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Strike Action - Views


17 Mar 2008
My Workplace is voting on Strike action due to a stalemate over the groups pay increase.
Company Offered 3% rejected by staff and Union.
Union requested 5.9% (original was 9%) Company refused - offered 4%
Union came back with 5.9% - Company Rejected and Stated 4%. And no further offer will be made. And that till offer is accepted NO Annual pay increase will be given to staff either, this was due in August 2024.
In between all this has been ongoing since March and the new Minimum wage came into place. So there has been a slight increase to staff.

Union have said that anyone who strikes will be paid by the Union and will receive £70 per day wage.

I personally didn't want to strike, But Now My Department has been hit with a Restructure last week. And Us the Admin staff have all lost our jobs, And been told our roles will be combined with a new Planner/Co-ordinators role at a much higher pay scale. While this is good. It means there are 6 people now going for 3 jobs. If we are unsuccessful and cant be redeployed, we will be offered Redundancy. One member of the Admin team who will be retiring in 3 years IS taking Redundancy, so that does work in our favour somewhat.
I have had redundancy x2 over the years. But this situation is new to me with the restructure and strike action coming together at the same time. We have till the 18th october to sellm ourselves for the Planner Role. And then its redeployment etc. We are able to cherry pick roles currently available, and all other recruitment will be held till we are sorted.

I rejoined the company in October 23 after a 6 year absence due to the messy Divorce and moving to Derby. Coming back to look after Dad in September 23, and luckily my old job in my old team was available due to retirement.

Just wanted views, as we do have a very diverse working background on here and im sure people have been through situations like this before.

Saying i'm not upset is an understatement, it has been terrible for my health and increased my Migraines and Vertigo. Yesterday I had to take the pills that melt on your gums, as the vertigo was getting to the point of slurring my speech. I dont have anyone to voice with or talk to at home, and its the main topic of the office anyway, but we have all said our piece on it there.
HR's stupidity has been standard, and inflexible.
It sounds very stressful. I would see them as two separate things. You have a (presumably anonymous) union vote - vote for what you feel is right. Don't want to strike then voice that with your vote.

Then apply for the job you want. You may well find the redundancy pay tempts some others too and makes the odds even better. Even as they are, those aren't terrible odds, you've already been re-employed once so they obviously see value in you. Go for it.

If you do miss out on one of the three posts, you never know you might find another role that interests you and gives you some new experience to add to your CV and it doesn't mean that long term you couldn't move back into one of those three posts if a place opens up again in future.

Citizens advice can give you tips of knowing your rights when it comes to redundancy.

Does you company offer any mental health support? Some contract out to annonymous companies so your work don't know anything about it if that worries you, might be worth taking advantage and having at chat - I think the prospect of being made redundant is pretty stressful for anyone.
Reading your post it seems that your health is being impacted by this situation of uncertainty and instability. Keeping yourself healthy needs to be your priority. That might mean you need to prepare for job seeking. Only you know what the financial implications of redundancy are on you.

Broadly, my default political standpoint is pro trade union and pro direct action but I make those decisions based on my own position. I believe in holding employers accountable but strike action is usually a last resort and if it has come to that, I would probably be looking for alternative employment anyway.
Hello Gill,

Sorry you re going through all of this - It sounds very difficult indeed and it’s clearly taking a toll.

You need to look after yourself and you’re mental health. If you need someone to type to just to chat feel free to shoot me a message - There is always the advice phone lines. We have a good one up here - It’s good to talk as they say.

I wish you all the best - Look after yourself I hope things improve.

Take Care,

@Gill, I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. It's incredibly stressful. I don't think there is very much you can do. It seems your employer is acting responsibly and trying to do the best by the workforce.

Employment law in this country is quite stringent and usually in favour of the employee. Try not to worry, go for the new role if you want to, you never know it might be yours for the taking. At least it sounds like you'll have the pick of another role if that's what you want.

The market place is incredibly fast paced these days and companies have to restructure to remain viable, and keep folk employed. Pm me if you'd like to talk. Either way, I wish you all the best my friend.
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You could try CAB Gill and I am sure you can speak to a advisor online . They should have experts on employment law who will guide you through. Not sure if ACASS still does mediation if it came to that but there is mixed views on their effectiveness. All l can say Gill try to not get stressed and wish the best
I was also going to mention Acas. Also, your company might offer support in terms of CV writing and applying for other jobs etc. Always good to find out, no harm in asking.
Always best not to make any assumptions. Might be a good idea to apply for all available roles straight off the bat. When you interview go in like you're presenting yourself for the first time and bringing all your experience with you.
It sounds very stressful. I would see them as two separate things. You have a (presumably anonymous) union vote - vote for what you feel is right. Don't want to strike then voice that with your vote.

Then apply for the job you want. You may well find the redundancy pay tempts some others too and makes the odds even better. Even as they are, those aren't terrible odds, you've already been re-employed once so they obviously see value in you. Go for it.

If you do miss out on one of the three posts, you never know you might find another role that interests you and gives you some new experience to add to your CV and it doesn't mean that long term you couldn't move back into one of those three posts if a place opens up again in future.

Citizens advice can give you tips of knowing your rights when it comes to redundancy.

Does you company offer any mental health support? Some contract out to annonymous companies so your work don't know anything about it if that worries you, might be worth taking advantage and having at chat - I think the prospect of being made redundant is pretty stressful for anyone.
It is Indeed, Yes the vote is Anonymous. Though the postal votes have not arrived and many have missed out on Voting. Th union did ring me on Friday PM. and i advised accordingly.
I don't really want to strike, as i know what the impact will be on the team i work in currently. And the Supers are already stressed about the whole situation - though their jobs are safe. just us admin that have been thrown to the side.

I should have Mentioned that the Plan for the department that i was reassured about for the last year WAS: x2 Additional Admin and x2 Planners. Which myself and colleague were assured were our jobs for the taking by our departments manager. And that the new Admin would fill in our old Roles. Now they have combined all that into 1 role. We were actively discouraged from applying for other roles throughout the year. (Ive taken on Projects to improve efficiency and data handling for the team as IT were no Help with issues we were having on a daily Basis. AS our Systems were so out of date and hadn't been updated/Archived since before the 1st lockdown.)
We already Know that the Executive Level (bragged about meeting Sunak) have all been paid atrociously high bonus' this year. One of the Stewards was able to DL that info and shared that out.

The Mental Health Person is one of my best friends, so he is always open to having a chat by the coffee machine etc. And I go to his house for Games & DnD at the weekends. So that helps alot.
Hello Gill,

Sorry you re going through all of this - It sounds very difficult indeed and it’s clearly taking a toll.

You need to look after yourself and you’re mental health. If you need someone to type to just to chat feel free to shoot me a message - There is always the advice phone lines. We have a good one up here - It’s good to talk as they say.

I wish you all the best - Look after yourself I hope things improve.

Take Care,

Thank you.

I have Multiple Chronic health conditions. And I was just having a good turn till this happened. And Recent new Diagnosis have not helped either.
But Ill Deal with it as normal.
Being a carer to an elderly parent with Dementia does not help either to any of it.

I have someone I can talk to, and vent with if needed. And they Understand. I just forget (AUDHD) they are there alot and can reach out to them.
I’m sure you already know this but sometimes hearing it again is helpful.

If you’re not well, you don’t have to work.

I had a pretty serious mental breakdown due to a huge volume of pressures inside and outside of work. Hindsight taught me that I should have taken time away from work sooner. You can get legal advice from the several sources that other posters have recommended… but the bottom line is your health is priority number one.

I hope things get better for you.
@Gill, I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. It's incredibly stressful. I don't think there is very much you can do. It seems your employer is acting responsibly and trying to do the best by the workforce.

Employment law in this country is quite stringent and usually in favour of the employee. Try not to worry, go for the new role if you want to, you never know it might be yours for the taking. At least it sounds like you'll have the pick of another role if that's what you want.

The market place is incredibly fast paced these days and companies have to restructure to remain viable, and keep folk employed. Pm me if you'd like to talk. Either way, I wish you all the best my friend.
Thanks Tim,

It was just such a shock. as just told a meeting for wednesday, though we were told who was chairing it. So knew it would not be anything good. The cheek of the Director to have nice cordial chats with us beforehand. As if he wasn't about to ruin it for us. And then joked with me afterwards that he has been missing the Breakfasts I organise on a Friday AM and the Luncheons etc i do for the Department.

I finalised the Application for the Planners Role yesterday and sent that off. HR wanted a 2 page essay on why I should be the right person for the role. and sell my self via the Roles and Responsibilities.
I've also Applied for the Estates Co-ordinator Role and have been offered an Interview with them on Tuesday ( already been rejected for the role once by them this year).

They Know what i can do - as ive done all their jobs in the past and higher levels. Just my Health that has always let me down over the years.
If I could have a new Brain without all that's wrong with it. Id jump at the chance.
I’m sure you already know this but sometimes hearing it again is helpful.

If you’re not well, you don’t have to work.

I had a pretty serious mental breakdown due to a huge volume of pressures inside and outside of work. Hindsight taught me that I should have taken time away from work sooner. You can get legal advice from the several sources that other posters have recommended… but the bottom line is your health is priority number one.

I hope things get better for you.
I Know, but don't like to let people down. I am a people pleaser and always will be. I'm the one who tends to keep an eye on people at work and always know when they are struggling.
I did start letting down my Masks at work, and that did not go down well at all. They did not like that version of me. so back up they went. though i do let it slip when i need to make a point. or show my frustration.

Ive been thru much much worse in the last 10 years, it would put most in a facility. Which i have also had the pleasure of using, till they realised it was actually an allergic reaction to my pills.
Coming back home to care for the Abuser was not a light decision. But no-one else wanted to do it, and they did not want to loose the big house to the care home.

I have a cocktail of pills to help, and know there is help out there if needed.
It's frustrating when you make choices in good faith and they don't hold up their end. I think what others have said about applying for other options is a good one - if nothing else it gives you more information to make your choices on. Could even be there is a job out there that suits you better.

Have you been through access to work? They can supply a whole range of adjustments not just physical equipment - software, to coaching and transport. Things like software/apps to help with reminders organising or coaching to help you put plans in place/processing thoughts.
It's frustrating when you make choices in good faith and they don't hold up their end. I think what others have said about applying for other options is a good one - if nothing else it gives you more information to make your choices on. Could even be there is a job out there that suits you better.

Have you been through access to work? They can supply a whole range of adjustments not just physical equipment - software, to coaching and transport. Things like software/apps to help with reminders organising or coaching to help you put plans in place/processing thoughts.
It really is when good faith is thrown back at you.
Im the social committee aswell, so thinking of things to keep moral up and nice events etc.

Yes Access to Work is a brilliant resource that i always use. Takes a while but is very good once all setup and ready. think i got 5k to use for equipment and stuff.
Finally got my Fat Person chair £1600 (like to tell me that) after 6 months of waiting (Everything happens at a snails pace) unless its for a director or above. Sent out an Email advising that if anyone so much as adjusts it. Head will role. I have had someone sacked in the past for letting my chair down while sat in it. Thus setting off Sciatica.

We've also gone thru 3 directors for our department in the last year. which hasn't helped matters. And the latest one is not mixing well.
So the strike has been confirmed and will start the 28th October. And will run every Monday and Friday for 2 hrs per day. All satellite offices and head office are taking part. With some of the satellite offices shutting completely. As all staff have said they will strike in those locations.

The nice thing work did was ask tell managers to confirm with all staff, who was striking. So that they could compile a list.And also to see how many agency staff they would need for the 10 days in order to provide cover. If all engineers strike that would cancel 4000 jobs over the 10 days. Which will vastly affect the sla targets.

Me I will only need to attend 5 days out of the 10 that fall on days I work.
Some of the supervisors are stuck in a quandary. As they fall under the strike action, but have been told they need to be present in the office those days. They want to support their staff, but don't want to fall befoul of the company.