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Strike Action - Views

The Strike has gained alot more momentum this week, now that the Unite Union has opened up the strike to non members aswell, who join this week and will be paid by them on strike days.
That means that All Birmingham Engineers bar 1 will be striking Monday 28th. So they have Pulled non members from the Planned Department to try and help cover.
This is causing alot of Chaos with the knock on effect. As Planned do ALOT of additonal works for lots of departments. So this is going to cost the company alot of man hours to clean up aswell.
But they won't sit down at the table anymore. And would rather waste money on 32% higher costing Contractors and agency staff for the 10 days and disrupt other departments schedules.
IT also now means there will be NO admin working on the most crucial day of the week when jobs are closed down on a Friday. Guess they missed that bit. thus affecting the SLA for our departments and Lettings turnaround times for reletting properties.

Some of you may have seen the story in the papers this week, as I do work at one of the Largest Housing Associations for the Midlands.

I also find out my Fate in the Morning, as the outcome of all the Interviews will be given at 10am. So Lets see what happens, do i have a job or not tomorrow. My Work Buddy/Colleague who sits next to me is very worried as this has been her only job since she was 16. And has tbh grown up with the company since school.
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I also find out my Fate in the Morning, as the outcome of all the Interviews will be given at 10am. So Lets see what happens, do i have a job or not tomorrow.
Best of luck, Gill.
Well I was Sacked and given an hr to clear my desk and say my Goodbyes,
Oh well, I will find something else and bounce back again somehow.
Really and profoundly sorry to hear that Gill.
Hi Gill, really sorry to hear this situation has been so difficult. I sincerely hope you can find a better, fairer workplace that works for you and your colleagues.

I recently left a very stressful, well paying job due to mental & physical health issues that work was worsening - my hair falling out was not what I needed! However, taking a few months off and deciding to retrain was definitely the right decision for me. All this to say, taking some time off to look after yourself and establish what you need to do for you is well worth doing. I hope you can rest up and move on to greener pastures ❤️
Well I was Sacked and given an hr to clear my desk and say my Goodbyes,
Oh well, I will find something else and bounce back again somehow.
Chin up pal, all part of the great trapesstry of life.

On a side note, you are the victim of another union strike in the vain of workers rights.
Power to the people... I'm not so sure 😕
It’s unfortunate that this has happened but as a former tradesperson myself, strike action was probably inevitable. If you have a skilled trade, you’re valuable to society and some companies artificially keep wages low in these roles. It’s an honourable job keeping people’s homes safe and in good condition. There’s lots of very well paid trade roles out there so either those guys were going to strike or bounce sooner or later.

Sorry to hear you’ve been caught in the crossfire. You say you don’t like to let people down which is commendable. But the directors have let you down on this occasion. Your senior leadership team failed you all and they all deserve to be packing a box too.

Take some time for yourself mate. Best of luck with the job search.
Thank You Guys.
I was numb for most of yesterday, but people i worked with reached out and chatted with me. A few of the managers aswell.
I have emailed HR this morning and asked what the appeal process is. As the HR person did not give me any details, even though she said it was included with my termination letter.

It will take time to find something, im not going to rush and just going to give myself time to heal and enjoy no 5am alarms for a good while. And will be able to go swimming agin in the mornings and take longer walks with the dog now. May even apply for PiP as it would be so much easier instead of popping so many pills just to go to work.
It will take time to find something, im not going to rush and just going to give myself time to heal and enjoy no 5am alarms for a good while. And will be able to go swimming agin in the mornings and take longer walks with the dog now.
Yep, it sounds like a great opportunity to do the things you couldn't before. And continue that great aquarium of yours as well!
I have emailed HR this morning and asked what the appeal process is. As the HR person did not give me any details, even though she said it was included with my termination letter
I’m really going to pin my colours to the mast here and say, HR aren’t your friend. It sounds like you’re a smart, skilled individual and you will find a great role with a different organisation. Out of interest, can you do your role remotely?
And continue that great aquarium of yours as well!
Definitely. More time on aquariums is always a good thing.
Sorry to hear that Gill. On what grounds were you fired?
Basically Said even though I was already doing the role for a Year. And had previously done the new Planners role for the same department successfully in another area.
I did not meet the required score in the Interview,. which is Utter Tripe. The new boss simply did not want me there.

The Colleague i job share with, has also been told Her Redundancy has been finalised and her last day will be Friday next week. So that WILL leave one person to do the work of 3 people and also the Planning of 3 people for 4 supervisors. She said shes going to go off Sick, AS her Hubby will be going in for surgery during half term week and its going to be alot to deal with.
I’m really going to pin my colours to the mast here and say, HR aren’t your friend. It sounds like you’re a smart, skilled individual and you will find a great role with a different organisation. Out of interest, can you do your role remotely?

Definitely. More time on aquariums is always a good thing.
Yep been doing 3 days at home and 2/3 days in the office if needed. Out of the 3 of us, i was the only one able to commit more time to being in the office. As the supervisors do need someone in the office to help with stuff and any AdHoc requests/Jobs they have to raise on the fly.