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Stu's 90x45x45 Apalala Shore - IAPLC 2012 #114 - AGA 2012 #3

Stu Worrall

7 Sep 2008
Flintshire, North Wales
Following on from this last scape which to be honest got too grown in.

Final photo for IAPLC 2011 - #577 - The Unknown Valley

The Unknown Valley Stu Worrall - 90x45x45c IAPLC 2011 - #577 by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

Ive now stripped the tank down and started on a new design.

this time its Dragon Stone and Manzi 🙂


Hardscape: Dragon Stone
Co2: Pressurised via diffuser
Lighting: ADA Solar 1 - 150w NA Green
Filtration: Tetratec EX1200
Heating: Hydor 300W External heater
Substrate: ADA Nile Sand, ADA Power Sand with ADA Amazonia, Pummice bags to heighten the back cheaply!
Ferts per day: EI 90ml
Critters: Red Cherry Shrimp, Cherry Barbs, Rasbora
plants to include - Java Narrow Ferns, tennelus, hairgrass (both types, fissidens, mosses
, HC, Crypts, Anubias, Bolbitus, Hydrocoytl SP Japan, stems at the back

Here are some pics from the setup which is still ongoing, feel free to tell me if there's something you don't like. Bare in mind the back will be filled with stems to get extra height and there are a few more stones and bits of wood to go in yet.

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

90x45x45cm Planted Tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

Wow! That wood looks great with the rocks Stu, very natural looking indeed - if I were to be looking through an underwater window in the river that would be what I'd expect to see.
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

Great hardscape mate.

Unique without being unnatural-looking; a tough combination to achieve.
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

What a fab piece of wood, and beautifully incorporated into the whole 'scape. Where do you get the bags of pumice stone from? Or is it something you put together yourself?
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

Arana said:
Loving the hardscape :thumbup: :clap:
mitchelllawson said:
Looks great without plants!!
skeletonw00t said:
Looks awesome! loads of depth even without any plants.
thanks :thumbup: Lets hope the plants make it look better!

sarahtermite said:
What a fab piece of wood, and beautifully incorporated into the whole 'scape. Where do you get the bags of pumice stone from? Or is it something you put together yourself?
Thanks sarah. The pumice is from here - http://www.greendragonbonsai.co.uk/BONSAI_SOIL_AT_GREEN_DRAGON_BONSAI.htm and the bags are my wifes old cut up tights (shhhh, don't tell her!)

George Farmer said:
Great hardscape mate.

Unique without being unnatural-looking; a tough combination to achieve.
Cheers George :thumbup: Trying to get the layer direction in proper order but also putting in height and direction changes is most difficult!
Gary Nelson said:
Wow! That wood looks great with the rocks Stu, very natural looking indeed - if I were to be looking through an underwater window in the river that would be what I'd expect to see.
Cheers Gary. off to finish it off now before planting tomorrow 🙂

viktorlantos said:
Very nice start Stu. This will be cool for sure. The wood works perfectly with the stones.
Thanks Viktor. I think some of the pieces of manzi and dragon were made to fit together!
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

Looking great Stu, always good to have a new start, looking forward to the planting 😉
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

the wood, specifically the horizontal straight section on the left - will you leave it exposed, free floating over the hardscape?
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

Arana said:
:lol: I have two pairs, a small and a large 😀 Very useful for taking the square ends off driftwood for your tank to make it look more natural.

darren636 said:
the wood, specifically the horizontal straight section on the left - will you leave it exposed, free floating over the hardscape?
Its a little deeper now as there is more AS but it is designed to have anubias tied on and it will have crypts and hairgrass planted around it.

LondonDragon said:
Looking great Stu, always good to have a new start, looking forward to the planting 😉
Cheers Paulo, I've got 3 types of stems for the background so something new for me to try.
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

I added some more rock and wood lat night. not sure if I've overdone it so opinions please as I'm not sure on the big piece of wood on the far right which goes over the valley then lifts back up to point upwards in the right of the tank?

anyway, some more hardscape pics. Ive also started with wrapping moss onto flat slate last night 🙂

90x45x45 Aquascape design by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

View from an angle

90x45x45 Aquascape design by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

view from the side to show the depth. Plenty of room at the back to put ferns then stems.

90x45x45 Aquascape design by Stu Worrall, on Flickr


90x45x45 Aquascape design by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

arty farty one

90x45x45 Aquascape design by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

new wood and rock on the top left

90x45x45 Aquascape design by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

Through the valley

90x45x45 Aquascape design by Stu Worrall, on Flickr
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

Thanks sarah. The pumice is from here - http://www.greendragonbonsai.co.uk/BONSAI_SOIL_AT_GREEN_DRAGON_BONSAI.htm and the bags are my wifes old cut up tights (shhhh, don't tell her!)

My lips are sealed - after all, the tights were sacrificed for a good cause :lol:

I think I preferred the arch before you added the extra wood in - it had such lovely clean lines. But it's your tank, and you're the one who's going to be looking at it most, so feel free to ignore me! Still looks fab. 😀
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

Sorry Stu, you've lost it mate, that's horrible!

Ha ha, only joking my old bean, absolutely fantastic, original and very natural looking. The nest i've seen in a long time!
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

many points of interest in this hardscape, looking impressive, with or without planting. cannot possibly fail .
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

Just love it. Great use of Dragon which is the hardest rock to use I find.
Looks better with extra wood in my opinion.
One thing if you dont mind me saying. I would prefer it with quite minimal planting. Might be very easy to overcrowd with ferns. I would go just for stems at the back and greasses/low plants in front. Keep that super unique hardscape visible as much as possible. :thumbup:
Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape

That last scape was one of my faves - the close ups of the valley in one of your journals always made me jealous!

But I'm loving this just as much already - those new views down the valley and through the wood are amazing - almost the land that time forgot!

Jealousy strikes again...