Hey everyone.
I've been so busy lately with good and bad in life, can't help it. It just happens.
Fish like always became a 2nd fiddle.
Today I managed to spend some time for myself while changing the water in all tanks to see who's alive and what's the situation.
I remembered today it's been about 6 years since I setup the pond and all the other plastic tubs. For those catching up late, I had become allergic to glass tanks after several floods 🙂
The situation looks good. The fish look healthy, active and vibrant. I really think the types of setups I have are the healthiest I have had and now tested for years, which is simply emergent plants in pots with hanging lights, natural light even better, a thin layer of sand and plenty of filtration, water changes, and quality food.
In detail: clown loaches look a bit fat, bellies on some providing that there're days I forget to feed but I remembered that October is their breeding season so it might be because of that. I must remember to observe them around mid October, because although clowns do not breed in captivity, they do exhibit the behaviour and I've seen it before around this time of year.
They're all in really good health and there are some really big ones in there now after 10 years, although I purchased some of them a bit later of various sizes.
My work desk is in that fish room and I get plenty of splashes from the clown loaches when I get up, to remind me to feed them. I've gone into the routine from morning to evening feeding, and when I finish work and lean around for some other reason and I get my face washed to remind me it's feeding time 🙂 They are so bold and very aggressive eaters.
The denison barbs, such lovely fish and I am so glad I got them to accompany the clown loaches. They're restless but they really give the clowns the confidence as they swim just above them. They get on great together. The barbs have grown really big and beautiful and colourful, and I never had one sick one from day one when I got them as babies, same as the clowns really. They are now 6 years old. May they live long and happy lives.
Harlequin rasboras- still tons of them in there but I can't tell if any have died because I think I got 30-40 -ish of them, can't remember. They also get on great with the rest of the fish and are not afraid to mix with the clowns around feeding time. The clowns never bothered them. The harlequins have half the tank for themselves out the back. It's amazing that the smallest of fish have gotten the biggest space because even the denisons like hanging at the front with the clowns where the food comes 🙂 So harlequins are queens of half the tank 🙂
Now to the sad news. I could not see any SAEs today, not one. I think they may have withered and died. They didn't do great from the start because they're not aggressive eaters and are timid. Every other fish can bully them, even the harlequins. I am really sad but I expected that. Plus I think they would do better in a cooler tank. I did think to put them into the weather loach tank but catching from the pond is impossible.
Back to the good news. My weather loach is doing great since the transition to the bigger tub. And she's eaten all snails 🙂 That tank had so many snails getting all chunky that I fed the clown loaches with them at some point. I never knew/read that weather loaches have a taste for snails 🙂 At the same time she doesn't seem to be touching the shrimp. There are large healthy shrimp in there although I moved very few from her old tub. This tub never had shrimp before for test purposes and because I hate accidentally flushing shrimp down the drain but shrimp are a great addition to the ecosystem. .They save my job from cleaning the sand and the sponges on the intakes 🙂 Great scavengers and they keep the balance right.
And other bits and pieces from my other tub and only glass tank. I saw my cold water loaches, including some in the weather loach tank and also my glass tank which were exclusively setup for them. I don't know how many are alive but I've had them for quite a few years in planted tanks! and they're living. I think I transitioned the glass tank to cold water loaches around 2017 and it's when I put them in post quarantining and treating one very sick baby clown loach which I had purchased to apply my medical skills, and who is now unrecognisable, healthy and big. So some of the cold weather loaches are still here in 2022. They're tougher than I thought and I got a bit of slack for putting them in setups like that but it's working good enough.
The bushy nose pleco, or shell I say the bully, who I had raised from a little fry, is still intimidating the biggest of clowns 🙂
And last, but not least, I still have kuhli loaches after 10 years from purchasing them. They live in a tub with just shrimp for a good few years now.
That was a lot of text with no pictures or videos and I know for myself, text on a fish forum is boring. Apologies. It's probably just for my own record 🙂 I'll try to get some pictures and videos up.
All the best to everyone.