Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island. Lost track of weeks Update pic
Thank's it's doing really well for me and I've started filling out the front. The last bit of BBA has been cleared with the toothbrush and plenty of easy carbo.
It's only the 2 Echindorus species that are struggling. I'm thinking of outing them, the Quadriacostatus on the left can be replaced with some nice crypts but I might keep the Vesuvius for now. Started trimming the longer Staurogyne shoots and seeding the middle of the foreground. I think I will give up on P Helferi for now.
L Aromatica is coming on well from what I started with. Time for a trim and replant. I'll grow them out, then pull the lot and restart with the nice tips. Should have a nice bush of it in a couple of months.
Anyway, FTS, complete with floating Staurogyne trimming. Uprooted by angels no doubt.

And just to show the diffent side views,
from the left,

and the right.

I'll get the tripod out soon. 😳
I had a couple of misshaps recently. Lost 2 black phantoms after last weeks water change. They were kinda floating around, gills still going. Not sure if it was something in the water or the temp shock as I add cold water straight to the tank slowly. I also couldn't find my API conditioner at the time.
The second misshap was this weekend. Sunday morning I did a full filter maintenance along with pipe scrub. I flicked the co2 on afterwards to check after putting the brush through the otimiser, forgot to turn it off. Monday evening comes around and the 3 angels are huddled up the back left corner gasping. Realised the error, cut co2 off, raised spray bar for and hour or so. Luckily all was well and no casulalties. A few weeks ago I forgot to turn the heater back on for 2-3 days. 🙁
skeletonw00t said:Your staurogyne looks great! Really healthy!
Thank's it's doing really well for me and I've started filling out the front. The last bit of BBA has been cleared with the toothbrush and plenty of easy carbo.

L Aromatica is coming on well from what I started with. Time for a trim and replant. I'll grow them out, then pull the lot and restart with the nice tips. Should have a nice bush of it in a couple of months.
Anyway, FTS, complete with floating Staurogyne trimming. Uprooted by angels no doubt.

And just to show the diffent side views,
from the left,

and the right.

I'll get the tripod out soon. 😳
I had a couple of misshaps recently. Lost 2 black phantoms after last weeks water change. They were kinda floating around, gills still going. Not sure if it was something in the water or the temp shock as I add cold water straight to the tank slowly. I also couldn't find my API conditioner at the time.
The second misshap was this weekend. Sunday morning I did a full filter maintenance along with pipe scrub. I flicked the co2 on afterwards to check after putting the brush through the otimiser, forgot to turn it off. Monday evening comes around and the 3 angels are huddled up the back left corner gasping. Realised the error, cut co2 off, raised spray bar for and hour or so. Luckily all was well and no casulalties. A few weeks ago I forgot to turn the heater back on for 2-3 days. 🙁