Hi all,
The 1000 microS (1 milliS) conductivity standard solution is 491 mg/L NaCl, so just ~5g of salt will raise the conductivity of 100 litres of water by 100 microS (~60ppm TDS).
cheers Darrel
It looks OK. You only need a tiny amount of salts going into solution to raise the conductivity.
The 1000 microS (1 milliS) conductivity standard solution is 491 mg/L NaCl, so just ~5g of salt will raise the conductivity of 100 litres of water by 100 microS (~60ppm TDS).
My suspicion would be that very little of it is ammonia.The million dollar question has to be how much of this is Ammonia and is the tank mature enough to deal with this before adding the fish?
Light intensity would be my guess as well. The new leaves look fine.The plant seems to have ditched most of its bigger leaves which went brown and I've spent most of my time picking these out to prevent them fouling the water. However, new growth and plantlets are growing but in a much smaller form. The plant seems to have re-invented itself as a smaller version of itself. I can only assume that's to do with lighting.
cheers Darrel