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Stu's 90x45x45cm - Wave Island - IAPLC 2013 rank 82

Love it Stu, the tank looks great and seeing the full setup now makes me want to get a new tank! lol I saw a light that yours on ebay for £200 last week, was very tempted to get until I read you need to replace the bulb often at hundred quid a pop! is that true?
Thanks Paulo 🙂 Re the light unfortunately yes 🙁 However whether it actually needs replacing is another thing. The bulb in mine ran for 2 years before exploding so I had to change it!

When I bought it it was either that or a bulky luminaire as LED's didnt exist for this size tank then. Now I'd probably go with LED as I loved the ones George has had and the new kessil? ones

ive even considered if I could remove the innards from the solar 1 and replace it with two angled LED tiles 🙂
awesome scape. BTW the water in the Alwen is possibly the coldest water I've ever known without actually being ice! had a dip in there once when visiting a friend in Ceregedridion!
Awesome Stu, just awesome.

Interesting about the tropica ferts, i thought like others that the specialised contained all the essential nutrients and was just like Premium but with added n & p.....would be good to find out what else is in the premium and why its best to use both.

Awesome Stu, just awesome.

Interesting about the tropica ferts, i thought like others that the specialised contained all the essential nutrients and was just like Premium but with added n & p.....would be good to find out what else is in the premium and why its best to use both.


I suppose it's a little like doing the old school EI dosing isn't it? Doesn't the normal stuff just have a higher iron content?
awesome scape. BTW the water in the Alwen is possibly the coldest water I've ever known without actually being ice! had a dip in there once when visiting a friend in Ceregedridion!
Lol! youre a braver man than me. That lake always looks impossibly freezing!

Awesome Stu, just awesome.

Interesting about the tropica ferts, i thought like others that the specialised contained all the essential nutrients and was just like Premium but with added n & p.....would be good to find out what else is in the premium and why its best to use both.

Cheers Ady. Im sure its probably a colonels secret receipe but james' TPN mixture will be pretty close. I think Tropica have increased the concentration in the new stuff which is better.

Wow! That looks so cool, good luck finding your red cherry shrimp in there!:lol: Although, it is nicer to be able to see hardscape and seperate species of plants!
Thanks James, yes did have trouble locating them as theres loads of places to hide!

looks amazing stu absolutely stunning :clap:

Absolutely stunning Stu, this made me stop and look in awe for a while.

Top skills mate.

OMG...That chaos is just superb! Don`t you dare Stu, you are making me consider to go back to high-lights again with that tank of yours!! Well, I just couldn`t create such...
Cheers Dean, Nathaniel and raven much appreciated

Raven, you know it makes sense to have at least one tank on hi-tech 😉

Now somebody point out something wrong with it so I can go and fix it 🙂

Im currently building a panel diffuser to go over than tank for photos. No not a co2 difuser but a big piece of white material to go over the tank that I can fire flashes and the solar1 through. At the moment the point light from the solar 1 is a bit too contrasty and leaves quite heavy shadows in places. Id love to have a spare 4x39cm luminaire to go over the top for photos
Superb mate! One of most favourites on here... And most ever in fact - The eBay purchase at the side looks the Business too, what are they like... Worth the money? And easy to work on?