What about a lighting controller? The more shade they have the less likely they'll come out in the open.
Hi Steve,
I was always thinking about something loke this :
Can't wait for the pictures btw 🙂
Wow what a greta link to a site with really good suggestions on layout. I am going to have to have a think about this.
Nice tank Edvet 🙂
What about a lighting controller? The more shade they have the less likely they'll come out in the open.
I think really it's just a cheap high quality protein source. I don't know exactly, but like you've mentioned crustaceans and small shrimp, I'm guessing 80% of their diet in the wild consists of high protein food with the odd vegetable snack thrown in.
You can easily and cheaply make your own beefheart mix, that's what I do. It includes prawns, garlic, spinach, oats, regular flakes and of couse beefheart. Just freeze it and you have quite a few months supply of high quality food.
I don't what you mean by the mess it creates in a planted tank, but I've been fine and I suppose that would come down to you and how much you throw in.
Let me know if you want the recipe anyway.
Feed them bloodworm then? The tetra will struggle to gobble that down before the discus do, I can see this having problem after problem. Feed them what they want to eat, they are going to out grow your tank whether you feed them flake or frozen but the flake will stunt them longer. Discus are big fish, drop the numbers to 7, feed well, stick to one other species of schooling fish like cardinals and they'll settle, discus look to cardinals as an early warning.
Live food live food live food Live food live food live food Live food live food live foodLive food live food live food🙂
Not sure what these are.Assellus and or Hyalella
I'm not at home at the moment but I'll post the recipe as soon as I can.