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Roma 240

Python No Spill Clean and Fill Gravel Cleaner Water Change System

I’ve had my Python for over 20 years now, I just drain to the garden or toilet rather than using the tap (it’s actually faster as I’ve low water pressure), when I’ve finished the syphon part, I switch over to an Eheim intake tube with strainer to just remove water, and refill through the same
- you won’t want to use the refill attachment shown in the video if you’ve Aquarium Soil or fine sand ... well I suppose you could as long as the return flow is quite slow

I’ve had to replace the green T occasionally over the years (more my handling I suspect than inbuilt obsolescence) but the (Tygon) tubing used by Python is excellent, no mould etc growth, still very flexible

Of course since bringing home Demon Cat, I’ve learned to v.e.r.y strongly anchor both ends of the Python tubing

I keep everything in a large basket for convenience (and no one knows it’s aquarium stuff)
Python No Spill Clean and Fill Gravel Cleaner Water Change System

I’ve had my Python for over 20 years now, I just drain to the garden or toilet rather than using the tap (it’s actually faster as I’ve low water pressure), when I’ve finished the syphon part, I switch over to an Eheim intake tube with strainer to just remove water, and refill through the same
- you won’t want to use the refill attachment shown in the video if you’ve Aquarium Soil or fine sand ... well I suppose you could as long as the return flow is quite slow

I’ve had to replace the green T occasionally over the years (more my handling I suspect than inbuilt obsolescence) but the (Tygon) tubing used by Python is excellent, no mould etc growth, still very flexible

Of course since bringing home Demon Cat, I’ve learned to v.e.r.y strongly anchor both ends of the Python tubing

I keep everything in a large basket for convenience (and no one knows it’s aquarium stuff)
I keep seeing the Python being used and it looks good. I wasn’t too sure exactly what it came with and what were extras and adaptations-I saw one video where the guy was in a flat so used the bathroom sink to empty and refil which looked very easy but he had a weird adapter with shut off valves so not sure if it comes with that. Further online looking involved I think for me