Cheers HafMan.I’m in awe at this tank!
Love everything about it, keep it up!
Hi, yes the crypts were planted directly in the sand without any added substrate fertilisers.Finally got round to doing a full read through of the thread...I’m even more inspired to make changes to my own tank to emulate your use of slow predominantly slow growing plants, simple and substrate etc...
Did you plant the crypts in the sand in the end?
Can you advise how you’ve attached the Ludwigia? I’d like to emulate this approach in my own tank (if I can find some again in the shops 😡 after I stupidly got rid of mine). I struggle with Java fern up top both collecting detritus from food getting blown into it by the filter and getting algae in the high light up top when the plants at the base need it this high... (sorry you did ask me before Xmas what I meant about thit... here is the explanation at last!!)
The ludwigia is simply anchored within the bolbitis. I just remove it periodically when it gets too long, trim a few inches off the bottom and ‘stuff’ them back in.
I use relitively low light and with the easy plants they don’t need a lot at the lower regions. Some of the bucephalandra at the right hand side is nearly permanently shaded. With regards the java fern, maybe just try agitating the leaves regularly with your hand to dislodge any detrius to help.
Ive noticed a build up of bba within the tank now, on the wood and the edges of the slow growing plants. This along with the hair algae indicates I’m not looking after the tank as I should. I have let attention to co2 slip recently too and made an error last weekend whereby I went away for the weekend and left my lights on manual mode. Before I left I wanted to feed the fish so popped the lights on, fed the fish and forgot to switch back to timer......the lights were on 24/7 for the weekend which won’t have been good for anything. The co2 ran out the weekend before and it was a few days I think before I noticed this, so the two incidents have likely been accelerators to the rapid appearance of the bba. The co2 has been left sub optimal for a long time to be honest but the tank was plodding along relitively trouble free until the two weekends just discussed. I’m pretty sure with a good period of consistent maintenance and readdressing optimum co2 it will halt the demise......just need to put the effort in
