure the two males will gain confidence when you approach the tank at feeding time, just need time.
I hope so Jim, but today they disappeared behind the plants and bogwood when I went to feed them and they haven't come out yet🙁

Really bad weather here today, got bored so I have been experimenting with the US Satellite Current Plant Pro Plus LED today. The variety of settings on each colour spectrum is amazing. Trouble is there are that many variations its hard to know what is best overall.

Here are a few photos under a different light setting.









At least I haven't got any algae issues at the moment.


The discus are probably being skittish because there are only 2.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Sad to hear about the discus deaths mate. It echoes my own experiences, though not with No Planaria. A neon tetra death is just another death, but a discus death is heart crushing. Up to a point I almost gave up on discus completely. I also read about PFK forummer medicman and his experiences, he also lost a discus with no apparent reason and because of that, plus his job rotations, he's given up on discus for now. His tank is on PFK's website, which is what made me look up his forum.

I agree with Lindy... have less than 6 discus will cause them to be skittish and hide most of the time, only coming out for food.
Hi Flygia,

The thought has crossed my mind believe me, but not yet! I will give it a few more weeks to see how they get on. Still hiding most of the time, they are out when I am not in the room then they disappear when I walk up to the tank to put food in, which is not heartening.
Thanks to Lindy and everyone for the kind words.
Hi All,

The two remaining male discus having fully recovered have been sold. So is the tank now a discus-less tank? Not quite, have alook at these beauties! This is a pair of Super Red Flames that have spawned several times previously for their previous owner. I picked these up on Friday and as an adult pair have settled in very quickly, swimming around together, eating well, and have even showed signs of looking for the next potential site to spawn.

I have had some serious issues lately with discus, mostly down to putting my trust in certain products all in the name of trying to do my best to look after the environment of the fish that I am responsible for looking after. Now after these lessons, keep it simple is my motto, and keep your eye on the ball!

These pictures were taken a few hours after putting them in the tank.


Slightly subdued lighting at first using the settings on the Current US Satellite Plant Plus LED.



All plants are doing well at the moment with the exception of the Staurygene Repens to the left, yet another completely unexplained melt of their leaves.

I also spotted at least 50 eggs yesterday from the Corys on the glass, on the plants everywhere.

Updates to follow.


Well it has been a while so just time for a quick update. The Full Monty has been undergoing a bit of a transformation. It all started when I saw this huge piece of English Oak about two months ago and could not stop thinking about how it would look in my tank. It is 85 cm wide and is full of features and nooks and crannies to plant into.
I bought it and soaked it for over a week, while it was soaking I drained the tank and removed two thirds of the substrate from the front and middle sections of the tank and replaced it with gravel and fine sand. I re - planted only some of the plants and the rest are in other containers while I decide what to do with them..

The tank now looks a lot more like a natural discus biotope and the fish seem very happy. Photos to follow soon.


Hi all,

Guess what I am really crap at photography, out of all the photographs I took most of them have got massive reflections in them, they are really poor, certainly not to the standard that some guys post up on here. So I have limited it to just a few to give you an idea of what is going on. I will have to borrow my son's camera again to try and take some decent photos at night time with just the tank lights on. But here goes...





The water is still a little bit cloudy and brown looking. I have used the Easy-life Fluid Filter Medium which if it does half the things it says on the label is the the new wonder treatment for everything.


Well it has been a week now since I changed things around and put the huge piece of English Oak into the tank and changed over to a sandy substrate. I did however leave a layer of the ADA Power Sand and some of the ADA Amazonia soil under the sand along the back to plant the Aponogeton Crispus into when it arrives. All seems to be fine so far, even though the water has taken on a dark tea colour. The tannins from the wood are still coming out and there has been the odd bit of slimy fungus which I have vacuumed out as it appears.

I have got a container full of Reinecki mini and Staurygene Repens growing separately which I am also waiting to re-plant but not sure how it will grow in the sandy substrate. Anyone got any views on how this will do if I re-plant it in the sand?

Today I changed 50% of the water using a mixture of RO and HMA filtered water, before the water change the TDS was up at 330, it is now down to 230 TDS.

Here are a few pictures I took before and during the water change.

Still got more plants to fix onto this wood when I get time





I have raised this end of the wood up by putting a rock under the wood at the middle section. Now the discus can swim through the tunnel under the wood.

Kattappa leaves


view from the top under the LED light

Taking quite some time filling the tank very slowly so as not to drop the temperature

