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Spectrum...doesn't matter...does it?

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I've long wondered about spectrum and, from my own experience, noticed one very simple thing, which is that with spectrums between 6500K and 10000K I'm happy with less overall light output and I always want something brighter if I go outside of that range, which means that I end up with algae. Anecdotal, I know, but it's worth considering the human element on lighting intensity choice beyond what the plants are doing, as we're all prone to tweaking things to look nice rather than grow well if we're not careful.
Wouldnt plants be used to different spectrums of light over the course of the day and year anyway?
After all our light is filtered by our atmosphere, which is constantly changing with weather pollution etc
Ive also read of people using 6500k houshold daylight tubes from hardware stores in states without any problems
Could it be like undergravel heating where it makes a minimal difference, if any, to overall plant health? And we are being blinded by an explanation too complicated for average fishkeeper to understand with no figures to back it up
Hi all,
I got some 8w t5 6500k daylight tubes from a lamp supplier in leeds for £2 each. arcadia tropical daylight are £10+ Im gonna use em now and see what happens cos i wont mind replacing them every 6-8 months
Keep the £2 ones, they are fine as tubes and you don't need to change them until they stop working. Electronically ballasted T5 tubes show very little "lamp lumen depreciation".

Have a look at these links: <Do T5 lamps have better lumen maintenance than T8 or T12 lamps? | What are T5 Lamps? | T5 Fluorescent Systems | Lighting Answers | NLPIP> & <Do t8 lights really degrade over time? | UK Aquatic Plant Society>.

cheers Darrel
And so what? When have you ever seen a deficiency in blue or red? This never happens. When people have problems in a tank, virtually 100% of the time the problem is due to having too much blue, red and other colors. I have never seen any deficiency of blue or red photons using any of the bulbs, whether using cheap Tesco or expensive "plant" bulbs.Cheers,

Hi Clive
This is becoming amusing. I think we’re now arguing at cross-purposes and on a point of pedantry. Nevertheless, I couldn't disagree with you less on all of your points, but especially on the one above.

I said a while back that spectrum does matter to plant growth (blue and red light work best for photosynthesis, while green is the least effective colour). However, its not something we need necessarily concern ourselves with as aquarists since the broad spectrum bulbs we tend to favour (those aesthetically pleasing to the eye) probably output enough light of appropriate wavelength to ensure healthy plant growth. I think I must have stated this several times now.

I just objected to the somewhat abstract and sweeping generalization “spectrum doesn't mater”, and I went about trying to qualify that statement. Which I hope I’ve/we’ve now done.

The quote you lifted applies to all resources, and especially applies to CO2, which is the prime limiter in a tank. When we are solving health issues in a tank, it is actually necessary to intentionally limit the photon flux, because the health issue is usually caused by a resource limitation other than blue or red photons, and the abundance of those photons makes the situation worse. That is a certainty. And if people continue to worry about a resource being limited, when in fact that resource in question is actually in overabundance, then they will continue to have problems, and they will deserve their misery.Cheers,

Yes you are right the quote applies to all resources. And for the most part I am sure you are also right to suggest that most problems arise due to inadequate CO2 and too high a light intensity, as you frequently do. However, many demanding plants for instance Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba'' require high light and high CO2 etc to thrive.

So just as many a person has failed to grow the plant because of inadequate CO2 I am sure that there are many that have failed due to inadequate light intensity as well, or both. This and other similarly “advanced” species obviously do not adapt to resource limitation very well. So again we need to be careful not to appear, at least, to promote one or the other resource as a panacea without qualification.

I went through great lengths to address a complicated issue in the simplest way I could. If you want to simplify it even further, then just don't worry about it because you will never see a limitation of red and blue when using fluorescent lighting, no matter what bulb or what spectrum you choose.Cheers,

I’m well aware that photosynthesis is a quantum process, but I’m also aware that although modern science has become very technical it is still possible to describe it in a way that people without scientific training can understand. To be frank I’m very scientifically trained and I had difficulty understanding your explanation of PAR.

Have you considered for example that plants in the tank will reflect inbound light and will change the local spectrum in their vicinity, that the spectrum profile in a tank is not static and is not equal? Have you considered that the plants response to a color is actually modified by the presence of other colors? This is so complicated, and the gains are so minimal, that it isn't worth worrying about.Cheers,

Yes being scientifically trained I had considered the above. However, I have also considered that the authors are very eminent professors in their chosen field of endeavor from a university with a global reputation for excellence in the same. Further, the paper was published in a very respected journal (J. Aquat. Plant Manage.; (United States); Journal Volume: 15) and would have been peer reviewed by other eminents in the field. Therefore, the research would have been conducted with appropriate scientific rigour; and far more so than any homemade experiment could hope to replicate.

Here is what's actually relevant about that article. In fact it's so relevant that it is completely mind blowing and nobody is actually paying attention because they are too busy being fixated on vague "wave bands":

Red photons actually have the lowest vibration energy. They have the highest wavelength (680) and thus the lowest vibration frequency. In electromagnetic fields, the higher the frequency, the higher the energy. That's why microwaves and X-rays and Cosmic rays will kill us outright. They have the smallest wavelengths and therefore the highest frequency.

One would expect that blue light, having the higher frequency, and chlorophyll having a higher response to blue should generate the higher growth rate, yet, look at the data, the frequency that generated the highest growth rates is the lowest frequency, the lower response of chlorophyll and the lowest energy level. Think about that for a minute and think about the implications. So the question we should be fixated on is: WHY?Cheers,

Going back to the above quote from your explanation in the previous post, and your question WHY? I agree it is remarkable that despite all, red light did produce the greatest growth rate. However, what you’re missing is that the plant grown under red light had the highest chlorophyll a content. Maybe that made all the difference.

Regardless, I think though from our point of view it would perhaps be interesting to consider that the compact and bushy growth that many of us find attractive is largely due to the red part of the spectrum, as implied by the experiments results.
I just objected to the somewhat abstract and sweeping generalization “spectrum doesn't mater”, and I went about trying to qualify that statement. Which I hope I’ve/we’ve now done.
Hi Troi,
This generalization is, in my opinion, a much better way to think about lighting because in order to consider relevance, one has to in effect take the factor being studied into consideration in terms of how one will execute their processes. So you have to ask yourself, what type of bulb will I need to restrict myself to, or what bulbs must I now avoid due to their lack of performance. In the real world, the answers are: No restrictions and No avoidance. The reason being that none of the bulbs in question have a marked improvement over any other bulb. Therefore, within the context of our tanks, there is no relevance because there is no bulb you can buy that does not have sufficient blue and red.

So lets take a look at some of the hypotheses you offer which might have relevance:

However, many demanding plants for instance Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba'' require high light and high CO2 etc to thrive.
No, this is not true. I and many others can and have grown HC with low-to-middling light. That HC requires high light is another construct of The Matrix. People think that they need high light because they were told this. So they add lots of light, do not pay attention to flow and CO2, and the result is meltdown. While there is little doubt that HC has a higher light compensation point than say, Ferns, the LCP for HC is not very much higher than it is for Ferns. Even if it's 100% higher that just means that a Fern will grow at PAR levels above 10 micromoles and that HC will grow at levels above 20 micromoles. This is not very high at all. But no one uses 20 micromoles. It's just too dim aesthetically, and the HC will take forever to grow.

I think people mistake growth rate with health. You can throw tons of PAR at a plant and it will grow faster. We already know that. So, if HC is grown at a PAR of 100micromoles, and if flow/distribution and CO2 is adequate the plant will look lush and beautiful very quickly. If the same plant is grown at a PAR which is just above LCP then it will take a very long time to reach that lush state - but it will get there eventually, and it will be just as healthy. But no one wants to wait forever, so they pummel the plant with high light and THAT'S WHY there is so much failure with HC. I don't have ANY trouble growing this plant at low lighting levels. George Farmer has no difficulty, Dan Crawford, Mark Evans and Tom Barr have grown this plant at low lighting levels. It's only the Megawatt Loving Klingons (MLK) who have difficulties with HC. Also, as mentioned by George, there has been no perceptible differences in growth rates or in health based on the various fluorescent bulbs used. I've used standard office bulbs and even splurged for Grolux (which are high in Red and Blue) George likes fancy bulbs but he has also used cheap bulbs without difficulties.

Oh, and by the way, those fancy ADA bulbs? It turns out that they are very high in green, and it turns out that their ballasts produce 2X-3X less PAR than other ballast. When you see those fantastic Amano gallery shots, the lighting used to take the photography might be high but the plants are actually grown under low lighting. In the flesh the tanks look bright because the human visual cortex has it's response peak in the green. So here is an entire industry centered around a color band that has the lowest performance according to the article. Does it matter one iota to their ability to produce amazing tanks? No!

Regardless, I think though from our point of view it would perhaps be interesting to consider that the compact and bushy growth that many of us find attractive is largely due to the red part of the spectrum, as implied by the experiments results.
No, this is not worth considering either. Compact and bushy growth is a function of the ability of the plant to rid itself of the gaseous hormone ethylene. This is yet another myth. This is specifically WHY I continue to harp on the importance of flow and distribution. But people don't really want to hear about that because it's another difficult concept to grasp, so it's easier to talk about spectrum.

I am sure that there are many that have failed due to inadequate light intensity as well
No, the people who report this only THINK that they failed due to low lighting. They simply did not understand the truth. I think you're forgetting that we collectively have the empirical data, not only in our own tanks, but in tanks around the world where people ask our opinion and we provide instructions on which factors to ignore and which to pay attention to, and we have a pretty good success rate, so we constantly see the results, which reinforces what we understand to be the truth. Is there a possibility that there are other factors we do not yet understand? Absolutely! But one thing is for sure, it's very easy to disprove a theory, and this theory of how spectrum is significant to the way we grow is very easy to disprove.

I’m well aware that photosynthesis is a quantum process, but I’m also aware that although modern science has become very technical it is still possible to describe it in a way that people without scientific training can understand. To be frank I’m very scientifically trained and I had difficulty understanding your explanation of PAR.
Most likely there are two factors in the inability to grasp. The first might be that there is a preconceived idea about what light itself is and that conflicts with the preconception. Another contributing factor might be that there is a lack of understanding about how plants actually use light. Let me offer this as a clue:
When God said "Let there be Light" he did not mean "Let there be a lamp switch that folks can flip it so that light will enter their dark room". What he meant was "Let there be a reality and a Universe whose very construct is based on the properties of light as it's fundamental participles of existence". It turns out that we are actually the servants and the children of light.

So, in now way am I dismissing the importance of spectrum and in no way have I implied that there is no relevance to spectrum. What I have stated is that the things that we are using to measure the importance of colors in our tanks is of little value and is in no way indicative of the importance of color, and that using the bulbs we have at our disposal, the effects of color are not to be seen in our tanks in the same way as that demonstrated in that experiment.

I have not denigrated the ability of the professors or of the journal in any way. What I have said is that their focus and priorities will not necessarily match our priorities and so it is important to understand the context of the article. Even though we learn something, the data may not apply to us.

We should be feeling liberated about this. We should not be pensive. We can use colors in any manner we chose without fear of ill health. I love playing with colors and seeing their aesthetic effects on the tank and the fish. We should view the spectrum as a way of enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the tank and we need not handcuff ourselves thinking about what colors we can or should use just because it is less than "optimal".

We're now entering in to the realms of philosophy, and the argument has become somewhat circular, so I don’t really have anything further to add short of repeating myself again. Nevertheless, since we’re becoming philosophical I think, all things considered, those of us that find growing plants relatively easy perhaps take it for granted and don't necessarily fully understand the process we undertake to do so. In other words, some of us find it intuitive and therefore maybe draw the wrong conclusions when attributing success.

I think the amount of light used often has more to do with compensating for quality through quantity and that the benefit of “red” light, for example, is perhaps underestimated. Perhaps red light has more to do with producing the desired growth rate and plant morphology, which we find so attractive, than current wisdom would have us believe. Maybe this is why the actual amount of light that many successful "advanced" layouts use is often well in excess of 1 watt per litre of T5. And why anecdotally different T5 bulbs don't appear to have any discernible influence on growth, especially since they are often raised or lowered to achieve a desired PAR.

Like I said, I can find much in your philosophy to agree with, and I'm glad that, generally speaking at least, you finally agree spectrum matters after all, especially in "light" of the high cost of adaptation to resource limitation. But by the same measure I find some of what you say incomprehensible and contradictory. For instance, I agree that flow and distribution are important but it’s not the whole story, especially with regards ethylene. Spectrum and light intensity are important too. Plants will produce ethylene in response to low and/or poor light conditions. Ethylene causes etiolation which allows the plant to quickly reach less attenuated and/or brighter light nearer the surface. The result is an unattractive and weedy plant; the opposite of what we're all trying to achieve.

Anyway, I'm sure time will tell. Until then I will endeavor to keep an open mind…
Hi all,
We already know that. So, if HC is grown at a PAR of 100micromoles, and if flow/distribution and CO2 is adequate the plant will look lush and beautiful very quickly. If the same plant is grown at a PAR which is just above LCP then it will take a very long time to reach that lush state - but it will get there eventually, and it will be just as healthy. But no one wants to wait forever, so they pummel the plant with high light
Good things come to those who wait. Low light, low nutrients gives you stability, and I would always rather have stability than rapid growth. <220 litres of failed ambitions - open to constructive criticism | Page 2 | UK Aquatic Plant Society>
For instance, I think the amount of light used often has more to do with compensating for quality through quantity and that the benefit of “red” light, for example, is perhaps underestimated. Perhaps red light has more to do with producing the desired growth rate and plant morphology, which we find so attractive, than current wisdom would have us believe.
Troi you are right you can definitely manipulate plant morphology with different wave lengths of light. If you have a look on the forums where people grow "Tomatoes"* hydroponically under grow-lights, you'll find there is a huge amount of data about PAR, wave lengths and growth morphology

*other species of plant may be available

cheers Darrel
Low light, low nutrients gives you stability

I agree

Troi you are right you can definitely manipulate plant morphology with different wave lengths of light. If you have a look on the forums where people grow "Tomatoes"* hydroponically under grow-lights, you'll find there is a huge amount of data about PAR, wave lengths and growth morphology

*other species of plant may be available

Thanks Darrel, there is some very enlightening research going on, and it does indeed apply to other species of plants, infact as far as I understand it all angiosperms. Here's another paper I found; it's a bit involved but it's worth a read:
Light as a Growth Regulator: Controlling Plant Biology with Narrow-bandwidth Solid-state Lighting Systems

This also is perhaps worth a read, the conclusion is quite revealing:
Green light: a signal to slow down or stop
Plants will produce ethylene in response to low and/or poor light conditions. Ethylene causes etiolation which allows the plant to quickly reach less attenuated and/or brighter light nearer the surface. The result is an unattractive and weedy plant; the opposite of what we're all trying to achieve.
This is not the case for aquatic plants. The ethylene buildup is a result of poor gas diffusion from the plant. Ethylene is a gas and suffers the same fate as other gasses when submerged in that it does not diffuse well. In aquatic plants the ethylene buildup is one of the signals to the plant that it is submerged. In flood tolerant terrestrial species the ethylene signals changes in the root structure commonly referred to as "programmed death" of certain cells within the roots, of which the effect is to create void areas which are later used as gas exchange pathways inside the roots. Trees such as Mahogany and Fig in the tropical rain forests such as the Amazon use this mechanism to survive. Smaller plants which become submerged elongate to reach the surface where CO2 is present in abundance. The reason you find the information contradictory is because you are not taking water into account and you are ignoring the plant's adaptation to flooding by modification of those processes which serve land plants to solve the challenges of a hostile environment.

Again, this is another case where you are misapplying the data from terrestrial plants and blindly applying them to aquatics without ever taking into account the detrimental effect that the water has. All across The Matrix people are programed to think in terms of aquatic plants loving water. The vast majority of the aquatic plants despise water, but they cannot just pick up and move when the rains come, so they have to make special adaptations to being flooded. Many of the plants that we have trouble with are those that are rarely found totally submerged in water so they have never developed an efficient means of collecting and processing CO2, and, in their particular niche, they can deal with partial flooding because they have access to atmospheric CO2.

Here is another stock photo I use as a typical example in a natural system. This is a tropical grove of Bacopa in open area. The PAR levels here are around 2000 micromoles. Look at these plants carefully and you'll see that the leaves that are browned are only those that are submersed, and they are only a few centimeters from the 2000 micromole light. The leaves under water are annihilated by the sunlight. There is no shortage of light in this scenario. The leaves that are green and healthy are those that have emerged from the water and which have access to CO2. The submerged leaves have no access to CO2 because the water temperature in the shallows is very high, which drives off CO2. As soon as the water level rises due to rain the stems elongate. So in this case plants are not seeking more light, they are seeking more CO2.
This case more resembles our situation. The issue of light and spectrum are completely irrelevant because adding more light or changing the spectrum will not improve the situation when the resource limitation is CO2.

In other natural systems, the plants adopt the strategy of floating in order to maintain contact with atmosphere. Whereas in those systems away from open savannah, where PAR is significantly lower, under shade, canopy or murky/stained water for example, the submerged leaves are able to eek out a living due to higher dissolved CO2 and O2 within the water column.

So one can dream up any scenario to justify belief in the significance of spectrum based on data that has limited applicability, but the imperative of gas exchange are the real life scenarios and they trump any significance of color. When we flood a tank the plants are immediately subject to an extremely hostile environment and they must make the adaptations or perish. If we are blind to these facts and if we focus our attention on things that do not help the plant to adapt then we contribute to the failure.

People worry all the time about whether they have enough light, and will the light they have be able to penetrate to the bottom of the tank, when actually, if you bother to take the measurements yourself, it will be revealed that a flooded tank has HIGHER PAR values than when measured empty. A lot of that is due to reflections from the glass and from the underside of the water's surface.

I see no contradiction in these basic truths. The fact of the matter is that when CO2 uptake is high less light is required. So one actually lowers the demand for light with high CO2. When we focus more on gas exchange and availability we will have a much higher success rate than if we focus on spectrum.

Jeez Clive...but you're hard work...

...Once again I find myself agreeing with you again but only partly, and I have to concede that my explanation was somewhat clumsy and you quite rightly picked me up on it. Yep a lot of the plants we like to grow in our tanks don't particularly like being submerged, and yes it is ethylene build up that is generally thought to be the prime instigator of submergence escape, but it's not absolutely conclusive, and some species use other signals such as partial lack of O2, or increase in CO2...believe it or not.

But it's not the whole story. Maintaining the faster elongation beyond the first few hours may involve factors not necessarily needed for the initial response especially in flood waters a few metres deep and for many aquatic species. Light may well be one of these factors and I think I have more than adequately demonstrated that its attenuation in water is capable of stimulating stem elongation.

So to sum up, undoubtedly flow and distribution are important but so is light...both intensity and spectrum (quality and quantity) and to ignore this because you consider that most people have too much light is missing the point somewhat and can be quite misleading. This especially so in light of the fact that spectrum has such a marked influence on the morphology of all angiosperms (higher plants), including the submerged ones.
I don't want to interrupt a fantastic thread so apologies in advance... but.....

If I can try and put your knowledge Troi into the real world, if you were setting up a tank tomorrow with 2 x t5 light bulbs, what bulbs would you use? (co2 injected +EI dosing)

edit - (given that you wanted the best plant growth)
I'm not sure whether this is a trick question or not:shifty: I'm very tempted to suggest that I would splurge my, not so hard earned, cash on special growth bulbs just to be contentious. Especially since the evidence that I've unearthed overwhelmingly supports my supposition that spectrum matters, and maybe, just maybe, they might provide additional benefit to the type of growth we find attractive😀 But I don't have the energy nor the time to go another several more rounds with Clive...he's exhausting😵

Truth is I actually do splurge out on Arcadia bulbs cause I like the colour rendition, they're good quality, and the local Dobbies garden centre does them at relatively knock down prices. However, like I have previously stated, most HO T5 bulbs that we find aesthetically attractive can also, by happy coincidence, provide plants with the quality and quantity of light that they require. It's a function of the fact that the photosynthetically active spectrum and the visual spectrum are one and the same give or take a few nm; although humans and plants perceive them slightly differently.

I think that the significance of spectrum will take a while to sink in, so, for the time being at least, I'll do what everyone else does and redirect you to this...Cheap HO T5 fluorescent tubes - Update with photos | UK Aquatic Plant Society
It was a genuine question.. I promise.. lol ( but I see how it could ignite another fire!)

I ordered 4 bulbs of different kelvins last night just for fun... from £4 for a 4000k and 6500k bulbs to £11 for a sylvania grolux type.. It isn't a great deal of money and I will enjoy messing around with combinations to see how they affect the tank visually..

I think you both make great points... Sometimes the internet is a hard place to talk about such matters.. you would be better off meeting in a pub and chatting over a few pints sometimes!
It was a genuine question.. I promise.. lol ( but I see how it could ignite another fire!)

Hehe, got to be careful what you wish for sometimes Troi :lol:

It's all got a bit too earnest. But I can't resist throwing another thought in to the gladiatorial arena...

...Clive mentioned that ADA MH lamps peak in the green part of the spectrum. They call the green peak a "sub-peak" and it's specifically designed to bring out the colours in the plants. But significantly they also peak substantially in the blue and the red part too. Check out the Tech Specs: 8000K HQI bulb.

Amano is on record as saying that he thinks the blue part of the spectrum produces the compact and bushy growth that help give his nature aquarium layouts their signature appearance. This is certainly corroborated by the scientific papers I’ve linked. Accordingly, it occurs to me although aquatic industry bulb manufacturers make big claims about the photosynthetic prowess of their specialist growth lamps - that are difficult to substantiate, and which may well be overstated - there may actually be an element of truth to those claims.

And what these bulbs actually do is, not necessarily increase growth rate, but, affect plant morphology (e.g. blue light = compact growth, etc), and that perhaps this hasn’t been noticed anecdotally because we’re all too busy looking for a miracle growth rate response.

But it’s just a thought that I think is worth considering...and given the scientific evidence a thought that perhaps aught not to be dismissed out of hand too quickly…
It's been a good few rounds hasn't it? 🙂

Just to be contrary, I want to encourage algal growth in my new tank, what tube should I get? Got the option of fitting it to a 600mm T5 fitting, or an 18" T8... 😉

(That one is tongue in cheek just to be clear, but to many's horror, I will be attempting to culture algae!)
Was reading discussion's on APC,and the Krib that pointed to Dutch aquarist's, and some award winning aquascapes, that indicated that they seldom use bulb's over 5000 K.
Personally,,I have used 3500 K,4000K,5000K,6000K,6500K,6700K,and 10,000K bulb's and variation's/combination's thereof.
All of these grew plant's just fine in my opinion,so I am leaning toward's Ceg's contention.(opinion's vary)
For my eye's however,, I have settled on 50/50 6700/10,000 K CFL's.
Good Evening All,
I must say this discussion is one that I have enjoyed reading.🙂 I would like to say that both sides from Troi and Cegs to be very educational bringing about a proper discussion about the lighting subject in this forum. Nice to see guys well done😉 I believe it will be a healthier forum, for it, too.:clap:
It does show though, that a lot of the information out there currently is related to land plants and more needs to be done in the way of aquatic plants. Although the point is taken that generally the same processes occur in both. I also do believe it now needs to reflect the aquarium environment too as this will validate the results more, for our use and benefits if any?
Keep up the good work guys.
I said a while back that spectrum does matter to plant growth (blue and red light work best for photosynthesis, while green is the least effective colour). However, its not something we need necessarily concern ourselves with as aquarists since the broad spectrum bulbs we tend to favour (those aesthetically pleasing to the eye) probably output enough light of appropriate wavelength to ensure healthy plant growth. I think I must have stated this several times now.

I just objected to the somewhat abstract and sweeping generalization “spectrum doesn't mater”, and I went about trying to qualify that statement. Which I hope I’ve/we’ve now done.
I agree it is remarkable that despite all, red light did produce the greatest growth rate. However, what you’re missing is that the plant grown under red light had the highest chlorophyll a content. Maybe that made all the difference.

Regardless, I think though from our point of view it would perhaps be interesting to consider that the compact and bushy growth that many of us find attractive is largely due to the red part of the spectrum, as implied by the experiments results.

Hopefully I can cut through some of the chafe and not add too much to it:angelic:
I would never do that, hehe.

One of the main questions and unknowns I've long had is can we design a wavelength set that will optimize the growth vs minimizing the energy input?

Will all 400 aquatic plant species be the same?

Can we say such things and generalize like this?

Clearly not.

But what are we measuring if not growth, aesthetics? That can be measured but that's no longer a PLANT issue, this is a human perception/psychology issue.
And is reflected light vs absorbed light spectra driving the aesthetics? That would also need to be controlled for.
And aquatic aquarium plant market simply is not worth much to research to answer most of such questions.

There is likely something to the light spectra, but what it is etc, is a tough one to say, and then personal aesthetics are a huge issue.

Red/far red ratios play a larger role for allocations for many aquatic species. Aesthetics? No one has measured that in aquatic plant research to date I'm aware of.

I focus on reflective light, the nicer prettier reflected light, the better.
Like red plants? Add red lighting. Like red and blue colors? Add two colors of bulb types etc.
These are aesthetic concerns, not so much what is better. I get compact growth with low or higher light PAR, and the same with spectral types.

Colors? I get different colors with different bulb colors. That I am pretty sure about and would be willing to bet on, but it's not easy to test that either.
Now, I've finish the god awful degree, I'm working with a Biological supply company that produces some cool stuff and we should bring some products which you can dial in the anthrocyanin content(add more/less of the liquid etc).
This is independent of light. I can turn a green plant almost "purple". We are still a few months away.

Red spectra seems ignored by many, I welcome red colors, because they make the plants look better.