Well I tried to run both the DO probe and the pH probe at the same time, but they interfere ... they shouldn't though
😡 - it dropped my pH reading to 1.1 ...it may be detecting some voltage from the other probe.
The test system is a Vernier.
I have the DO probe running right now - running a similar thing.
I am actually curious myself on <
the effect of CO2 on the photolysis rate >.
My lights turned on 35 minutes ago.
My plants on the left began to pearl 15 minutes ago, the ones on the right about a minute after.
The graph below shows that from lights on, my DO has gone up by ".2" (the 21 minutes is because I got the "graph test" going later than lights on .. but it was in the water).
View attachment 152621
Ignore the 4.9 ... it can't be right. I run my tank at 72 fahrenheit. I skipped the in depth calibration because we just had a massive thunderstorm and I don't know the pressure outside ... I'll just calibrate some point later when the weather seems calmer.
What is important is the system is warmed up and the reading was consistent for about 10 minutes. I hope the 4.9 is more like 8
EDIT: I am not sure if it is a coincidence but when the pearling started, it lines up with the minor blip into stability
😳 ...
@dw1305 -Darrel ... coincidence or is it a valid observation?
Could it in fact suggest that that particular location (although O2 varies in the tank and it is not a good indicator of the ENTIRE tank) could be good "enough" that the water is saturated while, at the same time, the area around the leaves are saturated?