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Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Yup, google "crypt melt" its a common thing with crypts.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

It will recover. Just takes a few weeks to adapt to the new water and it will throw off new shoots again. The leaves that melted wouldn't grow back miraculously though. lol
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Update today...

Unfortunately, one of my Harle's died the other night in QT after trying to treat it for redness to the body and white growth one one side.

Anyway, the plants seem to be doing better now I've got the CO2 and lights automated. They're bubbling slowly, although the Anubias seems to bubble more than the rest.

I'm trying to keep on top of the lose plants that come free, but it's a hard task! Some of the leaves have started to get holes in them for some reason, and those near the gravel are going a bit brown like the brown algae on new tanks.

The good news is that some of the carpeting plants have sent out runners already and new bits coming through the gravel.

The Crypts are starting to take hold now and the "melt" has seemed to have stopped.

I'm going away for the weekend, so hopefully, they'll be ok when I get back.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Got back, no problems with the fish.

Although everything is covered in the brown algae from new tanks. It's now covering everything. So am going to get out the gravel vac to try and clear it and do a water change as there's a oily film on the surface.

There seems to be some black/brown thin algae (?) growing from the leaves of some plants now :?

Other than that, there's new crypt growth 🙂
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Superman said:
Got back, no problems with the fish.

Although everything is covered in the brown algae from new tanks. It's now covering everything. So am going to get out the gravel vac to try and clear it and do a water change as there's a oily film on the surface.

There seems to be some black/brown thin algae (?) growing from the leaves of some plants now :?

Other than that, there's new crypt growth 🙂

I suspect you need to increase your CO2 injection rate. Also I'm not seeing where you specified your dosing. Maybe you could let us know what your dosing scheme is and we can help troubleshoot. Not really certain regarding your descriptions of algae types. Could you checker JamesC algae guide and advise? http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/algae.htm

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Superman said:
Looks like Oedogonium to me using those photos.
I've increased the CO2 and need to get a Co2 checker thingy.
I had the same problem in my tank, and I just followed the advice that "cegipedia" offered and its looking great now, and I didn't need to up the CO2, just needed to up the dosing and added Easycarbo (5ml per day in my tank by Georges recomendation), have at the link in my sig and then you can see the difference in just a week.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I don't add anything to the water like ferts.

I have the Tropica planted substrate under the gravel. There's new growth on nearly all types of plants now, so they're taking, maybe not quick enough.

I've got about 1.5 bubbles per second running for the CO2.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

You really need ferts, the substrate alone is not enough, they might get some growth now but will decline in the long run.
Light and CO2 will push the growth but without ferts to feed them is pretty pointless, but I will let someone with more experience answer that.

Dry ferts are pretty cheap and will last you a long time, if you want an easier option try TPN+ but that will work out more expensive in the long run.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

You will need the following dry ferts:

KN03 (Potassium Nitrate), KH2P04 (Mono Potassium Phosphate) and Trace Mix.
I also add K2S04 (Potassium Sulfate) but some claim to be optional.
You might want to also buy some Easycarbo to help with the algea issues, AE sells all these.

How big is your tank in gallons/liters?
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Superman said:
Looks like Oedogonium to me using those photos.

I've increased the CO2 and need to get a Co2 checker thingy.

Yep, I think it would be a good idea. 😉

Dry powders can be bought here=> http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/index.p ... th=145_146
If you think that you'd prefer the all-in-one solution AE also sell TPN+=> http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/index.p ... lter_id=48

Might also want to check a couple threads when you have the opportunity:

1. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1275
2. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1211
3. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=467
4. viewtopic.php?f=19&t=905

Lots of reading but worth the energy. 😀

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

If you see too many bubbles reaching the surface from the diffuser, try moving it to under the filter input. This will suck up any stray bubbles and give better difusion. Too many bubbles though and your filter might start burping....
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

beeky said:
If you see too many bubbles reaching the surface from the diffuser, try moving it to under the filter input. This will suck up any stray bubbles and give better difusion. Too many bubbles though and your filter might start burping....

There are a few bubbles that get to the surface. Didn't realise putting it under the filter input will improve things but will give it a go.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Not sure how it will work with the jewel internal filter, but worth a go 🙂 I can't see it causing the filter a problem, as it's just a powerhead at the top of a load of sponge. Might work better than going into a canister even, if the CO2 is trapped in the sponge?