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saintlys "The Henge"

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

love that new scape. glad you got rid of the sand line as well now.
thought you might be on to something but you're very right, just dont think it works with that size tank
and planter is bang on when saying about the moss/riccia line working for the wood nature style.

get some plants in there.... i cant wait. hehe

.... just realized this isnt my tank 🙂
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

thanks guys,

george, your making me stone crazy :lol: i know what you mean regarding experamentation.i'll give it a go! those plant recomendations were just what i was thinking.is it me or dont tropica supply blyxa?
p. helferi is nice isnt it!

jay, your almost as excited as me lol 😀
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

ohhhh nooo.....

another arangment. it's some kind of valley thingy? :?

i can see it planted if that helps :lol:

thanks george for the push.

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Choices, choices :lol:

I like the last one, but then I like most of the previous ones also :? Can't you buy another 3 tanks and do multiple setups? :lol: Arrhhhh, the possibilities would blow my mind 🙁 Keep going though, its obviously better to be happy now, than wanting to redo it again in a few weeks.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

scapes are getting better... like George said, you'll know when you have what you want. it will hit you like a lightning bolt and you'll just wanna plant plant plant!!😀

i was wondering the same thing about blyxa from tropica. really don't think they do it, although i think they did.(seen a description page on the website).
really want some and thinking of getting it mail order, although i remember in PFK magazine a couple months back
Jeremy Gay doing an article on mail order plants and commenting on how bad most of the blyxa japonica ships.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

woooo hoooo, did yanyones powersupply dip a little? lights flicker or dim? electrical good fail? no?.... they should of!

my new lights just arrived, and i mean powerfull. too much me thinks. im gona have to get this right!

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

In my 60cm opti-white, I ran 2 x T5 for 8 hour photoperiod. Plants don't need more light than this.

4 x T5 is handy for photography though. It's enough to freeze the fish nicely and maintain decent DoF... 😉

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

thanks for the advice george,

i've got a selection of the plants to go into the tank.

5 p helferi, (thanks for advice george)
2 vivipara (love this stuff)

to arrive from aqua essentials:-

6 x Tropica Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba'' (048B)
4 x Tropica Echinodorus Tennellus (067)

so hopefully should be planted by the weekend.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

love pogostemon helferi.
had a nice foreground starting from just one plant... then my ram got hungry 🙁

something about p.helferi against those rocks...beautiful.
can tell this is gonna be fairly awsome.

... dont want to put too much pressure on you 😀
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Hi Saintly,

Are you going with the 'Valley thingy' type hardscape?
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

the "valley thingy" idea has gone im afraid. i just didnt like it. i felt the tank wasnt big enough to realy pull it off. maybe im wrong.

anyway ive gone for the earlier version. actually i've started planting the hc....good god, what a job! i might finish sometime next year! :?
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

saintly said:
the "valley thingy" idea has gone im afraid. i just didnt like it. i felt the tank wasnt big enough to realy pull it off. maybe im wrong.

anyway ive gone for the earlier version. actually i've started planting the hc....good god, what a job! i might finish sometime next year! :?

I think youve done the right thing 🙂 I much prefered the earlier arrangements.

Its advisable to drink lots of Cold beer when planting HC 😀
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

hey planter,

im going hc mad :lol:

here's a quick pic of work in progress.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

That looks very impressive, excelent hardscape and good choice os plants, can't wait to see it mature 🙂
Good luck and congratulions on the setup 🙂