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saintly's "Prairie Lands"

woohooo happy days 😉 those bags look familiar haha
George Farmer said:
You're not having much luck with this tank mate? Two 'scapes, two premature stripdowns?

Good luck with the next one! 😀

Third time lucky, or just an excuse to rescape!! Wanna do mine next?? Bring those bags with you 😉
George Farmer said:
Two 'scapes, two premature stripdowns?

yep, i'm/tank is jinxed me thinks.

the problem has progressively got worse. it's making me believe that using brand new substartes has to be the way forward. the base layer of this tank consisted of old AS that had dead fish/shrimps etc. it was left for a while (not dry) then re used. anyway, when i pulled the stones out, i got a real strong wiff of death and putridness(is that a word?) it was horrid.

surface scum was an issue too, but when i switched co2 off it vanished. clive thinks the co2 maybe at fault. (not co2)

thanks fully, i know it's not me thats to blame with this tank, just a combination of tightness with substarte, possibly tainted gas and also possibly dodgy stones. and lack of de chlorinater from the off.

when i look at MA scape, i just cant believe the same person had done both tanks. the MA scape glows at the moment.especially with a korolia 1 pointing at the HC, it's brightest greenest i've grown.

brand new everything this time 😀
LondonDragon said:
Third time lucky, or just an excuse to rescape!! Wanna do mine next?? Bring those bags with you 😉

:lol: a bit of both mate.

i'm doing my 60 first as i want to check 1 or 2 things before committing to the 120. i still have doubts over my water. (paranoid) when drinking my water, i can only compare it with the local swimming baths...nearly 95% of the time
Hi mark,I am sure you will get it right,(it's like mixing groundbait getting the right blend)mark and I know an at we are on about, :lol:
Regards john.
saintly said:
Two 'scapes, two premature stripdowns

Still suffering from premature stripdown, Mark? :lol:

saintly said:
...i know it's not me thats to blame with this tank.....

That`s the spirit. I have a 4 year old I can blame my 60cm disaster on. :lol:

I often re use Amazonia, as I am a bit tight too. I`ve never had problems doing this, even after drying out. When I put it back in, it still has the nice earthy smell from when the packet is first opened. Perhaps there were a few dead critters in there. All those toxins around the plant roots sure won`t help.

Dave Spencer said:
stripdown, Mark? :lol:

sadly i'm not laughing dave, but i'm glad it makes you laugh. funny that, we dont hear from you all that often 8)

anyway, back to the drawing board.
Mark, mannnn... I was waiting to see this matured so badly. Best of luck with the new tank, I'm sure it will be another winner.
As you know, I'm gutted for you Mark 🙁

Round three has always been my favourite round for a knockout though, I'm sure you'll score the winning blow this time around 🙂
saintly said:
sadly i'm not laughing dave, but i'm glad it makes you laugh. funny that, we dont hear from you all that often 8)

Christ!!! You took that personally, didn`t you? 😀

I have clearly chronicled my misfortunes in my 60cm, and people are free to comment on any level they like. Don`t take it so seriously, mate. It`s only a hobby.

You don`t hear from too often because you know how to scape and don`t need my advice.

i'm just touchy due to the fact this tank is costing me a fortune. i do apologies if i came across, upset. 8)

anyway, the tank is still full of water, nothing else. and i can still say it stinks! real bad. :shock:
so tank is clean....again!


filters stripped and ready for a good clean, all old media in the bin. Everything just stank, everything i touched that was wet. my front rooms smells like a morg!


this tank now goes into temp storage, and the 60 takes it's place just so i get peace of mind at least.

thanks to everyone who followed me on this one. 😀

what i learnt from this?....liliaeopsis is a great/tall foreground plant. :lol: