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Pre-order acrylic 12" cubes for sale

Garuf said:
Hello, black white or clear are the only options I'm afraid Hogan.

If I order 5 tanks they'll be £32 WITHOUT postage, If I can get 20 orders together the price will be £26 WITHOUT postage. 40 orders, £24. I don't think 40 is likely though.
I've been quoted £10 postage each unit but I'm certain I can get this greatly reduced if I can find a local courier who'll do small batches.

Hi again,
Clear base for me then.
Keep me posted cheers.
Good stuff - i'm seeing a bank of tanks side by side each with a different type of aquascape. ADA gallery eat your heart out! Could even drill a small overflow in each tank to run into a common sump container, then a single spraybar along the top of them - reduce costs even more by only needing one filter/CO2 reactor/dosing pump! and the larger overall volume of water would stabilse the water chemistry. I'm seeing different shrimp species in each tank, and maybe a couple with microrasbora species. Help! I can see the money disappearing before my eyes!
But seriously ... Moderators - This strikes me as a good thing for UKAPS to buy into? Maybe (if funds allow) buy a job lot of 40 and sell through the site (i'm sure most members would pay a small premium by way of a donation to the site). Maybe this could even be the basis for the next UKAPS competition (design a shrimp 'scape using only Java Ferns, moss and whatever hardscape you can find in a 12'' cube?)
THanks again Garuf !
Thanks Big Matt, I've got 8 orders at the moment, I'm in talks to get the cubes at a lower rate if I can get 15, waiting to see it that's possible.

I'm working on the basis that it could be endlessly flexible regarding drilling/plumbing and it's a massive breath of fresh air to think in that way. The shrimp barracks is a great idea too.

A lot to think about.
I'd like to give this 2-3 more weeks before placing the orders provided people are happy with costs. Just hope theres more interest, the more people get excited the cheaper they'll be.
Hate to state the obvious but have you posted them in the "For Sale" thread? Sure that would drum up a lot of interest! Also have you contacted the administrators to see if they can give it a high profile plug in any way? And could you put me down for another one please! Been thinking about the shrimp barracks and it's too much t resist! Got a spare Fluval 303 in the garage that would be perfect (as long as the wife doesn't find out...) 😉
Do these have curved corners on the front or are they silicone type joints ?
They're fused at the corners so like silicone but there's zero waste, I have one as an advance of the orders to make sure the quality is okay.

By the way, I'd read the makers email wrong, they meant as a side panel ie, as a background not a base, egg on face!
Garuf said:
I have one as an advance of the orders to make sure the quality is okay.

When will you be getting this? I'd be interested in two units.

I see in your original information that they will be 6mm, I have had a quote previously from a company that advertises on aquarist classified (Not sure if I can mention them as they arent a sponsor) who quoted a 12" cube in 10mm acrylic.

They quoted £40 per unit (For an order of 2) but I have read mixed reviews about their quality. I also had a quote from a well respected acrylic tank builder (Who I think build tanks for TGM) and they quoted £245 per unit (They didnt give details of the thickness) - I'm sure it would be a thing of beauty and perfectly finished but far too rich for me.
Spoke to them on the phone yesterday, they want an upfront deposit which I'm waiting them to calculate then it'll be on the way. I can't believe anyone would want nearly £300 for what's essentially a plastic box.
that may sound expensive but it's not, reasons are:

1) the joins will have better quality, no bubbles
2) it is a fair amount of work cutting the pieces right since making sure they align almost perfectly so application of the acrylic cement gives the desired result
3) and I'm sure their acrylic cement is their own secret formulation that they can't share with anybody

I know how hard it is to get bubbleless joins, you can get the materials relatively cheaply and try it out yourself if you wish, but it's a very difficult job since most acrylic cements/solvents SHRINK on bonding. And the ones that don't shrink don't have the strength that you can trust to hold the water pressure.

You really get what you pay for.

Personally for something as small as a cube I'd just get a opti-white and be done with it.
A retort:
1)I've used acrylic myself and found it pretty easy to get good bubble free joins... The company I've sourced is an aerospace industry, I'm sure they know what they're doing, people in the aerospace industry are very exacting in their demands and for very good reason.
2)The acrylic is computer cut, no issues there.
3)I spoke to them about this before I found out it was cheaper to let them build the cubes, they're not allowed to use any glues that aren't tested by the government to ensure strength and chemical properties under load and their stress thresholds, this information then has to be published so that strength and stress ratios are available to the end user and to make sure the correct spec glue is used.

The reason for not getting an optiwhite in this size is simple, one is less than £30 the other is over £160.

I simply can't see where the £245 asking price comes from, not when I was quoted £60 for a 12" cube in 12mm acrylic, made using computer aided design and manufacture.
I have a firm that could quite easily produce these cubes as to the spec above and was watching this thread with the anticipation of stepping in to offer a better price................

Here's how I see it for 20 tanks @ £25 each total £500

materials/ cement gotta allow £100

leaves £400 for labour @ £30 per hour we charge thats roughly 13 hrs to cut, assemble and test 20 tanks

plus take the responsibility of disgruntled customers

I cant compete with that

I think your getting a bargain
Stevec. Please email me: garethcallear at googlemail.com.
I placed the order and a deposit for 20 yesterday morning, I'm awaiting a posted invoice and a "permission for commencement" form then there should be a 14day turnaround on everything.
Great to see you've managed to get 20. 😀

When and how do you want the payment? Did I order 3 in the end?


Posted with TouchBB on my iPod touch
I won't be taking any payment until I have all 20 in my possession, I think that's fairest.

I ended up getting 17 orders so I'll have 3 spares that will go on sale should people have no issue.

Ali, it was 3 to get the numbers up so it wasn't an extra spare tank, hope that's okay.