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Round indoor pond project queries.

I don't know if I have mentioned lately but these fish have been fed just one brand of food for over a decade - New Life Spectrum. I don't even feed them anything else really, like frozen food. I lost that habit out of laziness. All of the fish were babies when I got them, including the denison barbs and harlequins, apart from about 4 of the loaches which I got a bit grown up to save them from the fish shop. The denisons will be 7 years old around October this year. I don't sell the food😀 I am not promoting it but let's say it is safe to say one can feed their fish with that food only and keep them healthy without much fuss, based on my experience.
A rare view of one of my hillstream loaches. They're great at hiding, especially that this tank is full of crypts to the brim. I haven't done the gardening in a very long time as you can notice 🙂
The algae is on the glass, not on the plants. This hillstream was bought about 6 years ago.

Hillstream loach.jpg
has anyone tried growing amazon swords in one of the pond tubs I'm thinking of doing it as i have some spare quite big swords
any other aquarium plant other than valisnaria (already done came out well even started flowering )
thinking of potting it with aquatic compost and capping it with pea gravel
and advice input would be appreciated .
Sorry, I am actually seeing this just now. I actually have an amazon sword in one of the small plastic ponds. It grows just fine but often struggles to get enough light from the emerged plants. That mini pond is with soil, capped with sand.

I took some pictures today. Unfortunately only thought of it after the aquatic lights went off but here you go.

The pond looks so small on this picture 🙂 The creeper at the bottom is only recent addition so hoping to finally cover that mesh. It's grown very quickly and is putting roots through the mesh already.
Pond Sept 2023 2 (2).jpg

Pond Sept 2023 3.jpg

There is an orchid which is doing fairly well. All I do is put water from the fish tank. It's hanging outside it.
Pond Sept 2023 4 (2).jpg

That's one of the mini ponds. There are 2 plants grown emerged which take turns. Right now the hydrophila corymbosa has taken over but this changes.
Pond Sept 2023 1 (2).jpg
And one of my oldest sitting glass tanks...It has hillstream loaches in it for several years, probably six years 🙂 Of course the tank had a different history before hand....It needs some care and cutting crypts...I just don't care because the fish do not care.

Sitting Room Sept 2023.jpg
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