Hi All,
Well it has been a few weeks since the battle with the algae commenced and I am happy to say that things are looking pretty good now. I have a nephew called Joe Woollen who has set up his own film company called JPW Films and he has offered to make a film of the tank and put it up on YouTube, how could I refuse so he is coming round on Saturday. Can't wait!!
In the meantime here are a few pictures that I have taken over the last few weeks, some showing the eggs from the corys and others showing the discus off and the recovery of the plants.
I apologise in advance for the reflections in the photos as these were taken during the day time, and the lights go off at 7pm as the tank is still on a reduced lighting period with only two of the four 54 watt T5 tubes on.
Here is one with the Cory near where the eggs are laid
Here you can just about see a few of the eggs on the plant leaves
A full tank shot, the plants were given a huge trim a few weeks ago and are only just coming back now..
Here you can see the staurygene making a very slow comeback, these were just plastered in algae...
All the leaves on these plants were previously covered in beard and thread algae
Finally a close up of one of the Red Curipeau Discus
I will try and take some photos later tonight when there are less reflections, in the meantime, can't wait for the video shoot.