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we'll be setting up on friday, from whenever we get there in the later afternoon up until midnight. Im not sure on opening times over the weekend, George can answer that one!

Be glad to see anyone there on Sat/Sun.. I think were ok for setting up though, but George or Dan can confirm that.
Thanks for the offer Sam, we should be fine on the Friday but it would be nice to see you on Saturday. I'm really lookin forward to it. I'm not too sure on what time it opens although i'm quite sure that when it does open will be too early for me so i'll be the guy in the corner with the hangover of death looking rough! lol
Dave - the rocks looks awesome, thanks. I think we're ok though, I have 50Kg of leapord stone and light pagoda from AE.

If you do come you could bring them anyway on the Saturday and see how they look realtime. Be great to meet you too, of course.

Themuleous said:
Right ho. The offer stands if needed 🙂


Cheers mate.

Opens to the public Saturday 9am.

You can make the tea/coffee! 😉

...and beer once I've finished 'scaping! 😀

Be great to meet you, Sam.
lol. one spoon of coffee, hoever many sugars and a splash of milk (or not) cant be easier mate lol.

looking forward to seeing you all again. should be a great day.

Don't forget, the festival is this weekend.

Be there, or be square! You won't want to miss out on seeing our UKAPS stand, trust me...

If you can make it, please do. If I'm in a good mood I'll even buy you beer... 😀
I could have sworn it was a week this Saturday! I`m working this weekend. :cry:

I could have sworn it was a week this Saturday! I`m working this weekend.
I hope not or else i'm in real big trouble! :shock:

one spoon of coffee, hoever many sugars and a splash of milk (or not) cant be easier mate lol.
Jim, you have to add the milk FIRST or else it's just BAD! lol.

You won't want to miss out on seeing our UKAPS stand, trust me..
Like George said, you don't wanna miss the stand. Alls that i can say is "i'll be pround to be wearing my UKAPS t-shirt!"
If there was any competition - "you'd better watch out!" UKAPS has landed baby!
Can you tell i'm excited?
Im quite partial to the fruit tea, ya know the posh ones, Thwyning dont you know.
One likes honey in ones fruit tea.

Oh, for all, ill be there from friday, so be good to see you. Me, Dan, Matt and Goerge are gana mash that place up lol.