Sammy - I'm in love with this Dorito. Beautiful planting, the red contrast is gorgeous and I think the moss will look great 🙂 in my experience the best thing to do is tie/glue it on, and avoid disturbing it as much as possible. can't wait to see it all grown in. Will you add floating plants?
Edit: I've just realised there's more to this thread! The plants, fish and shrimp look great. Keep us updated on the Cory! Do you have a quarantine set up going /could you get one going if you need to treat further? You might find with better cover and more access to better food the sickly one perks up: this was my experience with a pygmaeus on his way to the afterlife. 3 days of Esha treatment and stuffing his face without competition, and he was back in the main tank and bothering everyone as per usual. My other thought regarding the belly & fin damage could be an infection or parasites - following my pygmy experience I'm very cautious with new fish and will be quarantine everything in future. Don't take my word as gospel: others will know better than me, and I think you're much more experienced than me anyway. Good luck!
Thank you, I love it, even more now I have my Adolfoi Corys! This scape is going to way more enjoyable than my first mainly because i don't see it becoming over grown and maintenance will be easy to manage. The moss has been stuck on badly, I didn't use much glue at all just incase it didn't take and I would be left with glue marks on the wood. It's currently growing like a stem plant and is bright green rather than dark green, so hopefully it will start acting more "moss like" after a trim, unless it's not moss at all, but the pot said weeping moss 😂
I'm no expert, this is literally my second scape, I started with a fluval roma 125 which was very much a "fish tank", this allowed me to learn the basics of fish keeping and growing plants badly before I gave in to "new tank syndrome" and the desire to upgrade so took the plunge and purchased the AS900 setup.
Regarding floating plants, I would like some and like the idea of some dangling roots and using them as an indicator plant. Might use some airline tubing to create a guard but I'm hesitant for a couple reasons:
1) I have decent flow and surface agitation, also I angle my outlet upwards at lights off to increase surface agitation overnight.
2) I'm battling condensation issues during these colder months so I'm considering fashioning a temporary lid out of acrylic which might interfere with the floating plants with humidity and being dripped on constantly.
Regarding the fish, I don't have a hospital tank and don't mind dosing my large tank as I'd feel better knowing my other fish would be potentially clear from any illnesses/ailments. I'm only hesitant to dose the tank straight away mainly because of beneficial bacteria, and I would like to monitor the cory and see if there is any improvement in the next week or so through water changes and good food. The corys will get more than enough food the barbs won't be a problem as I mainly feed granular food and I'm used to feeding my fish from the substrate as they are both lower dwelling fish.
I will wait to gather some opinions on the best course of action and I will call upon the big guns such as
@dw1305 @Hufsa please can you advise me about the health of this cory, I'm not sure about the sex, but I'm going to call him "morty" for now 😂