This is my favorite salt water tank 🤩
Absolutely beautiful! 🐠
Thank you Hufsa! There's something about the pastel colours that really appeal to me.
Unfortunately this isn't a good update. I've copied this from Instagram because who really wants to write such a thing twice...
In the last two weeks my Clownfish pair came down with something and despite my best efforts they didn't eat or respond to treatment and died. Whilst the illness itself wasn't my fault, I take full responsibility for the method of acquiring the fish. In future I will quarantine/treat all incoming fish as a preventative rather than a cure to minimise the chance of this happening again.
It's sad because I've always wanted to keep Clownfish and they were just staring to host the crevices of the Unzan but they've suffered ill fate, probably unnecessarily. I will keep the tank with only invertebrates whilst I evaluate what I want from this tank, and also to allow any potential disease to die off.
If you're reading this and feeling put off, don't be. There are ways to minimise risk, I just didn't take them. On the flip side, apart from some hair algae (which I'm actively working on) the macroalgae, coral and inverts are doing really well!
I've also added a strawberry lipped conch and 5 cerith snails to help turning over the sand bed and hopefully with the hair algae. Still on the lookout for dove snails!

(Micro) Algae be gone!