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saintly's "Autumn Blush"

They're getting better and better. Some of the best aquatic photography I've seen on here, if I'm totally honest.
SteveUK said:
saintly said:

Really love this shot Mark! Looks amazing 🙂

me too 🙂 the colours are so vivid!
depth is really good. you keep reffering to tony, but honestly you are both unique in your styles, just your FTS that could be better, however, i still tjink they are good :lol:
dudes, thanks 8)

RE the full tank shot, yep i need some practise there. and thanks to the tonser for some inside info 😉

OK, a day or 2 comes early. i planned to do this at the weekend, but it really was time. The one thing i gota learn is the timing of each plant trim. in this trim i've cut rotala stems a tad early but I'm confident they'll come back. also i need the eustarlais to get some much needed light. thats interesting actually....from the cut eustralis stem i'm getting at least 3 sometimes 4 new stems from the single stem as opposed to the usual 2 from rotala etc....be brutal with trimming folks



and after i dropped the bomb 😛


ahhh, nice and wonky blurry images :lol:
As ever, looking excellent! I think I speak for most when I say I'm well jealous...

And stop complaining about your photography, it's excellent and a lot better than some of us can do. 😛
Your tanks make me increasingly sad. WHERE AM I GOING SO WRONG?!
Lovely tank, Mark. Keep it up.
rawr said:
As ever, looking excellent! I think I speak for most when I say I'm well jealous...

dont be mate, it just burns you up from the inside out....

Garuf said:

you struggling mate?.....co2 and more of the stuff. oh, and a bit of EI :lol:
Hi Mark,

speechless mate,
you will have to give me some basic pointers when i get my cannon 450d,
regards john.
Yes mate, I'm dosing what's meant for a 20gallon, I've got my drop checkers on the yellow side of lime green and still, nothing. Everything going super slow.
This tank has inspired me to add the anubias petite, should add some nice variation.
john starkey said:
speechless mate,
you will have to give me some basic pointers when i get my cannon 450d,

cheers john 😀 just give us a shout mate.

Garuf said:
This tank has inspired me to add the anubias petite, should add some nice variation.

after discussing this with steve, the tropica version is anubias nana petite. it's in the catalogue but not on the site.

AF's is anubias bonsai....ahhh, daniel son.

here's my rotala pearling.

Ooh, that's nice mate 🙂 What do you use for your backgrounds? Just sheets? I need to figure out how to get some white backgrounds onto some of my tanks...

Edit: Mate, would you mind giving a quick guide to how you "burn" out the backgrounds? I've heard you refer to doing this before. I know theres a "dodge and burn" tool in Photoshop, but I've never really used it. Might be one for a seperate thread maybe! 😀 Would love to get my photographs looking even half as good as yours 😳
SteveUK said:
What do you use for your backgrounds? Just sheets?

that's it mate. nothing fancy. it's just normal card. i've discovered there's really only 3 colours that you need.

and pale blue this colour

well it's what i need anyway 😉 of course experiment with all kinds.

there's 2 ways i do it now.

firstly, the "quick snap" like the one above. using just th MH lamp @ F2.8's and the likes

and secondly, with flash where i can get sharper images. i'm still practising the second.

one tip! if you have intense lighting, try to have it quite high from the tank. This eliminates that nasty line you sometimes get from over tank luminaries. even raise your luminaire if you have one.

add a front sheet to stop lens flare. 😀
saintly said:
add a front sheet to stop lens flare. 😀
Top tip pal, i've been thinking about doing that. And thanks for the 2.8 tip, i know is only a guide but at least it's a starting point. Some people, including myself need this kind of starting point.
SteveUK said:
and that's only got 2x24w T5's over it.

mmm, yeah maybe a bit more needed. but it's still possible to get good shots.

back lighting will help illuminating the.....back! :lol:

i used to have 1 x 24wt5 for my 60 which was great to emphasize the rear

Another thing to consider when adding additional lighting is the conflict of W/B. be sure to try and match the W/B the best you can else you'll end up in a tiz if shooting J-PEG, RAW you can control it a bit more try to buy lighting independent for photography.

Its tough enough keeping up with the standard of tanks on here but now your introducing 4 yr old scapers !!!!!

I am not sure if some of the memebers will be able to cope with being "out scaped" by a four year old :lol:
andyh said:
Its tough enough keeping up with the standard of tanks on here but now your introducing 4 yr old scapers !!!!!

I am not sure if some of the members will be able to cope with being "out scaped" by a four year old :lol:
true. 😀

actually, my wife and son are away as some of you know. I had a bad moment a few days ago, when my wife informed me he had Appendicitis 🙁 he was rushed to hospital in kazakstan, had emergency operation and is now at grand parents house doing good 😀

the fact he was 3000 miles away was torture! so Dan, even though you cant read this son....this scape is for you blue eyes! 😀