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Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Great job. It should look amazing once grown in. I agree with the comments about the vallis. I think it's look better if there were some sections that were more thickly planted than the other parts to break up the linear fashion. As was said though it'll change as it grows in.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Hi Superman, its a nice start for your first effort but i would put more plants in if you have them, then you will have more chance to beat any algae issues that may/will arise,regards john.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Really really good Clark, I can't wait to see how this comes on, how did you find scaping the tank in the end, fun I hope?
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Garuf said:
Really really good Clark, I can't wait to see how this comes on, how did you find scaping the tank in the end, fun I hope?
Thanks fella.

I have enjoyed scaping the tank, helps that I've been thinking of what to do since our visit to TGM so taken the time out and not rushed things.

I'm just very chuffed that it looks so good.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Yeah I know how you feel, I'm glad its come through for you though, can't beat getting through those first tank nerves. just keep the Co2 high and dosing good so everything grows in nice and fast and you might get lucky and miss the dreaded algae monster. 🙂
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Garuf said:
Yeah I know how you feel, I'm glad its come through for you though, can't beat getting through those first tank nerves. just keep the Co2 high and dosing good so everything grows in nice and fast and you might get lucky and miss the dreaded algae monster. 🙂

I've managed to get two plug timers now, at the min, the lights are on from about 4pm till 10:30pm. Is that long enough?

Whats the best time to have my CO2 switched on? It's running at 1bps at the min.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Co2 to come on an hour before lights and go of at the same time as the lights do, I can't work out your photoperiod but I'd be aiming for 8 hours, once everything is well grown in you can up it to 10 hours.
Make sure you check your timers every week I've known them to stop working without warning and lead to almost gassing fish or running the tank minus co2.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Today I swapped my danios and tiger barbs plus £20 for 20 harlequin rasboras and 10 cherry shrimp at the LFS.

Some photos...

Cherry Shrimp


Harlequin Rasboras

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Excellent 🙂 Harlies seem to be having a real come back lately. I'd read they were sort of bread and butter fish, like neon tetra but they seem to be getting a new appreciation 🙂

Oh, you might benefit from lowering your diffuser so the bubbles have further to travel before being hit by the outflow 🙂
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

I was going to say the same thing. This scape pretty much feels like a fusion between the demo tank from TGM and george 120cm.

I can't wait for it to grow out. considering the fact there is anubias and crypt in the tank I think it will take a good 6 months before the tank is complete. Hence the reason why I hate slow growing plants
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

All of supermans plants are of George, It could be that they're crypts then yes, it would be normal.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

The crypt is probably just melting down due to sudden change in enviroment. Or it could have been easily bruised during packing and delivering (which can't be helped) and now it's kinda showing up. Lots of delicate stem plants suffer the same when I rescape my tank.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

daniel19831123 said:
The crypt is probably just melting down due to sudden change in enviroment. Or it could have been easily bruised during packing and delivering (which can't be helped) and now it's kinda showing up. Lots of delicate stem plants suffer the same when I rescape my tank.
Will it recover?