Well Folks, I think it is finally time to
draw a line under this Journal, The Full Monty is well and truly over now, so probably best to put it to bed.
Since I invested in the Wild Discus I have had to adapt things so much for their environment that I don't think it is fair to call it a planted tank any more, at least not as we in UKAPS know it. A few weeks ago I started having some issues with a few of the discus fish, I won't go into great detail, but I lost one to 'whirling disease' and one to Hole in the Head Disease, so it was obvious something had to change.
So change it did, out came all the fish, the plants, the substrate and the water. A complete blitz clean of everything, all wiped down in an Acriflavrine solution. Then the tank was briefly dried out before putting things back in. The discus during this time were in a holding tank, all the other fish except the corys and the ottos were taken to a local LFS. The plants, those that were left were cleaned discinfected and placed in another tank while the main tank was being put back together.
First thing to go in was a good layer of ADA Penac W all over the base of the tank, followed by a good sprinkling of ADA Power Sand Special Small Grain size. Then came just over half an inch of JBL Sansibar River Sand, followed by a good sprinkling of Penac P, and lastly another 3/4 inch cover of the JBL Sansibar River Sand. Here comes the bit where everyone takes a sharp intake of breath before they make loads of tut tutting sounds.
😱I had seven or eight plant pots in neutral colours, in each of which I had put a layer of Power Sand Special, followed by a layer of JBL Special Planting Substrate. Each of these pots was seeded with clean tank water, and left until the tank was refilled.
Once the tank was refilled with 50% fresh RO and HMA filtered water and 50% retained tank water, I then re-planted all the remaining plants into the pots and topped them off with a layer of the JBL Sansibar River Sand before placing the pots in various positions around the tank.
Both filters had been left running with heaters and areation so that the tank water was in good condition and both filters kept well seeded. That said I did decide to clean one of them completely before connecting it back up to tank water again. After 24 hours the water was smelling sweet, at the right temperature, and all water parameters spot on. So in went the corys and the ottos plus a few shrimp, and left for a couple of hours to see how things were. Everything seemed to be fine so I then acclimatised the discus in a large barrel by adding tank water into the barrel and topping up the tank with HMA Water. Over the next hour or so I gradually added the discus back in and "voila" they loved their new environment, and within an hour were shoaling around exploring their now surroundings and feeding.
Strangely enough they seem to take comfort from the pots, and it is as if they are using them as 'landmarks', as coincidentally, the way the pots are situated they swim around them in a sort of 'S' bend from one side of the tank to the other.
Now I know when you read this and see all the photos, someone is going to say, "Well Steve, this doesn't look like a very 'wild' Wild Discus biotope to me, all looks a bit sort of artificial like." Well yes, you know what, they may well be right but I have seen people with bare bottomed glass tanks and plastic plants inside with both wild and domestic discus, (no offence to anyone with a bare bottom)
😉😉, so this has got to be one step better than that at least. The only thing I have done too make it slightly more natural is hang three pieces of Manzanita Wood with Java Fern and Anubias plants attached from the back of the tank. The added bonus is that it is now so easy to maintain the water quality and keep everything really clean. I can see the fish poop much easier so can vacuum it out dead easy, plus I do 50% water changes twice a week with RO/HMA water and use Tropic Marin Discus Pro Re-mineral Powder. I am adding Calcium, Magnesium, plus esHa Optima Vitamins once a week after the second water change.
I am no longer using Co2 or adding any ferts into the tank whatsoever

Water paramaters are:
Temp 28/29 degrees c
PH 6.8
KH 6
GH 11
TDS 263
So that's it folks, 'The Full Monty' has left the building.
Here are some photos of the finished tank, the photos have been taken during different phases of the LED Light change hence the difference in colour and appearance. I also took photos of the 'change over' process but haven't uploaded them yet to Photobucket.
Feel free to ask any questions.
Thanks for all your comments and support in the past.