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Pre-order acrylic 12" cubes for sale

Garuf said:
Nope, I'm at my whits end with the company in question if I'm honest, I've requested for confimation of the status of my order within 48hours before I approach my bank to cancel the cheque I wrote as a deposit. All 20 tanks, a prototype one with drilled back and white back and a wabi kusa tray were meant to have arrived 3weeks back on the original time plan before they shuffled everything around and put my order on hold. My order was so small compared to their usual orders that the bigger orders had to take precident, they just never got back to me confirming when they'd be put back till...
Ever get the feeling you bit off more than you can chew? 🙁

bah, they could be on to a real cash cow here too if they are up to scratch. i've got probably another 5 people interested at this end just by from the description and price. 🙁
It's really annoying because I'd been sent the cad files they be using, okay'd everything, let them design a tongue in groove slot system so that it was as strong as possible and agreed on a tensile spec acrylic that would reduce deflection to a minimum and had everything ready to go, then they contacted me saying they'd taken on a number of huge orders from their "usual sector" and would have to postpone and it's all just gone wrong since.

And yes, the Wabi trays, it was essentially a 30cm x 30cm by 10cm tray with an external sump of 10x10x10cm in which a small pump and some filter wool could be placed to filter the tank without detracting from the scape. Like a built in hang on back filter.

24hours left before I contact the bank and let them see things through.
Those look like they might be suitable. Though they're 5mm rather than 6mm acrylic so it might bend quite a lot. My school's got a laser cutter that I could use to cut a top ring which could then be stuck on to give added strength like TGM style of tanks if bowing was a big problem.

Posted with TouchBB on my iPod touch
I have but not in the way you'd think, had the manager call me, finally and say they can't produce the tanks at all anymore and that because the orders so small they couldn't outsourse them (which is what was pending) so basically all bets are off, confidence dented and £50 worse off. (£50 was kept as a paperwork fee). I don't think I'll be trying anything similar again, unless you've company muscle and huge orders you just get laughed at and mucked about, I've a seperate quote which is £1 cheaper from a different company but I'm not in the slightest bit inclined to put myself out over it after this instance, it's too much of a liability when people don't come through for you.

Again sorry everyone, I'm incredibly sorry for wasting all of your time. 🙁