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'The Full Monty' Has Left The Building last photos

Do the jets reach the front pane with some oomph? (when above water)

Hi Edvet,
No, as they are at the moment they just about reach half way when above the water. I have observed the movement of the Co2 bubbles from every angle of the tank to see where they are reaching, from my observations it would appear that they are reaching every corner, left to right and front to back. But this is being aided by the water movement from the second filter.


Well, maybe you had the holes pointing down when you took those photos because it looks weak. If that's the case you should reorient the holes so that they are pointing at the horizontal.


Hi Clive,

Yes you are right they are definitely pointing downwards, I deliberately pointed them downwards thinking that that would achieve a state where the Co2 enriched water would make its way easier down to the substrate level.

Is this not correct? How does having them horizontal improve the flow to the substrate.

More than happy to adjust if it is going to make a difference. 🙂


Thanks for sending me the links Clive,

I have always said that anything not written somewhere on this site is not worth knowing about.😉

I have read the details in the two threads and it all makes perfect sense. I will adjust them on the next water change when I will also be replacing the Fluval tubing which has gone white with some black piping.

Pictures to come soon post blackout. I had a peak yesterday, there has definitely been some improvement, but I think by adjusting the angle of the spray bar will make a difference. I also need to do some pruning and remove quite a few leaves that have had it.


So all being well, by this time tomorrow night I will have my discus all in the tank!

3 x Blue Diamonds, 2 x Blue Snakeskins from Chris Ingham at Plymouth Discus.

3 x Royal Reds crossed with Red Curipea, and 2 x Red Curipea from Steve Punchard in Clitheroe.

So ten in total all around the 2.5 to 3.5 inch size, can't wait to see these guys shoaling across the tank!!


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Hi Steveo, tbh with you your pushing it with the 10 discus, once you factor in substrate, rocks and once the plants are fully grown that's no where near enough space for 10 discus mate, one thing I pride myself on is my discus knowledge , I kept them for 6 years and learned a lot, 7 max in that tank mate.
Quote "Hi Steveo, tbh with you your pushing it with the 10 discus, once you factor in substrate, rocks and once the plants are fully grown that's no where near enough space for 10 discus mate, one thing I pride myself on is my discus knowledge , I kept them for 6 years and learned a lot, 7 max in that tank mate"

Yes I hear what you are saying, but I also hear what a lot of other people are saying. Some discus breeders I have spoken with have read this journal and know exactly what the set up is like and they have still said as many as 15 or 20 discus depending on who you talk to. When people start talking about 10 gallons per discus fish, I always believe they are referring to fully grown adults, feeding on lots of beefheart etc. I am also relying on my own 10 years of discus keeping previously, so, I have gone for somewhere in the middle with 10.

I have gone for ten based on the fact that they are only 2.5 to 3 inches in size and they won't be eating much if any beefheart, I am going with a multi varied diet using one of Chris Ingham's Discus Delight boxes from Plymouth Discus. See link below for what is included.


As they develop and grow I will keep an eye on them, and at any time I think that the sizes are too big for that many and the tank is not coping with it, rather than harm or stress the fish out I will reduce by maybe 1, 2 or 3 depending.

I appreciate your concerns, time will tell if I made a mistake not, but I will sell a few off if there are signs of problems, for now I need them to shoal together and you need a decent group for them to feel comfortable enough to do this.


depends on filter, I've been to a big German discus breeder, behind the screen, there can be a lot more in a tank, all depends on filter/water quality.

Cheers Edvet,

I kept and successfully bred discus in Germany for nearly 10 years, where was the discus breeder you went to?


I know you think I was prob a bit harsh mate but they're gonna grow and honestly wouldn't go higher than 7 and they're also best kept in odd numbers, can't remember why.

Also mate it's more than 10G a discus as imagine a fully grown side plate size discus in a 40L cube?
Yeah I don't want to appear as if I don't appreciate your advice because I know you mean well, but all ten are in now so I will see how they get on over the next few weeks. My theory is that when adding discus to you tank you should always add them together so that none of them get territorial. If I had only bough five and kept them for a couple of weeks and then decided I wanted more, it would have been too late because the others will have claimed the space. I can always take one or two out in a few weeks time, but adding one or two in a few weeks time wouldn't work.

Besides they tend to eat better when there is a good group because they feel more secure.

I am just waiting for the pictures to finish uploading from the unpacking, not got any decent pics yet of the fish, I think its a bit too early to start photographing them.

One thing I can tell everyone is that the ones from Steve Punchard are a very big 2.5 to 3 inches compared to the ones from Plymouth Discus, there is quite a size difference, but they have all got good colour though.


Started uploading some photos to Flickr over an hours ago, still waiting.

Took these on my phone and uploaded to Photobucket 10 minutes ago, not great quality because I used my phone to take the pictures, the others are with my sons camera and should be higher quality.

Will be taking some more tomorrow after things have settled down.





Hi Edvet,

I agree Stendker has a great reputation, I would love to visit them next time I am in Germany...



Well folks what a busy few days I've had over the weekend. Water changes, trying to feed them all, checking all the water parameters, I'd forgotten that it can almost be a full time job!

As things have turned out, the discus I got from Steve Punchard are considerably bigger than the fish I got from Plymouth Discus, more like three and a half inches to four inches than 2.5 inches. It hasn't stopped them all shoaling together though which is a great sight when it happens.

Feeding them is my main concern at the moment and getting them used to a planted environment with other fish in that they have never seen before. Its early days but getting them to recognise the flake and granules as food is a bit frustrating. Especially when the Rummy Nose Tetras and the diamond Tetras are eating t like crazy. The Blue Diamonds are a brilliant colour although slightly small and I may struggle with them more than the others, the Blue Snakeskins are gorgeous.

I don't want to offer them frozen bloodworm for all the obvious reasons and I am set against beef heart for the time being. I did try them on live Brine Shrimp which they all went after, but a lot were eaten by the other fish in the tank before the discus really knew they were there. I might try feeding the other fish first on other food until they are full, then pop the live food in. I will be looking on the internet to see what alternative live foods are available, white worm, etc. but I don't want them to become solely reliant on this as a food source.

I am probably going to invest in a HMA Filter as well, I threw my old RO unit out a year or two ago after it had not been used for a long time.

I also have a feeling that I am going to have to provide a bit more cover or shelter in the form of roots or branches so that they don't get too spooked when all the lights come on.

Any suggestions or comments welcome, or anything to maintain or improve the welfare of the fish much appreciated.

As soon as I get some decent pictures of them shoaling together I will post them up.


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