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Roma 240

need it covered though as 3 big hairy dogs that create lots of dust daily!
Yes I’m constantly snagging the Demon Cat’s contributions out of my tanks
Of course when I had a glass lid on the tank, Demon Cat sat atop and went fishing ... those paws and claws and legs can cover quite the distance

At least with just a thin glass edge, it’s more of a balancing challenge and Demon Cat is (somewhat) less agile as an adult ... now he loves stalking the fish from the ground and suddenly leaping at the glass ... I suppose it’s good aerobic exercise for the fish

I suspect your dogs are unlikely to sit on the tanks, so a glass top could be used if you want to go with a rimless tank
(ADA and UNS both manufacture suitable glass lids and clips, though these are sold as accessories - you can likely have glass tops made locally as well; I prefer the ADA clips as they are much cleaner style, glass is slightly recessed into the tank. Most companies manufacture the glass lids so there is room for filter accessories BUT I do have some 30C glass tops that prevent any tank access (can’t imagine what the company was intending))

Horizon Aquatics isn’t too far from you, likely well worth the drive and visit (call and discuss your goals and they’ll book you an appropriate time slot)
Their online shop should give you an idea of what they carry, though often shops have additional items in store that don’t make it to the online list

George Farmer has a couple videos
(note GF isn’t the best at including links to associated videos or plants used in his scapes 😉 though sometimes this information will be pinned in the first Comment)

Geordie Scaper does some rather nice videos and includes more “low tech” content on his channels

That is very useful to know thank you Alto. I will look at the shop and videos now. My dogs definitely won’t be sitting on the tanks! They are very big so might try and use them as water bowls and I will probably have lots of nose art across the front of it ......
Haha, I have an English bull terrier and he likes to sleep wedged in between the tanks, must be the noise/vibrations of the pump or water that attracts them.
Oh man, you have my other halfs favourite breed there. She has been plaguing my blahblahblahblah for a couple of years now to get one. Our Jack Russell/Corgi Cross is a grumpy git though and not sure he would fend to well having another dog in the house. We'll that, and they are expensive now. I have seen the price of pups nearly double in the past 3 years we have been looking.
Hi all,
Yes I’m constantly snagging the Demon Cat’s contributions out of my tanks......Demon Cat sat atop and went fishing ... those paws and claws and legs can cover quite the distance
Yes, I had to get<"lids in the end">. We still have "Minnie", and we still have to warn visitors that you need to keep your fingers well away from the "bitey bit".

cheers Darrel
Just a word of caution there are some great bricks and mortar shops out there but most are a mine of misinformation.
Best advice is to talk to one of our sponsors. I'd give Steve @Siege or Dave a ring at Aquarium Gardens.
You are guaranteed to get the best possible advice, and service 😉
I have look at at Aquarium Gardens also thank you. Looks a great place. Watched some very good videos. I phoned Horizon as I can actually visit them and see the hard scaping area which I think will benefit me as a newcomer. I have been trying to find Siege in google (is it a fish shop or a brand or the guys name sorry?)
I have look at at Aquarium Gardens also thank you. Looks a great place. Watched some very good videos. I phoned Horizon as I can actually visit them and see the hard scaping area which I think will benefit me as a newcomer. I have been trying to find Siege in google (is it a fish shop or a brand or the guys name sorry?)
That'll be Steve, he's part of the Aquarium Gardens team. His UKAPS name is Siege 😉
Checkout the Aqua One AquaSys range, these have OptiWhite glass (except on the back pane), open top and slightly cheaper than the Fluval Roma, but you do obviously need to get a light, which is better since you have more choice, perhaps something from Twinstar. I used to have a Fluval Roma 240 around 10 years ago when it was still tube lighting. Loved the tank but didn’t like the predrilled outlet and also 50% water changes per week on a tank that size took quite a while with buckets, so be prepared to have a good water removal ‘ refill system prepared. Having seen the AquaSys in the flesh I was really impressed and was seconds away from buying the 230 but I didn’t have room, gutted lol.
MD Fish tanks you tube Marcs easy way to WC with a mixer tap from sink. Similar to Geordie Scaper.
Ok thanks. Will look for the video. I have subscribed to MD, George Farmer and Geordie Scaper at the moment so working my way through all their videos
Checkout the Aqua One AquaSys range, these have OptiWhite glass (except on the back pane), open top and slightly cheaper than the Fluval Roma, but you do obviously need to get a light, which is better since you have more choice, perhaps something from Twinstar. I used to have a Fluval Roma 240 around 10 years ago when it was still tube lighting. Loved the tank but didn’t like the predrilled outlet and also 50% water changes per week on a tank that size took quite a while with buckets, so be prepared to have a good water removal ‘ refill system prepared. Having seen the AquaSys in the flesh I was really impressed and was seconds away from buying the 230 but I didn’t have room, gutted lol.
Yes the water changes are worrying me at the moment but I’m sure once I get into the swing of it I will feel more comfortable. I’m having nightmares of flooding the place and the water being too cold .....
Yes the water changes are worrying me at the moment but I’m sure once I get into the swing of it I will feel more comfortable. I’m having nightmares of flooding the place and the water being too cold .....
I didn’t have too many problems with spilling but it does take a lot of effort if you just use buckets. Better off getting a plumbing in to put in a drain pipe which you can attach hose to with pump on end and just pump water out straight down the drain. Can also get a Thermostatic valve under the sink to set the temp you want and then just attach a hose into a bucket with the pump in add declorinator into the bucket and pump from bucket straight to tank, a lot easier but does require a bit of forethought.
I didn’t have too many problems with spilling but it does take a lot of effort if you just use buckets. Better off getting a plumbing in to put in a drain pipe which you can attach hose to with pump on end and just pump water out straight down the drain. Can also get a Thermostatic valve under the sink to set the temp you want and then just attach a hose into a bucket with the pump in add declorinator into the bucket and pump from bucket straight to tank, a lot easier but does require a bit of forethought.
Oh that’s interesting thank you. Will investigate