Ady your journal is the best on here at the moment not only a stunning tank with a long way to go but fish info from alto and tim that in all honesty goes a lil over my head but is still interesting all the same lol thanks for taking the time and sharing Ady
Tim and alto keep the articles comin boys
Thanks, pleased your enjoying it. A very long way to go at the moment
🙄 (see below).
I agree there are always plenty of very knowledgeable members to offer interesting insights to all facets of the hobby which makes for great reading
Tank is dirty, bristlenose poo a lot and flow is disrupted low down around hardscape which leaves ‘dead spots’ where this waste accumulates along with settlement in/on the plants

I’m going to have to carry out a daylight cleanse including siphoning and ‘wafting’.....along with glassware cleanse
Daily 50% water changes were successfully completed for week one and now in week two, every other day is the routine, all early morning well before co2 injection or photoperiod.
The co2 art inline diffuser has been added in favour of the undersized in tank diffuser. After a day off settling the co2 art is proving excellent at misting the tank
Co2 is not optimal yet, going beyond peak a few hours into the photoperiod and taking 3 hrs pre lights on to get up. I will stick with it for now until plants begin growing in earnest, using my solenoid on the regulator to turn co2 off periodically for 15min intervals, something I found I had to do in the NAtural Jurassic scape.
Bit of a learning curve again, I’ve been dosing too lean so will monitor progress over the coming days with the increased input. I have also ordered ei fertilisers again for when my tropica supply diminishes as this will be the most cost effective way. Plants are going through an adapting phase (or upset phase

) with old h. Pinitifida leaves shedding, new growth seemingly muted and bucephalandra not ‘shining’, something is not to their liking but I’m hoping that is fert related. If nothing improves I will add a third Fluval G6 to increase distribution, but currently there is gentle circulation all over with visible misting throughout.
The current photoperiod is from 5-11pm including 1hr sunrise and 1hr sunset periods with a 1hr higher intensity period mid photoperiod. The higher intensity is only 25% whilst the rest is @20% except the hr ramp up/down periods. I am going to increase duration half an hour each day for the rest of the week to give a total 8hr photoperiod but keep intensity the same. I will monitor this and if all is well increase intensity slowly mid next week. Intensity will always remain relatively low on this tank as I prefer a slow and steady growth rate
All wood mould and diatoms are gone, glass remains pretty clean with a slight biofilm which I remove once a week.
Temperature is around 75f.
Cheerio and thanks again for all the input, always much appreciated