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Rio 125 - Orphans Island. 5 Week update, plenty of pics!


7 Mar 2011
After a false start with this tank and a recent house move it's time to start putting this one together.

Tank - Juwel Rio 125l

Filter. Internal removed. Eheim Pro 3 600 (2075) Rated 1250 lph. Stock media for now. Waiting for extra length of spraybar and clips etc.

Lighting - Stock Juwel twin T5's plus reflectors.

Co2 - 3kg pressurised. TMC dual guage reg with solonoid and valve. Up atomiser on it's way from Hong Kong. :thumbup:

Fert's - Ei. :thumbup:

Substrate - Tesco's cat litter. 😀

Hardscape - Some green rockey rock from local garden centre/fish shop, 26p per kg. The wood I've picked up here and there over the last 6 months or so.

Plant list. I'm whittling down a list of around 18-20 species. As the scape has changed I'm going to re think the planting. I can kinda see it in my head if that helps. One thing for sure, it will feature plenty of crypts and ferns. 😀

Fauna. The Mrs is into her Angels and refer to them as orphans, hence the name. We will be growing on some youngsters for future breeding projects.

The scape I had in mind used another piece of wood but I couldn't get it to feel natural so I switched out the wood and bought in the other 2 pieces of bogwood and tried an island. It seemed to work out well.

Ok onto the pics.


Closer view of hardscape

Left View

Right View

Cabinet. Filter just fits. :clap:

Thanks for looking. Hope to plant and flood in around 2 weeks time.
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

Cheers guys I'm quite excited about this one.

I was looking at the hardscape last night, thinking about planting and I decided I need a little more height and slightly larger cracks between the rocks for planting in, I've just rinsed the last 1/4 bag of kitty litter.

The plant list is coming together but still not final. Now I have to work out where to order from as i'm on a tight budget. :thumbup:
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

hey mate, for cheap plants there are 3 main ones i guess, plantsalive, javaplants and plantedtanks.
Had a little thread here
mixed opinions but following up on that thread all the blyxa japonica has rooted great with no problems, the blyxa aubertii which arrived a week later (5 plants) i could only use 3 which then melted but seem to be coming back slowly. They did sent 10-15 plants so i guess he knew they were in a bad way....

Get the plant list up mate, there are a lot of generous people on here. I'm happy to help if i can spare them...

PS javaplants suk!! 3 weeks, no plants, no reply to emails for refund!!!
Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

If the tank is for Angels then it will need swimming space, but some cover as well. Maybe large manzanita wood? There were some people on the forum selling it. 🙂

For plants I like planted tank, but the plants are not the same as tropica.

So if you want the tank to look scaped get tropica. If you want cheap prices and prepared to wait a bit for the tank to fill up then get planted tanks. You could also get their hygros, large portions. 🙂

Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

It's a toss between Plantsalive and Plantedtanks so far, I may try the latter. They seem to list a good range. I'm used to buying generic pots and growing on smaller specimens. Tropica are nice but at a premium price and funds are tight at the moment.

Ghostsword. I'm trying to give space but will go for a little height at the back corners, hence keeping hardscape low and minimal. No plants hitting the surface only in the island which should drape out giving cover. I can see it in my head, really 😀

I'll try and get the list completed in the next few days. :thumbup:
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

Got the fitters in doing the bedroom so got some time on my hands, shame I can't afford the plants right now, I could be planting.

Here's the list. Not final. Some will have to be left out and something new may be added. I'm beginning to feel this is a lot to cram in there.

Alternanthera Sessillis
Aponogeton Crispus (Not sure on size of these things)
Blyxa Japonica
Cryptocoryne Balansae
Cryptocoryne Becketii
Cryptocoryne Lucens
Cryptocoryne Parva
Cryptocoryne walkeri
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green+Brown
Echinodorus Latifolious
Echinodorus Quadricostatus
Echinodorus Tennellus (?) Still unsure.
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Limnophilia Aromatica
Ludwigia Mullertii (L. Repens)
Lysimachia Nummularia Green
Microsorium Pteropus
Sagittaria subulata
Staurogyne Repens
Vallisneria Torta
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

Finally placed my order for plants online after chatting with Tony at plantedtanks. I like to see what I'm buying but have been reassured all will be well. Here is the final list. Maybe a bit much to cram in but I have 2 nano's + a 60l with spaces to fill in if I have any leftovers. This tank almost qualifies for a Crypto collectoritus award. I removed Willisi and Parva from the final list.

Alternanthera Reineckii
Alternanthera Sessillis
Blyxa Japonica
Cryptocoryne Albida
Cryptocoryne Affinis
Cryptocoryne Balansae
Cryptocoryne Becketti
Cryptocoryne Petchi
Cryptocoryne Tonkinensis
Cryptocoryne Walkeri
Cyprus Helferi
Echinodorous Quadricostatus
Hygrophila Angustifolia
Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis
Ludwigia Repens
Microsorum Pteropus
Sagittaria Subulata

Should be receiving and planting week after next. 15th/16th.
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

I would had a bit more substrate at the back and make it slope further, rio is not that deep and it would help give the impression of more depth to the tank, other than that looking good 😉
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

Cheers Paulo. I have some rinsed kitty litter in water change bucket. I can always add a couple of handfuls to fill it out.

I have tweaked it since those 1st photos were taken. Opened it up a little, moved twigs around a bit. I'll update the hardscape shots prior to planting.
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island. Finally Planted.

Cheer's PoF.

Ok plants arrived. I was so excited I didn't get the camera out all day. I went with PT's and plants we're well packaged. A few were on back order but a refund has been sent. Most plants were good, but I had 2 problem plants, 1 crypt and java fern. The blyxa were pretty chunky portions. 😀

With the change of planting I stole some Crypt Wendetii green and Pogostemon Helferi from other tanks. The glosso front center has been emersed for about a week for fun, don't think it will be staying though. Think I'm going to try Staurogyne in the front left. :thumbup:

Dodgy Image


I'm expecting a fair amount of crypt melt as some leaves had started but I'm sure they will pull through and fill out the island. Co2 is around 4 bubbles per second and it's rather cloudy in there, I like these up inlines already. :clap:

No livestock yet so I'm aiming for yellow dropchecker throught photoperiod then I can start dialing it in. Lights will be 4pm-10:30 pm co2 on off 1 hour in advance. Started dosing with Macros.

Thanks for looking.
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

That'll look nice when it fills in, good job with the planting!
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

Thanks ianho. I've already had my 1st change of plan vision tonight.

I have ordered 2 pots of Staurogyne, 2 pots of Java Fern and a pot of L Aromatica. I'm also on the edge of grabbing a pot of Vesuvias. Always like the look of this plant and Mark's latest shots of it has got me drooling.

The red plant on the left, Alternanthera Sessillis will be move into the island. I'm just not sure about it and want to see submersed growth before I position it amongst the crypts.
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

Well thanks to Marks Vesuvius shots I'm now another £20 lighter in the back pocket. Got a pot coming from TGM along with a pot of HC which I will stuff little clumps inbetween the rocks and wood here n there.

All extra plants should be here tomorrow or Saturday so by the weekend we should be fully planted. Let the co2 roll. 😀
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

Got the final planting complete. I never seem to get anything right before flooding. Down to 14 species and the 1 left off the list is another Alternanthera stem I'm just unsure of the variety.

Final Plant list.

Alternanthera Reinecki "pink" (Roseafolia)
Blyxa Japonica
Cryptocoryne crispulata var Balansae
Cryptocoryne Petchi
Cryptocoryne Wendetii Green
Cryptocoryne Walkerii
Echinodorus Quadricostatus
Echinodorus Vesuvius
Hemianthus Callitrichodes "Cuba"
Hygrophila Corymbosa
Limnophila Aromatica
Pogostomen Helferi
Staurogyne Repens

I'm almost happy with the placement now just the odd Wendetii green at the front. I may move those to the island and I think I may grab a pot of Wendetii brown for the front right of the island. The HC is stuffed in gaps in the rocks and wood like moss. Inspiration came from TGM's "Natures Chaos" scape for that one. I may grab another pot and pop a few more in of just wait until I can split some clumps up. The L Aromatica is behind the Vesuius, hoping this will cover the intake pipe a little. Some of the crypt leaves have stood up a little although I'm removing melting leaves daily.

How is it possible to take such shoddy images with a DSLR? 😳


1st water change tomorrow then will go with the EI weekly regime. I will try and keep this journal updated with a weekly pic or two and may even try it with the filter off and the tripod out. :thumbup: Would be good to look back over the months and see how things progressed.
Re: Rio 125 - Orphans Island.

Weekly update.

Water change 1st thing this morning with a coffee. As I'm new to external filters I took the opportunity to clean the sponge prefilter during the refill. Quite straight forward and quickly done. Time for a 2nd coffee while tank refills.

Staurogyne is on the move and the crypts are on the melt. Installed 4 Oto's during the week and 6 Black Phantom Tetra yesterday. The L Aromatica melted by the intake but there were some healthy side shoots at the base, so I've trimmed n moved them to the centre to see if they pick up a little. The clumps of HC are slowly spreading and some have been pushed back into the crevices. Moved 1 Vesuvius to the island as it was a little crowded and struggling.

Oh added a few sprigs of crypt Undulatus Brown too. Still need something for the filter pipe corner. Maybe another Hygro.

Shot tonight. I seem to snag a better pic with a Fuji compact. :shh:
