Sorry I’m a bit late at posting this but I’ve just got back from a week away…
Anyway, you may well know that the UK Aquatic Plant Society had their debut public outing at the Festival of Fishkeeping recently.
I’d like to think it was a successful event and we achieved our primary goal of increasing the awareness of the UK planted tank and aquascaping scene.
Highlights for me were chatting with the public and sharing my passion for all thing planted tank related. I talked with anyone and everyone from 6 year-old children to 85 year-old veterans.
I was amazed to see how much interest we generated, a reflection I’d like to think of our enthusiasm and dare I say, professionalism.
Being filmed in front of a sizeable audience was in interesting experience too. Especially after 4 hours sleep and too much beer…
There are too many people to thank but those who did know who they are, so thanks!
Roll on the Festival of Fishkeeping 2008.

Friday night – ‘The calm before the storm’

Saturday’s live aquascaping display draws the crowds

Me, trying desperately to make aquascaping in milk look and sound interesting

Display tank – pre-background

Display tank – post-background, 24hrs after ‘scaping.

A ‘jaunty’ angle


(L-R) Graeme Edwards, Dan Crawford, and some geek with glasses…

Dan at work

PFK Deputy Editor, Jeremy Gay, chats with Dan and Graeme

Graeme Edwards ‘scaping the pico using Light Pagoda rock from Aqua Essentials and plants from Plants Alive

Full pico shot

UKAPS entry for Society Furnished Aquaria Contest. We finished 3rd and lost to two “fish†tanks. We’ll do better next year, but refuse to ‘sell-out’ to gawdy fish…

Thanks to our sponsors…