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'The Full Monty' Has Left The Building last photos

Hi All,

Well it has been a few weeks since the battle with the algae commenced and I am happy to say that things are looking pretty good now. I have a nephew called Joe Woollen who has set up his own film company called JPW Films and he has offered to make a film of the tank and put it up on YouTube, how could I refuse so he is coming round on Saturday. Can't wait!!😎


In the meantime here are a few pictures that I have taken over the last few weeks, some showing the eggs from the corys and others showing the discus off and the recovery of the plants.

I apologise in advance for the reflections in the photos as these were taken during the day time, and the lights go off at 7pm as the tank is still on a reduced lighting period with only two of the four 54 watt T5 tubes on.

Here is one with the Cory near where the eggs are laid


Here you can just about see a few of the eggs on the plant leaves



A full tank shot, the plants were given a huge trim a few weeks ago and are only just coming back now..


Here you can see the staurygene making a very slow comeback, these were just plastered in algae...


All the leaves on these plants were previously covered in beard and thread algae

Finally a close up of one of the Red Curipeau Discus


I will try and take some photos later tonight when there are less reflections, in the meantime, can't wait for the video shoot.


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Hi Vazkez,

Thanks, I have now got 15 Coryadorus, the original five plus ten offspring in two different sizes.

I did have a carpet of dwarf hair grass at the front but all that came out when I got the filament algae the first time around. I was thinking of planting Glossistigma as a carpeting plant around the front but decided against it as it does tend to go wild and takes some looking after.

Strangely enough there is some Hemianthus Cuba sprouting on the right hand side of the tank so i thought I would just leave that and see what happens. Not enough light on at the moment for it to thrive though. I did think about some sort of external spotlighting just on the HC to see if that had any effect but not sure what external spot light would be effective.


Hi All,

As per one of my previous posts here is the link to the video on YouTube. We had some issues with reflections because the film was done during the day time but sort of got around it using some blackout curtain.

It is perhaps not quite as good as some discus tanks you might see on YouTube but I am very pleased with it.

I hope you enjoy it,



Hi Jordi,

Thanks, I am very pleased with it but all the credit goes to my Nephew Joe Woollen at JPW Films. He used some kind of sliding platform with the camera mounted on it. He is just starting out but is doing a huge project with a film called, 'For the Love of Pugs' coming out later this year.


Hi all,

I decided to clean out the big 650T Eheim Filter this week because there were only 3 of the LED lights displayed instead of the maximum 6 for the amount of flow coming out of it.

I did all the usual and was just lifting out the last tray from the bottom of the filter and rinse it in a large container of tank water, and guess what I found wriggling about in the filter substrate? Only a baby corydorus about three quarters of an inch big. Amazing how it managed to survive so long in there, anyway it's back in the tank now with the rest, so I have got 16 now from a starting point of five.


Hi All,

Just a bit of an update...Well the 30cm hillock that I created as part of the Hardscape for the Full Monty has finally reduced itself to a ground level and is no more. The sheer weight of the mountain stone rock and constant shifting of the soil by water movement and the fish etc have flattened it out completely.

So I have removed all the Mountain stone and the Seryiu stone and am now in the process of doing a partial re-scape of 'The Full Monty'. I have cleared a fair bit of space to the left hand side of the tank and acquired a few pieces of Horn Wood, one of which is rather large with loads of nooks and crannies for planting some mosses, maybe Fissidens or any other small plants that grow on wood.

I have posted in the 'wanted' section to see if anyone has got some interesting varieties but in the meantime I would welcome any suggestions for plants to tie to this wood. I will try and post some photographs later this week.

Many thanks,

Next week I am taking out all the Rummy Nose Tetras and the Diamond Neons and ten of the corydorus and they will be up for sale for £1.00 each. So you could get 20 full size Rummy Nose a Tetras for £20.00, same goes for the Diamond Neons, £10.00 for 10 Corey's. Sorry but these will be for collection only, I will be catching them the night before sale and bagging them up, so whoever buys them will need to collect them early the next morning.


Hi All,

Well the partial rescape of The Full Monty is sort of finished. Many thanks to Tim and Ryan for all the moss they sent to me, lovely chunk of Fissidens and a massive portion of Weeping Moss. Donation to UKAPS on its way guys, cheers!😉

The reason the rescape is not quite finished is because the very large piece of Hornwood I got from Jim at TGM was still floating after two weeks of soaking it in a barrel. I tried boiling water, weighing it down with rocks all the usual stuff but it still would not sink completely. But because I had all the moss and my other pieces of Hornwood were already in the tank I decided to go for it anyway.

The finished result is not yet how I want it because I can't position the wood exactly where I want it yet, but it's not looking too bad. I just took some photos with my phone and am uploading them to Photobucket now.

Here is the ginormous portion of Weeping Moss I got off Tim.


And the Fissidens off Ryan.


This is the big piece of Hornwood measuring 62 cm from tip to tip

Only a small photo of this because the blown up one was very blurred..

Here is the wood in the tank, sorry about the photo quality, the Twinstar kicked in and the lighting is not brilliant. As soon as things settle down a bit I will take some decent photos and re-post later in the week.




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Guess what? I have just discovered an amazing new Discus Food that I was previously totally unaware of....it's called Utricularia Graminifolia!!

I just finished planting six clumps of this as a foreground carpet, (if it survives). Lots of loose bits have been floating round the tank and the Discus are eating it like it was their favourite food. It is brilliant! Which means that when I trim the Utricularia Graminifolia I can just leave the bits floating round for the Discus to eat. How good is that?

Well chuffed!
