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Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

George Farmer said:
Some nice L-series to do that bad boy justice I hope! 😀

soon mate, soon 😉

currently, just my 50mm 1.4 ultrasonic and my 65mm macro. the 50mm is a beauty in disguise as you know.

here's the tank from today @ 7 weeks or so, not really sure. Trim time soon.


I'm slowly removing the riccia as it just don't suit. I'm sad really because I just cant spend the time i want to on this tank. I'm a busy bee at the mo, and 5 or 10 minutes is all i get. 🙁

i'm totally inspired and excited for the next set-up 😛
this looks great Mark. :thumbup:

how long you will keep the Koralia in the tank? too bad this rob so much space from the sight 😉
i had this in earlier til i added in my 2nd filter and got enough fllow.

oh just a side question what is the thickness of this tank? 8mm? :shifty:
tko187 said:
That is lookimg sweet!!!

cheers dude. :thumbup:

viktorlantos said:
how long you will keep the Koralia in the tank? too bad this rob so much space from the sight 😉

forever viktor, it's my source of co2 distribution. of course everything will be removed for the final images.

viktorlantos said:
oh just a side question what is the thickness of this tank? 8mm? :shifty:

i think it's 10mm

hydrophyte said:
That looks awesome Mark.

cheers devin. I'm adamant to have the next tank @ home. out of the last 5 tanks i've done, only one has been @ home. I'm happy though in the fact i can run tanks successfully away from home. it, in away, has homed in my skills a little.
Sorry if ive missed this, but what filter do you use for house-hold use?

(im in the market for a new one!)
gerlewis said:
Sorry if ive missed this, but what filter do you use for house-hold use?

currently eheim's one has just packed up though. soon I'll be trying out the Aquapro range.

This will be last tank i do away from home. Even though it's just down the road, i cant up keep it how I'd like to. when i have tanks at home, I look after it like it were a baby....i just cant do that at the mo and it sickens me.

The next scape will be in this, but at my house with 2 x 150 MH not T5 units :twisted:

here's out it's looking at he moment.


and a shot of a SAE. i placed a shrimp pellet to attract him.

Regardless of whether you get to tinker with it every 5 mins like I'm sure you'd do at home, it still looks great from where I'm sat :thumbup:

Nice SAE shot too :clap:
Hi saintly,
Can I ask you? How much do you use carbon in your filter? What is your carbon producer? How often do you change carbon media?
Thank you for answer.
Regards Viktor
Looks amazing really like the look of the sand thinking of using it in my tank does it show up dirt alot.
joanne said:
does it show up dirt alot.

i've personally not experienced it. i've added about 30 amano shrimp which turn it over frequently.

smik said:
Can I ask you? How much do you use carbon in your filter?

i've 2 x eheims running. 1 is about half full of carbon, fluval stuff I think. when it depletes it becomes biological.
TDI-line said:
must be time for a rescape though.. 😀 😀 :lol: :lol: 😉

not far off mate. once the rotala grows back, it's done.

something a bit more long term next time?.....nah. definitely low growing tank next. grass etc....but with the attention a tank deserves. :geek:
samc said:
no stems :shock: how will you cope :lol:

there'l be stems mate...HC. I'm gona use HM as a low grower too.Umbrosum is a stunner also. i'm going to use 2 x 150 MH suspended to get the carpet growth from HM.I do know though, i dont need the quantaties of HM that i once thought were needed.

i just don't know yet, I'm designing in my head at the moment. 😀