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Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

i've just gone through some old photos. It's surprising how similar this is to my old set up.


i wished i'd kept the above going 😵

I need to think out side the box a little.
Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

Can we lay bets now that in say... a year's time, you'll look back on pics of 'Savannah Dreaming' and say, 'I wish I'd kept it going?"

need more tanks, for more scapes.

Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

Still looking superb mate. Don't give up on it yet.

The way I see it; you're a big follower of Amano. He does often use a large variety of plant species in a lot of his non-Iwagumi 'scapes, so I can see why you've done the same.

Species selection is certainly key in a long-term 'scape. And 'long-term' for a hi-energy tank is anything over 3 months realistically. I doubt the high impact 'scapes Amano's done with the mass of stem varieties, carpeting species etc. are kept longer than necessary in order to get the final tank shot.

Check out Amano's larger long-term 'scapes and what species do you usually find? Ferns, moss, crypts, Anubias. Video clips of the ADA NA Gallery are testiment to that.

So what I saying is don't beat yourself up. Keep it going by maintaining it well until you're as happy as you can possibly be with it. Then when it's at its plateau, get the final shots and rest assured you've done your best, and take what you've learnt on to the next stage.

Remember that delayed gratification is more rewarding than instant gratification; a marathon, not a sprint.
Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

your tanks always look amazing 😀 .and if i could grow my plants as quick as you i'd be rescaping a lot more as well.
so many ideas,but unlike you not the skill to always pull it off 😉 .
Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

Stunning! And I do agree, your journals are a really good read, especially with all the jaw-dropping photography. It also showcases your aquascaping and most importantly IMHO, your maintenance diligence and attention to detail. I'd be sad to see this go!
Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

chaps, thanks. I'm though really suffering. i'll go into depth over the next few days. maybe get some opinions.

Jamem stopped me from totally ripping it down. so i'm on a mission over the next few weeks to sort a few problems. then rescape.

my bolbitis was going the wrong way around. dead on the front view, yet flourishing at the back...where you cant see it!

here's after a butchering.

Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

Bolbitis tends to do that. You need to keep trimming the leaves and eventually trimming the rhizomes, there's no way around this I find. There is some good news at least - you can always sell off or give away the extra rhizomes.

How about changing some of the stems behind? Something not green like Pogostemon stellata or Ludwigia var cuba to create some contrast.
Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

flygja said:
How about changing some of the stems behind? Something not green like Pogostemon stellata or Ludwigia var cuba to create some contrast.

I think I'm going to change the whole thing. TBH, I'm real busy with work, going away for a week soon and struggling to even feel excited about the hobby at the moment.

If I do, do something, I may keep it under wraps for a while this time.
Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

chilled84 said:
what the hell happened to that bolbitus, Mine is terrible to, so your not aone. Realy wanna learnt how to grow bobitus.
Mine did really bad in the high tech tank, moved it to the nano with low light no CO2 and just the odd dosing and its looking great now.
Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

saintly said:
I think I'm going to change the whole thing. TBH, I'm real busy with work, going away for a week soon and struggling to even feel excited about the hobby at the moment.

I know how that feels.. been there a few times. Am sure you'll bounce right back when the right idea hits you 8)
flygja said:
I know how that feels.. been there a few times. Am sure you'll bounce right back when the right idea hits you 8)

something feels different this time. I cant put my finger on it.hopefully I'll get excited again.

anyway, this tanks finished now. stripped down shortly. thanks to everyone who contributed. 8)

I'm off to waddington air show with my boy now. 😀
Re: Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' intensive treatment

saintly said:
chaps, thanks. I'm though really suffering. i'll go into depth over the next few days. maybe get some opinions.

Jamem stopped me from totally ripping it down. so i'm on a mission over the next few weeks to sort a few problems. then rescape.

my bolbitis was going the wrong way around. dead on the front view, yet flourishing at the back...where you cant see it!

here's after a butchering.


Every time I have tried to grow bolbitis it has always done something weird, IMO it's a really tough plant to maintain long term, maybe other people on here are experts with it or something.

I have to say I think this picture of the layout here though looks excellent, I like the negative space in the middle. You have achieved yet more balance and success with the composition and you haven't even tried 😀 you're a bloody natural mate!
oldwhitewood said:
MO it's a really tough plant to maintain long term, maybe other people on here are experts with it or something.

The strange thing is, it's the 'tropica' version which has acted strange. The Aquafleur variety is fine and IMVHO Aquafluers looks better too.

Apart from struggling to turn it around, i'm not overly fussed with the layout. Far too complex for my liking.

oldwhitewood said:
I like the negative space in the middle. You have achieved yet more balance and success with the composition and you haven't even tried 😀 you're a bloody natural mate!

cheers mate, after taking half the stems, bolbitis, and ferns out, it looked real spacious....made me wish I'd planted like I initially wanted to.

If I do another tank, whenever that maybe, I'll do it the way i've always wanted to. 😀

what is happening here are you giving up for the time being? Everybody including me seems to go through lulls in the hobby if you have been dping it for a few years, youll definately be doing another one at some point. 😀

I notice alot of people seem to have quite a short life span for their scaping, whether that is intended or nor im not sure, but in this case you seem fed up. I tend to hang on, this is somthing of nature and well i suppose that is one of the reasons for liking jungle tanks more. they are less controlled. Give it time things will improve, could you not even evolve it into the more simple scape you wanted?
sanj said:
what is happening here are you giving up for the time being?

No mate. Just need to get my head straight a little. That's all. work is good at the minute, and days are short.

I need to decide which road I'm heading down. low tech, high tech...possibly low tech.

It's quite intersesting taking this apart. doing it in such away, that it reveals another layout within the same tank.

with just HC crypts and stones, it still looks good :lol: The fish look amazing is such vast, clear areas of water.
I think there's something in the air. A few of us have lost a bit of interest in the hobby lately. Must be the weather!

Great journal though mate. Taught us loads, and no doubt you've learnt a lot too. That's what it's all about!
Rock scape or woodscape...or even both?

Do you think you will do a scape to last a few years, or perhaps the urge to try somthing different makes you want to change it? i know you guys learn a lot more by doing many scapes. I think next time i interupt my current one will be when I can afford to move to a nicer part of town...and maybe have a house as nice as yours. I just tend to let my scapes evolve, have a reluctance to take them apart once set up. Like a I said maybe its tank size and the cost of everything.

I cant remember exactly but are you only allowed one tank now? lol I was going to say why not try another long term low tech?