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Stu's 90x45x45cm - Wave Island - IAPLC 2013 rank 82

lol, weeing moss!

Superb mate! One of most favourites on here... And most ever in fact - The eBay purchase at the side looks the Business too, what are they like... Worth the money? And easy to work on?
Thanks Gary. Re the filter its very nice, bomb proof and filters as it should. The pump is super powerful when pulling through thin air where other pumps would cavitate and stop so handy for water changes where you get air in the pipe. As for the cost I wouldnt personally pay full price for it and as you can guess an es-600 is better suited to a 60cm tank. I certainly wouldnt run it on its own on a 90cm which is where the eheim kicks in. The tank however came on leaps and bounds after fitting a second filter with full flow around the tank and not many dead spots.

Apols for the lack of updates.

got a quick shot from tonight. trying to improve my tank shots with a big white diffuser for an IAPLC photo and final photos for Tropica before this comes down.

90x45x45 planted tank by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr
Hi Stu.

That photo is insane! Incredible in every way. The 'scape (from that shot) is also looking very sweet indeed. Another good result in the IAPLC beckons, I'm sure.

Can you share your photo technique, please? Lighting and EXIF data... 🙂
Very very nice indeed! It would be great if you share with us the secret behind the diffuser (not the CO2 one) 🙂

I wonder....what you gonna do with all this ribbons in your living room.....?
Nice shot the Stu! Looks the business!
Cheers Ian 🙂

Hi Stu.

That photo is insane! Incredible in every way. The 'scape (from that shot) is also looking very sweet indeed. Another good result in the IAPLC beckons, I'm sure.

Can you share your photo technique, please? Lighting and EXIF data... 🙂
Thanks George. I dont know about IAPLC this time, there is no sand after all so wont do too well!

The pic was 160th sec @ F8, ISO 100 so no noise and shot at 16mm. Ive taken a pic on the phone of the lighting setup so will post it up. its easier to see than describe!

Very very nice indeed! It would be great if you share with us the secret behind the diffuser (not the CO2 one) 🙂

I wonder....what you gonna do with all this ribbons in your living room.....?
Ta Antoni. yep as above ill post some pics of the diffuser.

and ribbons?
Ribbons from ADA and AGA.....😵
ah ribbons! Ive only got one from AGA 😉

Superb photography, superb plant health, and beckfordi pencils one of my favourite fish only downside to this scape stu, you don't post enough pics 🙂
Cheers Tim and apologies. more to come i think. it will be a shame to tear this one down.
Looking very healthy Stu, great scaping and great fish too 🙂 :clap: :thumbup:
Lovely. Utterly lovely.

Great photography too. I work in a photo studio in London with one of the best advertising still life photographers in the UK. I am absolutely hopeless with a camera though, so if my tank ever gets to a decent enough place to warrant a good picture, I'll ask him.
Great Shot Stu! Love the fishes somehow different what we usually see. And the tank is crystal clear. Love that!
I was skeptic at the beginning of the large stones, but the mosses nicely filled up the space since then and the whole tank looks awesome now.

Great stuff my friend 🙂
The last pic you have taken is very nice !
I love the feeling it gives !
When will be the final shot ?
Thanks. one will go to IAPLC and another to Tropica so whichever publishes first 🙂

Superb photography, fitting for a superb scape!
Stunning Stu. Really, really great 🙂
Looking very healthy Stu, great scaping and great fish too 🙂 :clap: :thumbup:
Lovely. Utterly lovely.

Great photography too. I work in a photo studio in London with one of the best advertising still life photographers in the UK. I am absolutely hopeless with a camera though, so if my tank ever gets to a decent enough place to warrant a good picture, I'll ask him.
Cheers All 🙂
Great Shot Stu! Love the fishes somehow different what we usually see. And the tank is crystal clear. Love that!
I was skeptic at the beginning of the large stones, but the mosses nicely filled up the space since then and the whole tank looks awesome now.

Great stuff my friend 🙂
Hey thanks Viktor. Yes the design did have the holes initially but I was confident theyd eventually get filled. I love how you can plant a small amount of HC on some wood then a few months later it makes a nice dome of colour halfway up the tank 🙂
Out of interest Stu, are they Purple are are they "Black" harlequins?
They were sold as purple harlequins from TGM Steve
oops, forgot the lighting setup.

Heres the diy rig below

flash setup by Stu Worrall Photography, on Flickr

its angled so you dont get the horrid white line against the back wall as I didnt have any extra flashes to highlight the back. Its also angled so I could fit a hairdryer blast in 🙂

A white foam board was placed in front of this so I didnt get any flare in the camera lens.
Slightly scary with expensive flashguns hanging over the tank like that! That's something I've been thinking of trying also, just haven't had enough motivation to.