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Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

sorry to hijack mark but could i ask you a question?

my HM is growing side shoots out of every node but the stuff on the left gets blown back by the filter outlet on the top right. its crawling but crawling to the back of the tank because of this. i am woundering if the side shoots will grow foward again. did you have such problems?
samc said:
its crawling but crawling to the back of the tank because of this. i am woundering if the side shoots will grow foward again. did you have such problems?

I have the same issues to Sam, same with acicularis. Autumn blush was a classic example for me. I just moved the outlet (slightly) to re direct flow a little.
saintly said:
i've 2 x eheims running. 1 is about half full of carbon, fluval stuff I think. when it depletes it becomes biological.

Hmm... another bit of misinformation squashed? I've read that carbon absorbs ferts from the water column. And yet you have a lotta carbon in your filter. Maybe its time for me to try them out too.
flygja said:
Hmm... another bit of misinformation squashed? I've read that carbon absorbs ferts from the water column. And yet you have a lotta carbon in your filter. Maybe its time for me to try them out too.

i've alwayes used it. i guess it's part of my regime now. 😀

guess what!....a vid update. :hilarious:

shot with tank lights, it's a tad dark in places. i will add extra lighting when doing it properly. this tank goes without ferts for 3 days some times now and has not had a W/C in about 2 weeks or so 😳

it's trim time soon me thinks too.

thanks for looking
Nice vid! I see what you mean about being a bit dark in places. Should look even better when we can see the rockwork properly.

Did you decide against the big shoal of harlequins, Mark?

I really like what you're doing with the video thing! Is the whole process very time-consuming?
chilled84 said:
I always waite updates on this tank, I just wish my stems were that good. Its great saintly! 😀

thanks chilled :thumbup:

George Farmer said:
I see what you mean about being a bit dark in places. Should look even better when we can see the rockwork properly.

true mate. the stems are so vivid, adjusting the shutter for shaded areas was a no no. next time i'll place all the light i have (2 x bowen) over the front part and the tank lights(all 4 x 54w) should even things up a bit. in all honesty, a vid wasn't on my mind, but i thought what the hell.

George Farmer said:
Did you decide against the big shoal of harlequins, Mark?

no, i was just waiting for filters to be at there strongest for the current live stock. then i'll start adding a shoal.

George Farmer said:
Is the whole process very time-consuming?

not really. slowing learning the basics so i can now knock out little vids like this in 5 minutes or so. A better produced video would of course take more time.

I'd like to do it properly, maybe at the weekend making sure all equipment is out etc, lighting is good etc etc. It's all a big learning curve, which I'd like to share with people. warts and all 😀
chilled84 said:
Cant waite untill i can aford presurised, Stems stems stems lol,

i love em too 😀 ....blatantly.

here's a similar vid. the problem comes from the likes of riccia, which is so bright it just looks washed out when you try to expose for mosses etc.

I'm soooo wanting to rip this down 😵
I'm loving this tank and the awsome vids. :thumbup:
I have one quesion. How do you get your mosses to grow so green and lush?
i like this tank alot, but i feel that if you had this scape at home it could have been something special indeed. it hasnt got that saintly maintained look 😀 i am not saying its a bad scape at all but i know you could have done better. if you rescape this DO IT AT HOME! :lol: all your best scape have been at home

i like the riccia actually. it reminds me of boulders at the edge of a stream.
I've just blasted through this journal again, and I'm just blown away by the speed with which you imagine, create, grow in and then destroy scapes, Mark!

I can't agree for a moment with the last comment (sorry, Samc!), this is a good as anything I've seen on UKAPS - or anywhere, for that matter. The videos are brilliant, and I'd agree with others that this is the way forward - people without tanks can barely begin to imagine the delight of a planted tank from stills alone.

I particularly love the powerful colour contrast between the moss and the riccia - even though you thought it was a mistake to start with - allegedly!

Just for the record, on November 21 you wrote: "...there's got to be a good 7 months in this..." - I guessed you fooled no-one!
That is a stunning tank and great videos Mark.

thanks for sharing it with us

thanks guys 😀

samc said:
i hope mark didnt take affence to the comment :? it is one of the best on here. i was saying that it could have been even better as i know what mark can do when has more time on his tanks.

Sam, don't worry mate. I actually know what you mean. I'm also aware it's not my best. I look at it and know I can maintain it much better than I am. The next one will be at home :thumbup:

seriously guys, thanks again for your kind words