Just catching up - great response to the Excel (which is about what I’ve seen on the odd occasion I’ve had enough BBA to bother treating (definitely the wood was an outstanding home as virtually none elsewhere)) I didn’t try to remove any discoloured BBA and it seemed to have disappeared a month on
Thanks for the info, good to hear it will go without intervention. I’m sure I saw some manufacturer with a tweezer for bba removal, I guess I could use a set of eyelash tweezers to manually remove any from the hardscape I see just to help things along
I encourage removal of the heavily affected leafs of the Buce etc - even once the BBA dies back, there is still significant leaf damage (more prone to new algae attachments, expensive for the plant to maintain) - established plants generally have no problems building new (healthy) leafs
Yes, I have been removing the worst effected leaves as I spot them. Snipping a few buce and bolbitis leaves in particular. The bolbitis I mind less as they readily show new fronds however the buce seem slower growing so don’t feel as comfortable taking a lot from them....the worst ones definitely though.
I wonder how much of your wood disintegration is related to the pleco attention - even the softest wood I have, deteriorates much more slowly than what I see in your photo
I’m not too sure, I thought bristlenose weren’t aggressive with wood, more biofilm and algae eaters. Maybe it is water chemistry related.
Excess feeding of fish - your fish are well rounded and large specimens

I do only feed once a day. I guess the Congo’s eat natural shrimp supplies.
Shrimp - not sure I’d bother adding Amano re cost and poor work ethic when there’s loads of fish food to be had (this applies to most SAE as well, especially as they mature they naturally consume less vegetative matter (even in the wild))
Also attention from fish will quickly convince them to dwell happily in the undergrowth
That is my worry too, shrimp hunters do tend to put them off a bit.
I was going to attempt to persuade a 45P or even 60P but you were too fast (I find square scaping a challenge - I often run my 30C with just the Eheim mini up filter
😉 - though I went with the ONF Nano + so good light control)
Of course, now awaiting your 30C scape
I took a while deliberating which tank, I wanted something smaller but always prefer a more panoramic tank for much the same reasons you described. It was a more stressful decision than I’ve made it appear, but I went with a more practical and sensible option in the end as even the 45p was a little too large for the space I have in the kitchen diner. Also the cost increases with every item you buy and I kind of want it mostly all to be ADA, but on a budget. I appreciate a small filter or even a skimmer would suffice however with such a small tank I didn’t want the invasion of a skimmer and then I want the ADA filter too so am looking at the es300 with spin pipes. Likely overkill for the 30c but I decided that tank, light, stand and filter would be ADA. I’ve picked a bad time to start this though with the global situation. Cabinet is made to order in this size and 300 superjet is out of stock without a delivery date

I’m not in a huge rush I guess, apart from impatience
I could choose more controllable lighting but I just want it to be ADA, I don’t really know why I have this desire to own an ADA set up as I haven’t really felt the need before......it’s nice to have nice things i guess and on a small scale is semi affordable.....the items do look nice too
Anyway, thanks for the input, I will enjoy trying to scape the very tiny 30c, I’m much more used to larger tanks so it should be challenging. I’m hoping, if not to set the world alight with the scape, but to try some different things without the worry of wasting a huge amount of money on failing. It will be nice to utilise more ADA products and see how they fare.