After a false start with this tank and a recent house move it's time to start putting this one together.
Tank - Juwel Rio 125l
Filter. Internal removed. Eheim Pro 3 600 (2075) Rated 1250 lph. Stock media for now. Waiting for extra length of spraybar and clips etc.
Lighting - Stock Juwel twin T5's plus reflectors.
Co2 - 3kg pressurised. TMC dual guage reg with solonoid and valve. Up atomiser on it's way from Hong Kong.
Fert's - Ei.
Substrate - Tesco's cat litter. 😀
Hardscape - Some green rockey rock from local garden centre/fish shop, 26p per kg. The wood I've picked up here and there over the last 6 months or so.
Plant list. I'm whittling down a list of around 18-20 species. As the scape has changed I'm going to re think the planting. I can kinda see it in my head if that helps. One thing for sure, it will feature plenty of crypts and ferns. 😀
Fauna. The Mrs is into her Angels and refer to them as orphans, hence the name. We will be growing on some youngsters for future breeding projects.
The scape I had in mind used another piece of wood but I couldn't get it to feel natural so I switched out the wood and bought in the other 2 pieces of bogwood and tried an island. It seemed to work out well.
Ok onto the pics.

Closer view of hardscape

Left View

Right View

Cabinet. Filter just fits.

Thanks for looking. Hope to plant and flood in around 2 weeks time.
Tank - Juwel Rio 125l
Filter. Internal removed. Eheim Pro 3 600 (2075) Rated 1250 lph. Stock media for now. Waiting for extra length of spraybar and clips etc.
Lighting - Stock Juwel twin T5's plus reflectors.
Co2 - 3kg pressurised. TMC dual guage reg with solonoid and valve. Up atomiser on it's way from Hong Kong.

Fert's - Ei.

Substrate - Tesco's cat litter. 😀
Hardscape - Some green rockey rock from local garden centre/fish shop, 26p per kg. The wood I've picked up here and there over the last 6 months or so.
Plant list. I'm whittling down a list of around 18-20 species. As the scape has changed I'm going to re think the planting. I can kinda see it in my head if that helps. One thing for sure, it will feature plenty of crypts and ferns. 😀
Fauna. The Mrs is into her Angels and refer to them as orphans, hence the name. We will be growing on some youngsters for future breeding projects.
The scape I had in mind used another piece of wood but I couldn't get it to feel natural so I switched out the wood and bought in the other 2 pieces of bogwood and tried an island. It seemed to work out well.
Ok onto the pics.

Closer view of hardscape

Left View

Right View

Cabinet. Filter just fits.

Thanks for looking. Hope to plant and flood in around 2 weeks time.