Well, I now have fish with white spot, melting anubias, thriving anubias, leafless failing pinnatifida, growing fissidens, a chihiros doctor and berried cherry shrimp so a mix of emotions really

On the positive side the fish seem to be recovering, I will medicate them if there is any regression.
The anubias melt is new to me however I’ve heard of it. That and the failing pinnatifida suggest co2, but that isn’t getting increased any more, distribution to the effected plants seems good to me. My lighting has been increased gradually to a 7hr photoperiod with most of it at 25% intensity and a burst mid period of 30% for 2.5hrs. This will be increased to 8hrs and a little more intensity next week. Perhaps the slight increase in intensity has upset the anubias however I would say that lighting is still very low.
Fertilising exclusively with tropica specialised now at suggested dose, split into daily volumes. I will increase once I see growth in earnest. Then switch to ei mix when i have ran out.
The fissidens in particular appears to have responded positively to the extra light/fertiliser and is now showing bright green new growth, as too are some of the anubias.
Bucephelandra seem to be a bit hit and miss with some species doing much better than others in particular the ‘theia’ variety which seems solid.
I’m happy to see several berried shrimp so hopefully their numbers will increase and help keep the moss clean. I noticed that they made a huge difference when added in numbers to my NAtural Jurassic tank.
Really like the chihiros unit, I think the oxygenating benefits are priceless. It may well be just me but I’m also convinced that within the few days of use the Seiryu stone looks ‘brighter’, generally looks a healthier tank.....we will see over the coming weeks.
Last week was every third day water changes, down to one a week next week however I may do two a week.
Still undecided on the extra filter, although I could do with extra circulation in some areas where detritus settles and annoys me. Heavy hardscape upsetting flow patterns always has this potential.
The tank overall looks unchanged, still need to clean the glassware and I may have to replace a couple of anubias. Hopefully with extra light plants will be driven to grow and not fail as food will be readily available in co2 and fertiliser.