A good shoal of Emperor Tetras would look nice.
Yep in numbers they do look cool
If it's the Purple variety (Inpaichthys Kerri) they are gorgeous but make sure it's a decent sized shoal because less than 10 turned into Fight Club for me, and now there are two with half a tank each where mealtimes can get a bit sporty.
😱 Don’t want that!
Amazon exotics ships wild caught fish, including Congo and Phenacogrammus aurantiacus "Lemon Congo Tetra" Lefini River. They quoted €50/piece for the latter which unfortunately it's out of my budget, but you guys that buy ADA soils and lights might be able to afford a school 🙂

Out of my budget too, so was the soil

just had to do a scape with sand only
My vote, new tank, new fish - choose species you’ve not kept before
Are you certain of the species?
sidthimunki are lovely fish, I had a group of 6 back when (wild caught) and they were always out & about
I added some of these a couple months ago, they hated the small quarantine tank (only ever saw a single grey fish) but always show up here and there in the main tank
Note other sites discuss temperature range etc
Yeah different fish are nice to keep, I will see what comes up.
I’m pretty sure they are sidthimunki, don’t know any others that look the same. They act and look like them but are very shy currently.....maybe the rocks and wood I thought would offer them fun to nip in and out of simply offer good shelter to hide from humans

Cool little gobies you have, Ive looked at a few rhinogobius species but I’d maybe rather see them in a rocky flowing biofilm laden scape. They may prefer more alkaline water than I can offer also?
Well I carried out my long awaited maintenance tonight, it was filthy and the plants full of settled detrius. Good wafting, sand siphon and a bit of thinning of the old bolbitis leaves to try and encourage new growth will hopefully help. Cleaned pipes, glassware and the co2 diffuser to improve flow and help the co2 mist again which had noticeably reduced.
Boy I’m pleased cabinets have doors, mine is a tip underneath so it’s great to be able to shut it off

I remove the cabinet doors during maintenance for ease of access.....photo directly after refilling and during chihiros activity so pretty milky.....
Lights up to 57% intensity. Will monitor co2 tomorrow as cleaning the diffuser will have altered efficiency and I’ve been increasing the pre-light on injection period to optimise levels, hopefully I won’t have gone too far.
I really must get my under tank sorted and tidied
Oh, spotted a few shrimplets tonight also so that’s good news after loosing a few berried cherry shrimp.