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Pre-order acrylic 12" cubes for sale

I wouldn't commit till you have the tank and are happy. I've negotiated it to if I'm not happy I'll be able to return for a refund but in the mean time I don't want the possibility of another AE off the peg nano debarcle. Air on the side of safety and all that.
No probs... Is it too late to ask for a black backing on my tank? Not to worry if not...
Hi Gareth

These seem excellent value for money assuming the quality is good. Thanks for all your hard work on these for the benefit of the UKAPS membership. Doing it for non-profit too is very commendable indeed, so thank you again.

I see that they are 6mm thick acrylic and assume they're not braced.

Have you considered how much bowing there will be? I think you will be surprised... Even some the braced acrylic tanks at the Interzoo that were 12mm or so were bowing considerably. My little nano even bows!

All this said, I don't think the bowing is an issue in terms of safety or breakages (acrylic is much stronger and more flexible), it's just something that may surprise some folk.

Keep up the good work!
excited now. thanks again for the effort.
Have you got a date for when the cubes are going to be ready yet Gareth?

Posted with TouchBB on my iPod touch
Nope, I've been given a rough turn around of 28 days after the final order period is passed. I'll chase up tomorrow and see what's going on.
Couldn't get through on the phones so I've shot them an email, should know soon, they're normally very good with replying to emails.
1)I've used acrylic myself and found it pretty easy to get good bubble free joins... The company I've sourced is an aerospace industry, I'm sure they know what they're doing, people in the aerospace industry are very exacting in their demands and for very good reason.

I know of no solvent available to the public that gives bubble free joints (and if they do it's at the cost of bond strength), They've always been found wanting, if you know of one that doesn't I'd very much like to hear about it.

2)The acrylic is computer cut, no issues there.

computer cutting is not the issue, making sure it's level FLAT contact on bonding is, it's a very difficult thing to do. That's why only specialist places can do it, it's not something that someone with a little workshop can do, unless we are talking about small stuff like your 12" cubes

3)I spoke to them about this before I found out it was cheaper to let them build the cubes, they're not allowed to use any glues that aren't tested by the government to ensure strength and chemical properties under load and their stress thresholds, this information then has to be published so that strength and stress ratios are available to the end user and to make sure the correct spec glue is used.

is this glue available to the public. Releasing bond strength figures is one thing, releasing chemical composition of the solvent is another.

And I really don't know what a 12" opti white cube should be £160, can't you get the glass cut and do it yourself. It would be a whole lot safer and easier than working with acrylic.

Ebay has 25cm cubes as well:

For 12mm we are talking about £15 a foot square which in the case of your tank would be £75 in materials already!

I see that they are 6mm thick acrylic and assume they're not braced.

acrylic bending is a whole lot worse than that. Unlike glass, when acrylic bends it "keeps" the bend over time, which means if the tank you see is already bent for some time, if you empty it completely it still retains the bend unless acted on to move back to the flat position.

I had a 24" acrylic cube tank what was braced in 10mm acrylic for £200 some while back.
Have you had a response to your email yet Gareth?

(As you can probably tell I can't wait to get my cubes! 😀 )
alip01 said:
Have you had a response to your email yet Gareth?

(As you can probably tell I can't wait to get my cubes! 😀 )

Oh heck, I'd forgotten to check my emails. Will check now Sorry everyone who's on tenter hooks.
From the lack of response I presume you've not had any emails from the manufacturer? 🙁
Yeah no reply. I've shot them another email asking them to contact me ASAP.
just a thought im going to be repairing a large tank soon the price i was qouted for glass shocked me it was so cheap how about makeing your own cube ?
Spoke to a very helpful woman on the phone who told me the manager would be in touch with me regarding details of my order as it had been entered as "low assigned value - to be reviewed - pending" and than she couldn't tell me any more than that as she knew nothing more. I moved house on thursday and only got chance to see if I'd had an email reply today, I had a reply from thursday confirming that I'd be called on monday "should schedules allow". I'll update as soon as I've spoken to someone in the know. Sorry to keep everyone hanging!
Garuf said:
Spoke to a very helpful woman on the phone who told me the manager would be in touch with me regarding details of my order as it had been entered as "low assigned value - to be reviewed - pending" and than she couldn't tell me any more than that as she knew nothing more. I moved house on thursday and only got chance to see if I'd had an email reply today, I had a reply from thursday confirming that I'd be called on monday "should schedules allow". I'll update as soon as I've spoken to someone in the know. Sorry to keep everyone hanging!

Did the schedules allow for you to be called on Monday?
Nope, I'm at my whits end with the company in question if I'm honest, I've requested for confimation of the status of my order within 48hours before I approach my bank to cancel the cheque I wrote as a deposit. All 20 tanks, a prototype one with drilled back and white back and a wabi kusa tray were meant to have arrived 3weeks back on the original time plan before they shuffled everything around and put my order on hold. My order was so small compared to their usual orders that the bigger orders had to take precident, they just never got back to me confirming when they'd be put back till...
Ever get the feeling you bit off more than you can chew? 🙁