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'The Full Monty' Has Left The Building last photos

To be fair to you, breeding any fish by accident is impressive! Nicely done

except maybe kribs and livebearers 😛
Hi all,
Fantastic, you can't beat some free fish. Are they the true Corydoras julii? The fish sold as "C. julii" is usually <"Corydoras trilineatus">. I don't know about C. julii, but C. trilineatus isn't the easiest Corydoras to raise. They need soft, clean water for successful egg development.
Here are two pictures of the plant that shot out a long stalk and has since produced three more plants on the end of it which I will be removing soon, free of charge to anyone who can collect them. I was hoping for some white flowers but no joy, although the buds are there.
Probably developed plantlets, rather than flowers, because it didn't make it to the surface. When you cut the terminal plantlet off, put it in some shallow water and it may flower.

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel,

I am pretty sure they are the Corydorus Julii or at least that was what it said on the tin when I bought them. I looked at the picture on the link you sent and they do look very much like them. I will keep the camera handy next to the tank and try and catch a few pictures of the adults and post to see what you think.

I will trim one of the plantlets off tonight and place it in a glass of water on the window ledge to see what happens.😉


Hi Red, Have just read your journal and have to say it's a great read, I found it informative in so many ways. Your tank looks fantastic with really healthy plants and fish.
I am sorry to hear that 🙁
I like your scape ( much better then main ). I will check everything and blackout should help you too. At least it's helped a lot in my tank. You can have a look on my journal what happened to my tank after holidays and I was very surprised what blackout can do 🙂

Anyway good luck hopefully you will sort it out 🙂
I had Cory trilineatus breeding in my discus tank as well. I've read in some articles that triggering them into breeding is as simple as doing a water change with water that is a few degrees colder than the in-tank temperature, to simulate a rainstorm in the wild. I didn't do that, though I think my feeding of live tubifex worms was responsible for triggering the breeding. Unfortunately they didn't grow past 2-3cm or so.


I am sorry to hear that 🙁
I like your scape ( much better then main ). I will check everything and blackout should help you too. At least it's helped a lot in my tank. You can have a look on my journal what happened to my tank after holidays and I was very surprised what blackout can do 🙂

Anyway good luck hopefully you will sort it out 🙂

Hi Vaskez,

I just viewed your journal, great looking scape. My eyes popped out😱when I saw that algae when you came back off holiday, you must have been well p"£$%^&* off, I know I would have been. You did a great job in bringing it back though so well done on that. Another lesson for everyone.


I had Cory trilineatus breeding in my discus tank as well. I've read in some articles that

Hi flygja,

Yes those are the same as mine, so not Corydorus Julii after all. I have got five babies in total and they are all doing well, about 2.5 cm big already. They swim about in a little group of their own and look so cute!



End of day three of the black out today. Just done a 50% water change and to be fair things are looking much better already.

I think I was being a bit harsh previously saying that, " I tried starting back with EI for a week and only made it worse" It was nothing to do with the EI, because I left all the NPK and Trace elements in the tank during the blackout and the Reineckii Mini has gone a dark deep red and looking gorgeous, whereas before it was looking pale pink and sort of greeny yellow, so EI has had a positive effect.

If I am being completely honest I also realised that I had miscalculated the mix for the NPK, I was working off the old measurements from my old Trigon 190 and forgot that the mixture was based on a 20 gallon tank. So when I calculated for 300 litres I tripled the mix forgetting that the previous amounts were already doubled. Now that's a b"£$$ up if ever I saw one.

During the blackout I also left the CO2 on almost permanently, at one stage the AquaMedic digital ph reader was showing 5.85 ph and I was a bit concerned that some of the fish may have karked it. But they all seemed fine today. Fed them a bit:hungry:

I think I have identified what caused it. Now that the days are longer and brighter a fair bit of sunlight gets into the room, so this combined with eight hours of 4 x 54 watt T5 tubes was far too much light I reckon. So I have rotated the reflectors so that they are almost pointing upwards, switched one light off permanently and reduced the time for the remaining light until the plants have recovered.

The black out is back on at the moment and I have re-dosed the EI NPK and will continue for all of next week to monitor how it goes. But I am feeling optimistic, especially after reading Vaskez's post about his slight algae problem when he came back off holiday.😉

Will post some photos next week sometime when hopefully things are back to normal.


Hi Vaskez,

I just viewed your journal, great looking scape. My eyes popped out😱when I saw that algae when you came back off holiday, you must have been well p"£$%^&* off, I know I would have been. You did a great job in bringing it back though so well done on that. Another lesson for everyone.



Yeah tell me I was thinking OK I am done here 😛


End of day three of the black out today. Just done a 50% water change and to be fair things are looking much better already.

I think I was being a bit harsh previously saying that, " I tried starting back with EI for a week and only made it worse" It was nothing to do with the EI, because I left all the NPK and Trace elements in the tank during the blackout and the Reineckii Mini has gone a dark deep red and looking gorgeous, whereas before it was looking pale pink and sort of greeny yellow, so EI has had a positive effect.

If I am being completely honest I also realised that I had miscalculated the mix for the NPK, I was working off the old measurements from my old Trigon 190 and forgot that the mixture was based on a 20 gallon tank. So when I calculated for 300 litres I tripled the mix forgetting that the previous amounts were already doubled. Now that's a b"£$$ up if ever I saw one.

During the blackout I also left the CO2 on almost permanently, at one stage the AquaMedic digital ph reader was showing 5.85 ph and I was a bit concerned that some of the fish may have karked it. But they all seemed fine today. Fed them a bit:hungry:

I think I have identified what caused it. Now that the days are longer and brighter a fair bit of sunlight gets into the room, so this combined with eight hours of 4 x 54 watt T5 tubes was far too much light I reckon. So I have rotated the reflectors so that they are almost pointing upwards, switched one light off permanently and reduced the time for the remaining light until the plants have recovered.

The black out is back on at the moment and I have re-dosed the EI NPK and will continue for all of next week to monitor how it goes. But I am feeling optimistic, especially after reading Vaskez's post about his slight algae problem when he came back off holiday.😉

Will post some photos next week sometime when hopefully things are back to normal.



Please post some pictures as soon as you uncover it. Hopefully it will sort it out for you. To be honest if the blackout is still on I will switch the CO2 as you do not need it at al. Also you have very expensive fish (always wanted discus) 🙂
Yes I have tried that in the past. Didn't find it too effective if I'm honest

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Hi Sk3lly,

The video says use it at a rate of 3mls per gallon. I am guessing that means US gallon because the guy doing the video is from the states. If that's the case the mixture will be different stronger or weaker I can't remember which. I think I will err on the side of caution to begin with. I have just got a 500ml bottle off tinternet so might give it try on the next water change.


Hi Vazkez,

Just got back home tonight after being out all day and uncovered the tank. Co2 has been on 24/7 for the last two days, showing 5.77 on the digital display. All the fish seem to be doing fine, just fed the discus with freeze dried Californian black worm soaked with Vitazin liquid vitamin drops they are hoping for it like crazy as usual.

The plants are all looking greener and brighter, the Echinodorus Tennellus has shot runners out Al over the place. There are still some leaves with beard and brush algae on them but looks pretty dead. I will be doing some selective leaf trimming tomorrow and then take a few photos and post them up.


I'm trying it at the moment just to clear the hardscape. it seems to work, not as quick as excell but you can treat more at one go with H2O2 and its much cheaper

Hi big clown,

What % H2o2 did you buy and how did you prepare your solution? 3ml of 3% h2o2 per gallon is what it says in the video. What I don't understand is the guy in the video uses the spray bottle under the water, when you press the lever to squirt the solution out of the bottle, when you release the lever normally air is sucked in to the spray bottle. If the bottle is under water it will pull water into the bottle instead of air which means the solution is constantly being diluted. So the solution must gradually become more and more diluted.

Any thoughts anyone?

