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Rivers Edge - ADA 45P - planted and filled

I love the look of them @Jayefc1 and your new scape looks great! But I think I'd get bored too quickly with it (like I did with my iwagumi)

What I have in my head with this is a fair bit going on between hardscape and variety of plants, fingers crossed I pull off the picture I have thought up...
i see a t-rex looking thing in the wood now you say,looking forward to what you do and i am the same keep thinking i want a iwagumi but i know i would get bored as loving the stems etc currently.

Good luck whith what ever you do

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Few new bits to try out on this tank

That's exactly why I bought the SS ones as my last glass one broke on me @Jayefc1 the only thing that outs me off the bendy ones is the heating leaves black marks on the acrylic

Hardscape update, still need a journal title for this...

I think juris did an update on how to bend with out marking the plastic when he did the first vid he held the flame to close and heated to quickly he said
Hard scape looks good mate like the pebbles
I think juris did an update on how to bend with out marking the plastic when he did the first vid he held the flame to close and heated to quickly he said
Hard scape looks good mate like the pebbles

Yes, stupid mistake
Looks good mate should grow in nicely love the rock work.


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Thanks @Deano3 pretty happy with it so far, turned out fairly close to how I pictured it in my head
Thanks @Patrick Crowley thats always nice to hear and exactly why I decided to try and do a tank like this, something a bit different and it also gives me another challenge

I was finding myself in the same old mindset with each of my 3 tanks so have rescaped them to 3 different styles and it makes for much more interesting viewing and looking forward to taking a step back and enjoying watching them grow in
Nice tanks you have. Like those big pebbles. I want to ask sth.
Are your Eheim HOBs silent? Are you satisfied with them? I have Aqua Nova NF450 on my 12L and it has good feature - there is reverse valve so the filter doesn't get empty when out of electricity. Is there sth similar or what happens in case of power cut?
Hi @rjugas thanks for the compliment :thumbup:

They are quiet but do give off a slight hum, and mo they do slowly drain back into the tank when power is turned off
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