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Operation Dorito

Loving this Sammy, you maintenance, water changes and care are clear to see in how well it has got started, well done. It also looks very Filipe too so if that was intended, good job.
If the moss you're talking about is on the wood then no, thats a stem, maybe Hemianthus glomeratus? If you need an replacement let me know and i can fish out some mini christmas moss if you like.
Nice fish choice 😎 Im a big fan of a pentazona (and rhomboocellatus) great characters and stunning once settled.

Thanks, it has been a great start I put it down to maintenance, getting my co2 sorted within a few days and not changing my lighting for 3 weeks.

Ahh man not cool, I bought it from Aquarium gardens. I was highly suspicious of it because it didn't look like moss, but it didn't look like a stem plant. I thought it make change under high light, but now looking at it makes sense will have to rip it off and try again with that, what a fail 😂

This scape wasn't intended to be 'Filipe-y", but once the dorito was finished, it did cross my mind that his last home scape was the same shape. once planted, I also realised I have some decent space and possible territories for a group of rams, so I guess this scape is turning out more 'Filipe-y' than anticipated or intended.

Hi all,

Very nice, I think the six might be Hoplisoma (Corydoras duplicareus) duplicareum <"https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=379">.
The seventh (and well done for taking him / her) is possibly a different species, it looks more snub nosed.

<"Hoplisoma adolfoi and H. duplicareus (formerly: Corydoras) - Aquarium Glaser GmbH">.

Probably keep on going the way you are at present. Because they are from the Rio Negro some tannins <"Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals"> in the water might help, I really like <"Alder "cones" (Alnus ssp.)"> - <"Medicinal trees: The Common Alder - Aqualog.de">.

cheers Darrel

Ooo great insight, I did notice the snub snout and more stubby thicker body, but put it down to being deformed or a runt rather than a different species. That's interesting, they all hang about together, sure 'Morty' might be a bit more of a loner due to his condition, but it doesn't stop the others from finding him and hanging out with him specifically. Looking at the link provided, I might have a mix of both species, but they are probably the same, I'll try take photos of the different individuals.

Maidenhead aquatics said they will have more in a couple of weeks, how many more can I get? I am thinking about their adult size and possibility of breeding so i was thinking to make up the numbers to 11ish.
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, I bought it from Aquarium gardens. I was highly suspicious of it because it didn't look like moss, but it didn't look like a stem plant.
Maybe some miss labelling, they are normally spot on. Worth emailing Dave and the gang, sure it will get sorted.👍
Maybe some miss labelling, they are normally spot on. Worth emailing Dave and the gang, sure it will get sorted.👍
Yeah no doubt a simple mixup, they are great. I'll message them soon as I need to send them some photos and thought I might as well wait 30 days for thing to get going.
did notice the snub snout and more stubby thicker body, but put it down to being deformed or a runt rather than a different species.
I think that’s the case, they’re tank bred and it looks like a deformed fish. They’re all probably siblings from the same batch although I could be wrong. As @dw1305 mentioned, they look like duplicareus rather than adolfoi as they have the thicker black band. Lovely fish and probably my favourite corydoras or hoplisoma or whatever they’re called these days!
I think that’s the case, they’re tank bred and it looks like a deformed fish. They’re all probably siblings from the same batch although I could be wrong. As @dw1305 mentioned, they look like duplicareus rather than adolfoi as they have the thicker black band. Lovely fish and probably my favourite corydoras or hoplisoma or whatever they’re called these days!

That's good to know really intresting I will read up on them more and hopefully can find a couple more to add to the crew. I will keep an eye on things and see how 'morty' gets on, I'm hoping for a full recovery soon! They are amazing and have really coloured up in 2 days (apart from 'morty'), one of them has a much deeper orange than the rest.
Just noticed some sort of plant disease in the middle, I planted 3 stems of 'S.repens' next to the 'crypt albida brown' and it was growing well like everything else. Yesterday I noticed it had completely disintegrated and now it has spread to some of the crypt. Will be doing a big water change later and will try suck up whatever it is.
I found s.repens to be notorious for sudden unexplained melt and... im really scratching my head here going back 10 years.... pretty sure other plants around it were affected when repens melts next to them.

Probably a good reason for it that I have missed over the years 😬
I found s.repens to be notorious for sudden unexplained melt and... im really scratching my head here going back 10 years.... pretty sure other plants around it were affected when repens melts next to them.

Probably a good reason for it that I have missed over the years 😬
That's interesting, whatever it is it spread extremely quickly, those leaves in the photo disintegrated within a couple of hours. Hopefully it goes away 🙌
Hi all,

I wonder if that is the difference. I don't know if @Andy Pierce feeds his fish life food?

I'm not a frozen blood worm fan either. I've had the <"good / ill fortune"> to visit a <"number of old style sewage works"> and seen the conditions under which you get a commercially <"harvest-able amount of Chironomid larvae">.

cheers Darrel
I happily feed live food to my fish from my water butt, blood worms, or daphnia that I sometimes culture in the summer, but if had £50 for every time an experienced fish keeper told me they had suffered fish losses after feeding either live or frozen tubifex worms to their fish, I would be able to drink much more upmarket wine, and, for the rest of my life. I know some folks treat live food, I have no idea how such 'treatments' can keep the creatures alive yet kill the dangerous bacteria. I feed myself, and my dog, cooked meat, just to be on the safe side.
As I kid I used to marvel at the tubifex worms waving at the point of sewage outfalls into the local rivers, the joyous entertainment available to free ranging working class kids in the 1960s. And marvelled, that folks happily plonked great balls of the stuff into their fishtanks.

I've been sitting beside the tank today and while mesmerised by the flow of co2 bubbles I realised that my flow and co2 could be improved.

I hadn't realised that the flow from the outflow was being split in half by the big pointy rock and wood, and the majority of my co2 bubbles were not going around the back but more through the middle. Easy fix, I just moved the outflow and diffuser an inch further in and now the rock doesn't split the flow as much and way more flow and co2 is going around the back, hopefully this will help the rotala even more.

DAY 30

Everything is going amazingly. I couldn't be happier with the start, it has been very stress free and algae free, I cleaned the glass for the first time yesterday! I've turned up intensity to 80% and 7 hours total duration. All the plants are looking vibrant, no signs of any iron deficiencies in the rotala or the P.helferi. I'm planning on trimming and replanting the rotala blood red first on thursday as they are all harvestable, I'll leave the rotala orange juice for another week or so until i can do a big trim and replant, but I will probably just trim the couple that have reached the surface.


The S.repens that died off took out some of the buce next to it which isn't great, hopefully I won't loose too much now everythings balanced. I moved some annubias so now you can see the crypt albida brown. Cleaned as much of the dead plant as I could and did a 75% water change yesterday, the barbs didn't handle my maintenance tasks well, one of them might have scared itself a bit too much.

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I'm planning on trimming and replanting the rotala blood red first on thursday as they are all harvestable, I'll leave the rotala orange juice for another week or so until i can do a big trim and replant, but I will probably just trim the couple that have reached the surface.
With the tank still being relatively new it might be wise to just trim one bunch at a time anyway, to avoid too much of a sway towards imbalance. A fully mature aquarium/substrate will cope with this more easily down the line.
Tank is looking awesome. Really slick.
Thank you, I'm loving it! Can't wait for more livestock.

With the tank still being relatively new it might be wise to just trim one bunch at a time anyway, to avoid too much of a sway towards imbalance. A fully mature aquarium/substrate will cope with this more easily down the line.
That's pretty much the reason I'm waiting, I don't want there to be a sudden change in plant mass. Also the pentazona barbs are so skittish, I don't think i can do a full maintenance session without scaring them to death.
Just called up Maidenhead aquatics and was told they have some more adolfoi cory in quarantine and will be ready to sell next week, so I'll probably head over there and get some more livestock to top up my numbers. I'm probably going to get some more pentazona barbs to bring their numbers up to around 20. How many more corys could I get if they are similar size to the ones I have? I'm keeping their full size in mind and the possibility of breeding, so I'm thinking to get another 4-8? @dw1305
The s.repens disease has spread to the other side and has wiped out a lot of it overnight. I think i managed to save some buce by running under the tap and blasting all the disease off, time will tell. It's maintenance day so will clean up and do a big water change later.
The s.repens disease has spread to the other side and has wiped out a lot of it overnight. I think i managed to save some buce by running under the tap and blasting all the disease off, time will tell. It's maintenance day so will clean up and do a big water change later.
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My first experience with staurogyne repens from tissue culture was awful. Planted 3 cups, during first two weeks has grown a little (looked nice), then all melted. After about a month regrown back to what it was, maybe even bit more. Then again all melted.. it did the same third time. Got frustrated and pulled 90% of bare stems out. Whatever left kept growing and melting never happened again. So next time I restart my scape, I’d probably hold off planting it until tank is about 6 months old.